Thursday, May 9, 2019

Isu West Papua di Inggris

Untuk pertama kalinya isu West Papua diangkat sebagai topik Debat Parlemen Inggris kemarin (8/05/2019). Robert Courts MP mengangkat topik ini dalam sidang debat yang dihadiri berbagai  anggota Parlemen Inggris.

Ia menyampaikan sejarah aneksasi West Papua oleh Indonesia. Dimulai dari West Papua masih menjadi administrasi Belanda setelah pengakuan Internasional 1949 atas Indonesia yang mencangkup Sabang hingga Ambon. Belanda mempersiapkan kemerdekaan West Papua.

Berlanjut hingga perjanjian New York, dimana Indonesia tidak melaksanakannya sesuai pernjajian. Hingga pelaksanaan Pepera 1969 tanpa satu orang satu suara, dengan pelanggaran terhadap artikel 18 yang tidak sesuai prinsip internasional.

Anggota Parlemen, Jonathan Edward menyampaikan apakah isu ini sesuai dengan topik HAM yang hendak diperdebatkan? Robert menjawab penentuan nasib sendiri adalah hak asasi manusia yang fundamental, itu telah menjadi perhatian sejak abad 20 dalam kebijakan luar negeri Inggris. Penetuan nasib sendiri adalah masalah yang kita diskusikan.

Pepera 1969 dilakukan dengan curang dan penuh kekerasan dengan memaksa 1025 orang menyutujui untuk bergabung Indonesia. "Ini berlangsung seperti tragedi Yunani, kesimpulannya sudah ditentukan sebelumnya", sebagaimana kabel diplomatik Dubes AS untuk Indonesia melaporkan saat pepera 1969.

Pepera 1969 yang demikian melemahkan legitimasi Indonesia di West Papua. Dan kini genap 50 tahun sejak Pepera 1969 pelanggaran HAM terus terjadi. Penangkapan, penyiksaan, pembunuhan terus terjadi. Secara de fakto West Papua masih dikendalikan militer Indonesia. Universitas Sydney melaporkan 15.000 pasukan militer dikerahkan ke wilayah tersebut. Pelaku pelanggar HAM tak teradili.

Contoh tentang tindakan introgasi dengan ular menunjukkan tindakan kesewenang wenangan. Hanya bawa bendera bintang kejora divonis 15 tahun. Banyak pejuang kemerdekaan disiksa dan dibunuh.

Robert kemudian meminta Pemerintah Inggris untuk memastikan apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk situasi HAM West Papua dan masa depan West Papua. Kekuatan inggris terbatas tetapi Inggris harus menaikan tekanan diplomatik dengan Indonesia.

"Hal pertama yang saya minta agar Menteri pertimbangkan adalah mendorong Kantor Komisaris Tinggi PBB untuk Hak Asasi Manusia untuk mengunjungi Papua Barat. Itu tidak boleh kontroversial; memang, dalam pertemuan Februari 2018 dengan Komisaris Tinggi PBB saat itu, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, Presiden Indonesia Jokowi mengundang kantornya untuk mengunjungi Papua Barat. Sedihnya, sekitar 15 bulan kemudian, kunjungan itu belum terjadi, dan mantan Komisaris Tinggi PBB itu menyatakan keprihatinan tentang hal itu dalam pembaruannya pada sesi ke 38 Dewan HAM.

Kantor Luar Negeri, dan perwakilan kami di PBB, harus mendorong rekan-rekan Indonesia mereka untuk menghormati undangan itu dan mengizinkan Kantor Komisaris Tinggi PBB untuk Hak Asasi Manusia untuk mengunjungi Papua Barat. Penilaian Komisaris Tinggi PBB tentang hak asasi manusia di Papua Barat akan sangat penting untuk memberi tahu dunia tentang situasi di lapangan dan membawa perubahan positif di wilayah tersebut. Saya bertanya kepada Menteri hari ini apakah dia mau berkomitmen untuk mengangkat masalah undangan ini dengan mitranya dari Indonesia dan mendorong mereka untuk menghormatinya. ​

Wilayah kedua di mana saya akan menyarankan Inggris dapat memiliki pengaruh positif dalam mendorong peningkatan kebebasan pers di Papua Barat dan khususnya untuk akses yang lebih besar bagi wartawan asing ke wilayah tersebut. Saat ini, jurnalis asing pada dasarnya dilarang dari Papua Barat. Beberapa yang diberikan akses diawasi secara ketat oleh militer Indonesia dan tidak diperbolehkan untuk melapor secara bebas. Editor BBC Indonesia, Rebecca Henschke, diberikan izin khusus untuk melaporkan krisis malnutrisi di wilayah itu tahun lalu tetapi dikeluarkan tak lama setelah tiba setelah memposting tweet yang "melukai perasaan" tentara.

Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan bahwa Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-124 dari 180 negara dalam Indeks Kebebasan Pers Dunia 2019 dari lembaga amal kebebasan pers Reporters Without Borders. Badan amal itu menyimpulkan bahwa Presiden Jokowi tidak menepati janji kampanyenya untuk mengatasi kebebasan media di Papua Barat, dengan kepresidenannya sebagai gantinya melihat pembatasan drastis pada akses bagi jurnalis asing dan meningkatnya kekerasan terhadap jurnalis lokal yang berupaya melaporkan pelanggaran oleh militer Indonesia.

Tanggapan Menteru Luar Negeri Inggris untuk Asia Pasifik, Mark Field;

- mendukung integritas Indonesia di Papua dan Papua Barat.
- Menjelaskan Demokrasi yang membaik di indonesia di bawa jokowi, dengan pemilu 80% yang berhasil.
- akan mendorong komisi HAM PBB berkunjung ke Papua.
- mendorong pemerintah Indonesia membuka akses jurnalis
- menerima usul harus adanya investigasi independen untuk penggunaaan senjata kimia di Nduga.
- dll

Anda bisa baca transcript selengkapnya di link ini:

Marano Jews by Luden Centeno

His leadership and television interviews have gone trough out the world, Luden Centeno Perez of Spanish Converso Marano Jewish background who's ancestors came from Spain during the Inquisition .Uriel speaks on terror related issues concerning Israel resides permanently in Jerusalem. His analysis of Middle Eastern events as they relate to Israel is regularly broadcast through internet radio and television through out the world.

Luden has given close to 500 television interviews in Israel Jerusalem and broadcasts live from Jerusalem Israel on the radio.And once a month speaks to 147 nations via the USA radio.

On his last 8 radio programs he has had over 500,00 listeners listening live from Jerusalem On one of our last video we had over 40,000 who watched live our video from Jerusalem.

Our main goal is to tell the world that Israel has the right to defend herself from any form of agression and terrorism that comes out of Ramallah and the occupied territories that belong to Israel.

Israel faces many difficult challenges and dangers in the days and weeks and months to come mark my words see Psalms 83' .

There is an unprecedented propaganda campaign initiated by the Arab League and many others to demonize, discredit and delegitimize the Jewish people and their state, within their own land!

The efforts of the Arab League were recently seen in the UN Resolution 2334 text as follows, adopted by the UN Security Council at its 7853rd meeting, on 23 December 2016.

Reaffirming its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 446 (1979), 452 (1979), 465 (1980), 476 (1980), 478 (1980), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003), and 1850 (2008), guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming, inter alia, the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, reaffirming the obligation of Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, and recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice, condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions.

In order to achieve their goals, the Arabs and many other countries have for more than 30 years resorted to a deliberate misinformation campaign.

This propaganda campaign by the Arab League and many other nations – both in their own countries and for the last four decades exported to Europe and North America has caused Israel what would seem irreparable damage and indeed, it was the main culprit in the reawakening of dormant European anti-Semitism.

Israel continues to suffer many attacks from terrorists within and should not give in to any presure imposed by the USA, the EU. the Quartet, nor the UN.

The former Obama administration and others were working behind the scenes to get many UN Resolution passed against Israel as we see here on Un resolution 2334 to pass.

Even allowing Iran to enrich uranium to develop a nuclear ballistics missile's to target Israel. Iran continues to develop their nuclear facilities by using former John Kerry and others to fulfill their hidden agenda against my people Israel.

On December 23rd 2016 the US abstained from exercising its veto to UN resolution 2334 which allowed it to pass. Then John Kerry immediately blasted Israel over the presence of Israeli settlements within Israel's own land.

The former Obama Administration's hidden agenda came to light. The former Obama administration was trying to force Israel to give up more land for false peace as we have seen in the past. Judea and Samaria and possibly the Jordan Valley were on the negotiating table.

For perspective, if the so-called fake Palestinians obtained Judea and Samaria and possibly the Jordan Valley, Givat HaRoe’eh in the Samaria community of Eli, Ramat Gilad and Giv’at Assaf (also in Samaria), and Mitzpeh Lachish, near Nehogot outside Hebron. they could easily rain down rockets towards any city within Israel, leaving without defensible borders.

We say NO to land for false peace as we have seen in Gush Katiff offered in the past. Barrack Hussein Obama had a hidden agenda against Israel and many other nations Israel will face many difficult days and months ahead (see Tehillim / Psalms 83)

As we have seen what happened with Gush Katif where over 18,000 rockets have been fired by Hamas terrorists towards Israel.Many Jews were forced out of their own Jewish land due to US pressure, now Bet El Almuna and Migron and Judea and Samaria face the same threat.

More than 24,000 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel by Hamas Islamic jihad Al Kuds Al Kasam since Israel uprooted more than 10,000 Jewish families.

Over 10.000 rockets have been fired from Gaza towards the southern Israeli city of Sderot Ashkelon Tel Aviv by Islamist extremist whose end-game is the total destruction of my people Israel.

Hamas terrorists are supported by Iran and now Hamas has joined hands with many other terror organizations. The Iranian Lebanese proxy Hezbollah who also operate in Syria are committed to the total destruction of Israel. Now Al Qaeda and ISIS who are operating in Syria Egypt and the Sinai Desert will do anything in their power to destroy my people Israel and all Jews.

Judea and Samaria (the heartland of Israel also known as the West Bank) face many challenges in the days to come as Abu Mazen will try to pressure the entire world. Former US President Obama the EU and the Quartet were trying to pressure Israel into giving more land for false peace.

We saw what happened after the Oslo Accords were signed, dramatically increasing Islamic terror against Israel. Abu Mazen the Palestinian Authority leader approached the United Nations in November 2012 and petitioned to be declared as a recognized nation within Israel's known borders. The time has come to tell the entire world the real truth about the enemies of Israel.

We speak on the Quran using a Power Point video presentation. We have been aired on CNN, German TV, Finland TV, CCTV, China Al Jazera, Al Arabiya Turk TV and many radio stations on the current issues of Israel.

Luden Centeno has a heart for his people Israel and will continue to inform the entire world the real truth as many News Media outlets throughout the world hold anti-Semitic views and won’t tell you the real truth.

Centeno, a former police officer who studied Political Science at Temple University USA was born in the USA lives permanently in Jerusalem Israel, knowing karate and boxing having played semi-pro baseball. He has two children, a girl and a son, both born in Jerusalem.

Centeno discovered in 2004 that there were possible Converso Marrano Jews from Spain whose ancestors were forced to convert to Catholicism during the time of the Inquisition in 1492. The family names Centeno and Perez are registered in El Libro Verde De Aragon in Spain. The Roman Catholic Inquisitors maintained all the names of all Jewish families who were forced to convert to Catholicism during that horrible time period in Spain.

Since 2004 Centeno has been flying intercontinentally to the USA speaking to the nations on the current issues of the the state of Israel (see Psalms 83′ as the nations gather against Israel.) He has spoken on Al Arabiya TV Al Jazeera, Dubai TV, Holland TV, German TV Finland TV and also on American Family Radio which links up with 700 radio stations. His goal is to educate the entire world that Israel has the right to self-determination and the right to defend itself from terrorism.

The Moslem Arabs in that area started calling themselves “Palestinians” merely only 40 years ago. “Palestinian” refers to people who live in Palestine: Arabs (“Arabic speaking peoples”), Bedouins, Druze, Christians, and Jews lived in then the British Mandate of Palestine. No people or nation called Palestine ever ruled as a sovereign national entity on this land. There is no Palestinian language or culture in past history. Palestine, as a country does not presently exist. No Arab nation has their historical roots on the land and no one had laid claim to this territory other than the Jews. The Jewish rule of this land extended over a period of over 2000 years.
Israel became a nation in the land in 1312 BC. God gave them the land in a covenant (Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20) and they lived there.

See the following Quote from the Quran, "Death to the enemies of Allah! Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter: except those that repent before you reduce them. For you must know that Allah is..." This is what radical Islam says about us Jews’ “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

A letter from leading rabbis here in Israel ?

'You will be remembered in the history of the Jewish people'
"We are privileged to be seeing the rebuilding of Jerusalem," wrote the rabbis. "'Children play in its streets' (Zechariah 8:4) and we are confident in the fulfillment of all the prophecies. The United States is privileged to be one of the first nations to support the establishment of the State of Israel. US presidents have had the privilege of being at Israel's side and being a partner in the fulfillment of the vision of the prophets regarding the return to Zion and the establishment of the State of Israel."

They continued, "We are confident that you will be remembered in the history of the Jewish people as one who stood at the forefront fearlessly. May it be His will that God's promise to Joshua (1:9) should be fulfilled in you: 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'—amen, amen."

"With this recognition, we see the fulfillment of another step in the completion of the prophecy of Isaiah that the nations of the world will recognize the centrality of Jerusalem," said Rabbi Eliyahu. "'For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication' (Isaiah 62:1). We hope that other enlightened and believing nations will follow in the footsteps of the United States."

Psalms Chapter 83 תְּהִלִּים א שִׁיר מִזְמוֹר לְאָסָף. 1 A Song, a Psalm of Asaph. ב אֱלֹהִים אַל-דֳּמִי-לָךְ; אַל-תֶּחֱרַשׁ וְאַל-תִּשְׁקֹט אֵל. 2 O God, keep not Thou silence; hold not Thy peace, and be not still, O God. ג כִּי-הִנֵּה אוֹיְבֶיךָ, יֶהֱמָיוּן; וּמְשַׂנְאֶיךָ, נָשְׂאוּ רֹאשׁ. 3 For, lo, Thine enemies are in an uproar; and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head. ד עַל-עַמְּךָ, יַעֲרִימוּ סוֹד; וְיִתְיָעֲצוּ, עַל-צְפוּנֶיךָ. 4 They hold crafty converse against Thy people, and take counsel against Thy treasured ones. ה אָמְרוּ–לְכוּ, וְנַכְחִידֵם מִגּוֹי; וְלֹא-יִזָּכֵר שֵׁם-יִשְׂרָאֵל עוֹד. 5 They have said: ‘Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.’ ו כִּי נוֹעֲצוּ לֵב יַחְדָּו; עָלֶיךָ, בְּרִית יִכְרֹתוּ. 6 For they have consulted together with one consent; against Thee do they make a covenant;

God’s word says in Zechariah 8:23 "Thus saith the LORD of Hosts: In Those days it shall come to pass, That ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."

Israel 972507251990

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