All living souls of the Heaven and the Earth
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Messiah via a Woman Seed
Prophecy fulfilled by Yeshua our Messiah.
Messiah would be born of a woman.
Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Prophecy fulfilled:
Matthew 1:20 "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."
Galatians 4:4 "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the Law,"
Abib or Aviv or Nissan
"This month is the beginning of months for you, it is the first month of the year for you." Exodus 12:2. Thus spoke Yahweh to Mosheh.
And Exodus 13:4 says, "Today you are going out, in the month Abib." So the name of the first month of the year is Abib. But in Ester 3:7 it says, "In the first month, which is the month of Nisan, ". So the first month is also called Nisan. A name adopted from the Babylonian.
There is a calendar written in the Scripture. And the first month of the year is Abib or Nisan. Or as the Hebrew says, "the head of the year" is Abib. And the 12th month is called Adar. In Ester 3:7 it says, "...until it fell on the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar."
Since there is a calendar written in the Scripture, there is absolutely no reason to follow the pagan Gregarian calender. By following the calendar as written in the Scripture, you will be able to observe the moedim or the appointed times of Yahweh. But if you follow the pagan Gregarian calender, you'll observe the pagan holidays. They are holidays but not holy days. When we can't differentiate between the holy days and the common days, we are no difference than those in Nineveh who cannot tell the difference between their right hands and their left hands.
The Birthday of Jesus Christ
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt [tabernacled] among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. ~ John 1:14
Truth is very important to our heavenly Father and to our King who came as the Word in the flesh as He tabernacled amongst us. Accordingly, because of His great love for us our heavenly Father willingly sacrificed His only begotten Son of His love so that those who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
Our King is coming again for those who “bear witness” to His truth by walking according to it. In fact, it is for this reason Jesus was born into the world—to “bear witness” to His Father’s truth (John 7:16).
Pilate asked Jesus, “Are You a king then?” Jesus responded “You say rightly that I am a king.” Jesus also told Pilate that He was born that He should “bear witness” to the truth and it is for THIS cause He has come into the world. Everyone who is of the truth hears His voice and His sheep will follow Him, for they know His voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers (John 10:4-6).
You may hate me for “bearing witness” to His truth and not wishing you a Merry Christmas. However, I cannot come into agreement with a lie from the enemy. I love you enough to share His truth with you even if it is not well received. I am but a messenger of the One who is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE— Yeshua Hamashiach—Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is called to prepare the “way” of the Lord for His second coming while unveiling the truth concerning His first coming.
For our King is coming again for His bride who has made herself ready and is without spot or blemish just as Jesus our Passover Lamb was found to be.
His bride will hear her bridegroom’s voice as He admonishes her to come OUT of mystery or spiritual Babylon. May you not harden your heart and may you hearken to hear His voice and seek your King concerning His truth I am sharing with you today.
My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, my soul is in anguish as I witness the body of Christ not standing on God’s truth as we present to the entire world that Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season. All the while we readily admit that we know Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th BUT we quickly add this is when the “world” celebrates His birthday. Yes, Christmas is a holiday that most everyone in the world celebrates—even those who deny Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the Son of God. This ought to be a huge sign that we have left the narrow path. As Pat Robertson admits on this video, God did not establish Christmas.
Pat Robertson with CBN admits Christmas is a pagan holiday and God did not establish this holiday on this video.
The reason why my soul is in sorrow at this time of year is because God’s people are innocent sheep who have been deceived and led astray. They truly believe they are worshiping and honoring Jesus by keeping Him in Christmas. This was me not so long ago until the Holy Spirit unveiled my spiritual blindness and showed me His truth because I heard His voice and I responded accordingly.
As I walk with the Lord around my neighborhood every morning and I see all the decorations adorning my neighbor’s homes and I see all the Facebook posts of Christians celebrating Christmas, I sigh and intercede for the body of Christ as I say to the Lord, “Father please forgive us because we do not know what we are doing.”
Unfortunately, the vast majority of believers are keeping Christmas out of ignorance and a lack of knowledge of the whole counsel of God’s “eternal” Word.
God's holy days we are commanded to keep and celebrate are listed in Leviticus Chapter 23. Again, YHWH (Yahweh)—our heavenly Father did not establish Christmas.
So, who established Christmas? Satan did through “mass” deception—no pun intended.
If you want to learn about what the original intent of Christmas is about, read this interesting article titled, “The True Meaning of Christ-Mass” by Dave Meyers at the following link:
Satan has deceived the whole world into celebrating the birthdays of the false gods such as Baal all the while we sincerely believe we are doing it to honor the birth of our Savior. Yet in reality, we are truly worshiping Satan because we have believed the lie.
This lie and holiday was perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church and this is why the majority of Christian denominations still celebrate this holiday we have inherited from our early church fathers. However, not all our early church fathers were in agreement with this holiday. In fact, Charles Spurgeon, a renowned and highly respected preacher of the Gospel said concerning Christmas…
We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas: first, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be said or sung in Latin or in English; and, secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and, consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority. (Charles Spurgeon, Sermon on Dec. 24, 1871).
When it can be proved that the observance of Christmas, Whitsuntide, and other Popish festivals was ever instituted by a divine statute, we also will attend to them, but not till then. It is as much our duty to reject the traditions of men, as to observe the ordinances of the Lord. We ask concerning every rite and rubric, "Is this a law of the God of Jacob?" and if it be not clearly so, it is of no authority with us, who walk in Christian liberty. (from Charles Spurgeon's Treasury of David on Psalm 81:4.)
- For many free online resources exhibiting the Puritan, Reformed, Presbyterian and Covenanter testimony against Pagan and Roman Catholic holy days like Christmas and Easter please visit Still Waters Revival Books' web page at
Do you know Christmas was once illegal in the United States?
The Surprising Truth: Christians Once Banned Christmas
Yet generation after generation we keep this “tradition” because this is what we grew up with based on what our grandparents and our parents did. As a child, it is quite “magical” to believe in an innocent white lie such as Santa Claus, but a lie is still a lie. And, speaking of the father of all lies—Satan, if you scramble his name you get Santa. Did you know that if you look up the name Old Nick, another name for Santa, it means the devil or Satan?
Still, parents want to continue the “Spirit of Christmas” because we want our children to experience the awe and wonder that we did growing up with the splendor of this holiday when it seems for a little while the world is indeed a better place.
However, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, we owe it to our children and ourselves to walk according to only His truth because this is the only thing which will matter when the temporal things of this world will pass away. This earth will shortly pass away but His truth will never pass away because it is eternal.
I say this in love. It is not being “legalistic” when we choose to worship our Lord and Savior in Spirit according to His truth, especially, given the fact Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles and we are commanded to keep this feast of the Lord by our heavenly Father.
Again, I loved celebrating Christmas as much as all of you love to do and it was very difficult giving up the beloved traditions with my family.
However, when the Holy Spirit showed me that December 25th is the birthday of all the false gods and Jesus (Yeshua) was born during the Feast of Tabernacles, then I was faced with a choice. Would I lay aside the commandments of God in lieu of embracing the “traditions” of men which are rooted in the occult?
Or, would I forsake all to worship my Lord and Savior according to only His truth—which is all that matters? Yeshua (Jesus) says to us in Matthew 15:3 “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition…?”
In the end, on Judgment Day, it doesn’t matter what our “traditions” mean to us if we are transgressing the commandments of God.
In other words, when it comes to “religious” holidays God is very specific in His Word WHAT He wants us to celebrate, WHEN He wants us to celebrate and HOW He wants us to celebrate and for the DURATION He wants us to celebrate for. And, we need to obey the God that we serve like He wants to be served and worshipped which He details in the Book of Leviticus in Chapter 23.
Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ but it has everything to do with Baal’s birthday and every other false god which shares this same date that Christendom says is Jesus’ birthday which is commemorated on December 25th.
The truth about Christmas, by Former Satanist Stephen Dollins.
The Quick Truth about Christmas and Easter.
JUST THE FACTS: Dec. 25: Birthday of Baal
Exclusive: Richard Rives details history of famous winter holiday
Exclusive: Richard Rives discovers Baal, Osiris, not Jesus behind date
The Saturnalia
Again, Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall which is God’s seventh holy convocation based on Leviticus 23. In fact, Jesus never did anything contrary to Yehôvâh’s commandments found in the Torah, even when He was a baby because His earthly father Joseph and His mother Mary followed Yehôvâh’s instructions in the Torah so much so that when Jesus was born He physically tabernacled in a “sukkot”, which is a Hebrew word meaning “booths” or “huts” that God’s people in the land of Israel must temporarily dwell in during the Feast of Tabernacles.
In other words, Jesus was lying in a manger in this temporary dwelling place otherwise referred to as a “sukkot” during the Feast of Tabernacles.
And, this is why we are commanded by Yehôvâh to celebrate His Feast of Tabernacles with great joy because this is when the earth received her King as a baby born in a manger—named Immanuel, which in the Hebrew means “God is with us.”
Jesus Christ Our LORD and Savior - Born September 11, 3 BC
The Birth of the Messiah revealed in Scripture - Mark Biltz
Pastor Mark Biltz shows how the Scriptures reveal Jesus' actual birthday
God’s “appointed” and “fixed” times we are commanded to gather together as His Ekklēsia are on a weekly and yearly basis in order to have a “holy convocation” based on God’s calendar and His “eternal” Word.
Sure, there are many Scriptures talking about the birth of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Yet we are not specifically told by God when He was born or when we are to celebrate His birth, correct?
However, we are specifically told by God “what,” “when,” “how,” and “why” we are to keep and observe His seven (7) holy convocations detailed in Leviticus Chapter 23.
These “appointed” holy convocations are our heavenly Father’s “appointed” and “fixed” times (mô‛êds) when He commands His people to gather together for a definite purpose and meet with Him in a public assembly which is to be “set apart” (consecrated) unto Him.
Our heavenly Father’s mô‛êds are an appointment, that is, a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); appointed (sign, time); appointed feast; place of solemn assembly. They are His “appointed” feasts or festivals which are to be held at “set times” as a public assembly of His people.
Yet we justify celebrating Christmas despite the fact many believers admit we know Jesus Christ was not really born on December 25th, BUT we are quick to add this is the time of year the body of Christ chooses to celebrate His birth which is based on the Roman Catholic Church making it “official” for nefarious reasons. You will be mortified to find out why they did this.
The reason why I stopped celebrating Christmas was NOT to be “legalistic” by keeping the letter of God’s law and thus be justified in God’s eyes. It was because the Holy Spirit led me to discover the truth about it and the Lord asked me to stop celebrating it, even though it was very difficult on my emotions to do so because of the traditions and memories that I shared with my family for all of my life.
More than anything else, I earnestly desired to know His truth and the areas I was deceived by the enemy. And, God answered my prayer which turned my entire world upside down!
Accordingly, it was extremely hard for me to give up Christmas because I truly loved celebrating Christmas just like each of you do.
In fact, if you are interested in knowing about how I felt about having to give up Christmas you can read the writing I posted under the 2014 Prophetic Word on my website at titled, “Truth or Tradition? It is Time to Return to God’s Truth Based on the Whole Counsel of His Word!”
However, as a forerunner for the Lord to help prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming and because the Lord asked me to stand in the gap for the body of Christ concerning this matter, then I was faced with a choice.
Would I be obedient to God’s Word and God’s voice based on the leading of the Holy Spirit?
Or, would I choose to be disobedient because I had the freedom to choose the law of liberty in Christ that we are afforded by God’s grace and mercy?
I chose to be obedient to God because He deserves first place in our hearts and when He asks us to do something, then we ought to comply because of all the things that He has done for us, including dying for us on the cross so that we could be His sons and daughters and have eternal life.
Because I am going to be really transparent with you so that you will know “what” we all do when we are trying to justify “why” what we are “doing” is okay in God’s sight even though it is not.
Even after the Lord asked me to stop celebrating Christmas many years ago and I said yes to Him, I was still longing to carry on the traditions with my family and the decorating with all the trappings that we have come to love that is associated with this pagan holiday.
Every Christmas I cried and mourned the great loss I was feeling yet I had to learn to crucify my feelings, my wants, and my desires. Thus, it has been a process that is for sure and it will take time to mourn the loss of these “traditions” of men that have become so near and dear to us. Think about it—for the majority of our lives we have been led astray based on what we have inherited from our ancestors and the early church fathers.
This is why the vast majority of people follow the dictates of this world based on how the world operates and this is why the merchants of this world make a small fortune off all of us. Leading the pack is God’s unsuspecting sheep as we just follow the masses based on the “traditions” and “customs” of men based on WHAT our calendar tells us to celebrate, WHEN we are to celebrate, and WHY we are to celebrate starting with the New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, etc.
However, God’s people are not to be conformed to the world---we are called to be “set apart” from the world and the things of this world.
Thus, concerning holidays we are to honor and worship the Lord our God on, His ETERNAL Word specifically says that we are not to follow in the footsteps of how other nations serve their false gods in Deuteronomy 12:29-32.
In addition, the Lord specifically says to us that we shall be careful to do everything He says to us according to the Word and that we shall not add to it or take from it. In other words, we are never to mix the holy things of God’s Word with the profane—those things which are practiced by pagan nations which are an abomination to Him.
As such, when we say that we are worshiping our heavenly Father Yehôvâh and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during “religious” holidays that He did not establish or tell us to keep according to His ETERNAL Word, which are really based on the “traditions” and the “customs” of men, do you suppose that we are worshiping Him in vain because we have been led astray?
Furthermore, we can say that the intents and the motives of our hearts are pure as we choose to worship our heavenly Father Yehôvâh and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during Christmas and Easter. Yet God’s Word in Jeremiah 17:9 says, “THE HEART is DECEITFUL above all THINGS, And DESPERATELY WICKED; Who can know it?”
Therefore, during the Christmas holidays when God first asked me to stop celebrating Christmas many years ago, I was feeling the pain of rejection as I witnessed that my own family members no longer wanted to come to our house to spend time with us during the holiday season when most people take vacation time from work and the kids are out of school because there was no tree, no special meals, and no presents to unwrap when all these things should not be the reasons why we want to spend time with those that we love the most, including God!
And, I know that I am not the only one who was experiencing this sad truth either until my husband and I agreed to make the necessary adjustments to stop celebrating these things that are not according to God’s Word! Yet I must also tell you that even though we stopped celebrating these “traditions” and “customs” based on the “doctrines” of men, as a family, for the most part, my extended family, including my children, still do not honor God by keeping His holy convocations despite the fact that I must and I will in obedience to God and His Word.
Nevertheless, I will continue to stand in the gap and pray for my family and those in the body of Christ concerning this specific issue until the Holy Spirit reveals His truth and brings conviction of the need for us to make a course correction in order to come into alignment with what His ETERNAL Word actually says!
As such, until recently, during the past several years I have wanted to have a special family meal so that we could all still be together and fellowship with each other during this time when everyone is out of work and school. BUT, my family members were way too busy running to and fro to those relatives homes who were still offering them all the trappings of what the Christmas season is all about—the decorations, the trees, the presents to be unwrapped, the candy, the cookies, the spiked eggnog and Santa Claus too for the little ones, even though some people do actually decide to attend church only during this one time of year because after all we “say” it is all about Jesus Christ right? Or, is it?!
Anyways concerning Christmas, I said to the Lord, “Lord, I know that you were not born on December 25th and I am doing my very best to walk according to your holy convocations now that I know the truth so is it alright if I just celebrate this pagan holiday like everyone else does in the body of Christ with my family for the sake of our beloved traditions and continue to decorate if I do not associate this holiday in any way with the birth of your Son?”
What the Lord’s response to me concerning the question I had just posed ended my desire to continue celebrating Christmas forever! He said to me and I quote His exact words were, “Oh, you just want to celebrate Baal’s birthday then?”
I didn’t want to believe it! So, the Lord told me to research it, I did, and it was true. After what I discovered, this comment from the Lord was what it took for me personally to finally break free of this stronghold that celebrating this beloved tradition has on all of us during the holiday season and it truly does get easier with each passing year!
I mean think about it—for the majority of our lives we have walked according to a lie, therefore, it will take some time for us to let go of these things as the Holy Spirit enables us to do so with God’s power and grace in order for us to come back into alignment with the whole counsel of God Word—it is a process.
Pray about what I have shared with you because true love for God and His people will result in His ministers telling His people the truth even if the truth is not pleasant to hear—despite what everyone else in the body of Christ is doing. You will not be popular or well received. In fact, you will be hated for His name’s sake. Nevertheless, we must “bear witness” to His truth and only follow in the footsteps of our Master as we hear His voice.
In this, the midnight hour, we are in the valley of decision and we must choose this day “which” God we will serve and worship! As such, if we say that we serve our heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ then we must do what He tells us to do according to the whole counsel of His unadulterated, uncompromised Word.
However, if we choose to keep bowing our knee to Baal and all the other false gods from the kingdom of darkness by mixing the holy things of the one true Supreme God of the Universe, Ĕlôhı̂ym, God, our Creator, whose name is Yehôvâh (Yahweh [YHWH]) and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, with the profane unholy things of this world, then we cannot say we are a disciple of Jesus Christ because we will be using His name in vain!
These are not my words! Rather, they are the words of Jesus Himself who talks about those who lay aside the commandments of God in lieu of practicing and walking according to the “customs” “traditions” and “doctrines” of men!
Read the entire Book of Mark Chapter 7 for yourselves yet Jesus gets right to the point when He says to us, His disciples, in Mark 7:6-7, “…Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in VAIN they WORSHIP Me, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.’” ~ Mark 7:6-7 (NKJV)
Moreover, if you do not know who Baal is and the meaning of this statement that the Lord gave me, then you must learn who Baal is and why it matters. Baal, is another name used by the Israelites for Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel in the land of Sinar—which was the first prototype of the One World Order that the Bible talks about beginning in Genesis Chapter 11 that we are once again witnessing coming to fruition at the end of days being orchestrated by those with the Spirit of Antichrist who are being used by Satan to establish the Antichrist Kingdom.
Nimrod is the primary name of the many false gods that all have different names depending on what ethnic group is referring to him, which are all associated with Satan. And as such, Baal is an arch enemy to our heavenly Father Yehôvâh and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, Baal and all the false gods associated with Satan should be the arch-enemy of God’s people too!
In addition, take the time to learn how Satan has used the worship of these false gods to deceive God’s people into worshiping them as well when we celebrate Christmas and Easter. One of the best videos that I have ever seen unveiling the truth about Christmas and Easter which is presented in love is by Jim Staley with Passion for Truth Ministries called Truth or Tradition. Please take the time to learn the truth about these holidays that we love so much by watching this video.
God's people are called to “bear witness” to only His truth and yet His Church is deceiving the whole world when we celebrate the birthday of false gods and say Christmas is about Jesus when many Christians clearly admit they know this isn't really when Jesus was born. How can we continue to justify this deception, especially, when Jesus was born and came into this world to “bear witness” to the truth of His heavenly Father’s commandments?
Therefore, for those of us in the body of Christ who choose not keep God’s seven holy convocations we need to realized that God does not have one set of instructions—His “law” or “custom” for the Jews from the House of Judah and another set of instructions for those of us who were formerly Gentiles from the House of Israel (Jacob/Joseph/Ephraim) who have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel by our faith in our Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ! For God only has ONE law and ONE custom for ALL His people based on Exodus 12:49, Leviticus 24:22 and Numbers 15:16 since God established the New Covenant with both the House of Judah and the House of Israel.
Furthermore, as our minds are renewed by reading and studying God’s Word for ourselves we will learn His truth as the Holy Spirit reveals it to us, and then we will realize those areas that we have been deceived by the worldview of what is socially acceptable and based on all the false teachings that are so prevalent in the body of Christ coming out of many pulpits throughout America and the world which are based on the doctrine of men rather than on the doctrine of Christ.
As such, as I have said before but bears repeating, never before has the time been more critical for us to examine WHY we believe WHAT we believe and be prepared to back it up with Scripture based on the whole counsel of God’s Word! For we cannot change what we do not acknowledge in the first place.
Last, but certainly not least, if everyone in the world is celebrating Christmas and Easter, which they do—for the churches are packed only on these two holidays, then do you suppose that we have left the “narrow” path and are instead following the wide easy path that most follow which leads to our destruction based on the leading of the many false prophets that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:11 below?
“Then MANY [G4183: polus: abundant; largely; G4118: pleistos: the largest number or very large; most; G4119: pleiōn: the major portion] FALSE PROPHETS will RISE UP and DECEIVE MANY.” ~ Matthew 24:11 (NKJV)
Again, in this, the midnight hour, God is revealing His truth about His holy convocations to His bride that we have NOT been walking according to because of what we have been taught for the majority of our lives.
God is unveiling His truth in these final hours for the purpose of His people from both the House of Judah and the House of Israel that He established a New Covenant with as God is orchestrating in these final hours the reconciliation and restoration of all things, especially concerning Israel.
As such, God is in the process of orchestrating the greatest move throughout the synergy of the ages as both Jew and Gentile is becoming the One New Man in the physical earthly realm for we are one body of Christ in both Spirit and in Truth—according to His instructions written in the Torah, which the New Testament reveals the fullness of IN Christ.
I am not sure why there are ministries who say they are bringing the final restoration of the One New Man yet they are still celebrating Christmas and Easter all the while they are teaching about God’s holy convocations and hosting them. This is mixing the holy things of God with the profane things of this world which is forbidden by the Lord.
For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see what His Spirit is saying to His bride, our heavenly Father is calling us OUT of SPIRITUAL or MYSTERY Babylon based on Revelation 18:4 lest we share in her sins and receive her plagues. He is not telling us to mix and mingle with her! To the contrary! He is beckoning us to completely come OUT of her.
Therefore, we should observe and commemorate all of God’s holy convocations with the Spirit of Grace that God has afforded us IN Christ, rather than being under the letter of the law, to which very few men were able to keep throughout the synergy of the ages. For we are no longer under the letter of the law! Hence, this is one of the reasons why Jesus Christ died for us—to set us free from the “curse” we would receive from our inability to keep the letter of the law no matter how hard we try.
As such, while we are learning about God’s times and seasons which are His “appointed” holy days (holidays) as our heavenly Father is indeed shifting us back to as practiced by Jesus and His early disciples as depicted in the gospels including the Book of Acts, I believe the most important thing that believers in the body of Christ can do is to begin to observe our heavenly Father’s seven holy convocations and gather together during His “appointed” times as we are commanded to do. The very first holy convocation out of the seven based on Leviticus 23:3 is the SEVENTH day Sabbath.
We must stop bowing our knee to Baal and decide this day which God we are truly serving and worshiping.