Share Your Blessings!
With so many Jewish people living in unthinkable conditions right now in Israel and around the world — including innocent children, families, and elderly Holocaust survivors — please make the most generous gift you can. Your donation will help provide basic necessities like food, medical assistance, and shelter as well as safety and security provisions in times of crisis.
Canadian residents, make your gift here
Please Make a Gift
Make a recurring MONTHLY GIFT in the amount of:
Your initial donation will be followed by a donation in the same amount processed from your credit card, bank account, or PayPal account each month. You may change or cancel your monthly gift at any time online or by phone.
Make a SINGLE GIFT in the amount of:
Billing Information
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Street Address:*
ZIP/Postal Code:*
Phone Number:*
Email Address:*
You will receive your tax-deductible receipt, as well as commentary from Rabbi Eckstein, Yael Eckstein, and stories about your lifesaving impact through The Fellowship’s ministry. You can change your preferences anytime.
Credit Card
Name On Card:*
Credit Card Number:*
Expiration Month:*
Expiration Year:*
CVV Number:*