Sunday, November 3, 2019


The Month of Elul אלול ... a 40 day period of תשובה Teshuvah [return, repent, and restore ~ make right]!   A time of “self introspection” that will last until the 10th day of the 7th Biblical month called Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement].

This is a time to draw closer to our KING who is in the field!  Do you hear HIS voice?!?  Do you KNOW the sound of the Shofar?!?  ARE YOU READY TO MEET YOUR KING and Bridegroom AT THE APPOINTED TIME?!?


🕎 Traditionally, the shofar is blown each morning  from the first day of Elul until the day before Yom Teruah. Its sound awakens the soul and kick starts the spiritual accounting that happens throughout the month.

🕎 Journal the thoughts laid in your spirit as you draw close to Abba Father יהוה and reflect on the past year.   It can provide inspiration during this season; along with a life time of treasured memories. Reflect on the deep diversity in your community and the hope that each of us has the gift to offer insight into life’s journey.

🕎 The Hebrew letters that comprise the word Elul אלול – aleph [א], lamed [ל], vav [ו], lamed [ל] – are an acronym for “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li,” a verse from Song of Songs that means “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” Most often interpreted as love poetry between a man and a woman, the phrase also indicates the love between יהוה  Elohim and HIS people, especially at this time of year when HE draws near HIS people.

🕎 Tehillim 27 is a favorite Elul meditation.

⤴️ "One matter I asked of יהוה  – this I seek: To dwell in the House of יהוה All the days of my life, To see the pleasantness of יהוה , And to inquire in His Hĕḵal [Temple].”
{Tehillim 27:4}

⤴️ "I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine. He feeds his flock among the lilies. Son 6:4  O my love, you are as fair as Tirtsah [H8656 תּרצה Tirzah = “favourable”], Lovely as Yerushalayim, Awesome as an army with banners!"
{Song of Solomon 6:4}

⤴️ "Blow a ram’s horn in Tsiyon, and sound an alarm in My set-apart mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble, for the day of יהוה  is coming, for it is near”
{Joel 2:1}

Blessed are those who are invited to the Wedding of the Lamb!

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