Monday, June 18, 2018

Messianic Siddur

  Contact Us   Covenant Of Truth (B'rit b'Emet)  Search... Go! Note: For returning visitors please make sure to check out the "Recent Updates" page which can be found under the Home Page navigation link. This could help save you valuable time if you are looking for newly added content! Welcome Message Greetings children of G_D Most High ... may you be abundantly blessed by THE G_D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... THE G_D of Israel ... THE ETERNAL G_D of all creation! You have reached the "Covenant of Truth" website ... the home page for author P.R. Otokletos ... a believer in and servant of YESHUA HaMashiach ... known throughout the world as Jesus The Christ ... the anointed One of G_D ... the One through WHOM salvation is delivered to humanity ... the One WHO is salvation! The Purpose of this website? Although one may think that this is a site dedicated to promoting the author's works for revenue generation purposes ... this would be an incorrect presumption. Most assuredly this site will provide author generated books as well as some other resources ... but all of the Messianic Judaic/Hebraic materials contained within the site are distributed freely. So back to the question ... what is the site's purpose? YESHUA came as the Messiah of Israel, as promised in the Torah, to reconcile humanity and all creation with the AWESOME G_D MOST HIGH through a "renewed covenant - Brit Chadasha" intended to draw both Israel and the nations back into the everlasting covenant. Since YESHUA's glorious ministry, and even unto this day however there remains confusion, debate and division with respects to the very meaning and intended results of YESHUA's mighty works. In essence there remains for so many people a mystery of what the true Gospel Message is ... and sadly in many instances the truth and power of "The WAY" remains elusive because of the oppressive onslaught of wayward theological doctrine, misunderstanding and lukewarm-warm conviction.  The intent of this site therefore is to provide accurate Hebraic contextual testimony to YESHUA and HIS Gospel Message. A good news message that absolutely positively confirms the mercy of G_D through grace but also confirms the righteousness and integrity of G_D by upholding the Everlasting Covenant between G_D and Israel as well as G_D's sacred Torah ... the covenant of truth!  Children of G_D ... the intent of YESHUA's labors and the ensuing Gospel Message is to usher in His Kingdom wherein Israel and peoples of every nation will be bound in unity through YESHUA. Bound not just through a cognitive affirmation that YESHUA is Mashiach but rather bound through G_D's RUACH (SPIRIT) which teaches, urges, counsels, rebukes and ultimately conforms believers towards YESHUA's holy character. And ... of utmost importance it should be declared that conformance to YESHUA's holy character does not and cannot result in abrogation or disdain of the holy commandments set forth in Torah ... nor the revelations and truths defined in the covenantal relationship between G_D and Israel. Our goal in being transformed to the image and likeness of Mashiach is for the purpose of reconciling the creation back to Abba Father in and through Mashiach Yeshua according to the manner in which G_D has planned ... not according to the imaginations of men. So ... the truth of the renewed covenant is that Mashiach is building a Kingdom wherein both Jew and Gentile, redeemed from the slavery of sin and death, will be united in Him and joined together in  grace and covenantal compliance through Spiritual rebirth. Jew and Gentile ... one new people ... constituents of G_D's Kingdom Israel ... serving YESHUA in WHOM G_D MOST HIGH has given all authority! The unedited version of Yeshua's Gospel will assuredly be promulgated throughout all the Earth! If dear reader you are wondering what G_D has in store for us ... and if you are searching to find what G_D expects of us ... and if you are wondering why our "religion" has not resulted in a transformed world? Then perhaps you have come to a site that can provide some useful insights and materials for your quest ... or at least this is the author's prayer! If you are an individual that is already aware of the Hebraic roots of the Biblical faith ... then perhaps you can find some useful information to facilitate your journey. If you are an individual that finds the notion of "Hebraic Roots" to be a foreign concept ... then you should be able to review the provided information to gain a solid understanding of what separates this faith from Christianity and contemporary streams of Rabbinic Judaism. Regardless of where your journey takes you ... may you be blessed! All power, glory and praise to G_D MOST HIGH forever and ever! Shalom Aleichem ... P.R. Otokletos About the Site's Navigation: In order to make this site as intuitively easy as possible for users of all skill sets, please note that the site pages are laid out to provide a basic message at each content page with downloadable resources available on the left side navigation panel. 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Please don't take this as a lack of interest or a desire to know what you think ... this is not the case. For the author it simply is a matter of purpose and providing testimony in a straight forward manner while leaving you the consumers of this information to formulate your own opinions without unnecessary and or contentious debate and dialog. So you should never have to worry about "signing up" ... or "registering" to access materials at this site.  If by chance you do receive a blessing from this site ... please share with others the materials garnered herein or pass along the site's address ... who knows ... together we might just be part of the restoration process ... one person at a time!

The Name Of God

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The Name Of God

By ONE FOR ISRAEL (Messianic Jews In Israel) 2,725

The name of God in the Jewish Scriptures is an enigmatic mystery.

People often pronounce the four Hebrew letters (YHWH) as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”, but the truth is that we don’t really know how to say it. In most Bibles that word is translated as “the LORD”, and similarly when reading it in Hebrew, we always say “Adonai” instead, which means Lord. We don’t even try to pronounce it. However, close examination of those four letters is an enlightening exercise which relates wonderfully to the Messiah. In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for God is “Elohim”, which is the general term for god or gods and is also, rather interestingly, a plural word. In Genesis 1 Elohim is referred to as “him” (male singular) but speaks in plural (“Let us make man in our image”). However, in Genesis 2, the four-lettered name of God, YHWH, first appears, and God is mostly referred to by this unique name from there on in.  God’s name is holy Jewish people, by and large, prefer to avoid using any name of God, often writing the word God like this: “G-d”, so that it is not written in its entirety. Many call God “haShem”, which means “the Name”, or other similar designations. “Baruch haShem!” (which means “Blessed be the Name!” or “Blessed be the Lord!”) is a phrase one hears multiple times a day in Israel. So precious are those four letters that we even change the dates that contain two of those four holy letters in a row – the 15th and 16th of every month deviate from the normal pattern in order to respect the four-lettered name of God. Similarly, there is a tradition to avoid writing down the name of God to avoid the sacrilege of it ever being thrown away, erased or destroyed. His name is holy. “Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His Name?’ What should I say to them?” “God answered Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Then He said, “You are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM’ has sent me to you.” God also said to Moses: “You are to say to the sons of Israel, Adonai (YHWH) the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and the Name by which I should be remembered from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3:13-15) I AM WHO I AM? As much as that might have been bewildering to Moses, God insists that he cannot be categorized – he just IS. God laughs at us all arguing about whether he exists or not – he is the very definition of existence! Opening the treasure box of Hebrew grammar The interesting thing with verbs in the Biblical Hebrew is that they are often written in what looks like future tense to us today, but are rendered as past tense. And the other way around! Prophecy is often expressed in what looks like the past tense to modern Hebrew speakers, yet it is talking about things to come. Time and tense are not straightforward, which is appropriate because the author of the biblical text lives outside time. He can give prophecy about future events as if they had already happened, and he can describe past events in narration that actually point to future events to come – as in the stories of Joseph and the Exodus for example. I’ll tell you something else funny about Hebrew – the verb “to be” only exists in past and future, but not in the present tense. In Hebrew, we don’t say “I am hungry”, we just say “I hungry”. We don’t say “that table is big”, we say “that table big”. We can say “I was hungry”, or “I will be hungry”, but not “I am hungry”. There is no “is” or “am” in Hebrew. Why? Perhaps because in the Hebrew language, the language of the Bible, the present tense of the verb “to be” is reserved for use by God alone. Only God can say “I AM”. And perhaps that helps us understand some of the mystery of the Tetragrammaton, YHWH. When we look at the original Hebrew text which in English says, “I AM WHO I AM”, it looks (to the modern Hebrew reader) as if it’s in the future tense: “I will be that which I will be” (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה). And yet it’s translated into present tense! Getting confused? The interplay between the tenses of the verb to be is illustrative of the fact that our God is, was, and always will be. Moreover, the very letters of the four-letter name of God (יהוה) contain the Hebrew for he was, he is, and he will be! This is a fact that has, unsurprisingly, been noted by rabbis of the past. Rabbinic interpretation It’s interesting to see how the phrase, “I am who I am” (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), was also translated into present tense in the “Targum Yonatan” text, an early rabbinic translation of the Bible into Aramaic by Jonathan ben Uzziel, a pupil of Hillel and doctor of the Law in Jerusalem during the time of King Herod.[1] He translated it into Aramaic as “אֲנָא הוּא”, which in modern Hebrew (Ani Hu – אני הוא) literally means “I He”. This is as close as you can get in Hebrew to “I AM” – the first person, present tense of the verb to be. “God answered Moses, “I AM who I AM.” Then He said, “You are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM’ has sent me to you.” In rabbinic interpretation, it makes sense that the three times the word appears reflects the three tenses: past, present, and future. He was He is He forever shall be In Exodus Rabba, Rabbi Isaac taught: “God said to Moses: ‘Tell them that I am now what I always was and always will be’; for this reason is the word ehyeh written three times” [2] I AM – Three times? It is interesting that just as in the Shema, the name of the Lord features three times. Perhaps it’s not only about past, present and future, but perhaps it also points to the threefold nature of God: The Father The Son – God incarnate, the Messiah The Holy Spirit Impossible? But the evidence is in the Jewish Scriptures themselves. At one point YHWH turns up in person to visit Abraham, a fact that causes great consternation among those who are adamant that God cannot become flesh. Well He did, right there in Genesis 18. It says so repeatedly. Also, Jeremiah 23:6 says that YHWH will be the name of the Messiah. You know what else? The phrase used in Targum Yonatan as the best way to help Jewish people relate to the unusual turn of phrase God declared from the burning bush (“Ani Hu” / “I He”) crops up later in the New Testament. Quite a lot. You know who else uses that term, “Ani Hu” (I AM)? In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman, and they had a conversation about God, truth, and worship. She said to Yeshua, not knowing who he really was, “I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called the Anointed One.) When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” Yeshua’s response? “I, the One speaking to you, “ani Hu” (I AM).” In chapter 8, Yeshua had got caught up in a controversy with the religious leaders. Frustrated and confused, they demanded to know, “Who are you?” Yeshua replied, “What have I been telling you from the beginning?” …“Abraham and the prophets died. Yet You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste death.’ You are not greater than our father Abraham who died, are You? The prophets also died! Who do You make Yourself out to be?” …Yeshua answered, “Amen, amen I tell you, before Abraham was, I AM!”     [1] וַאֲמַר יְיָ לְמשֶׁה דֵין דְאָמַר וַהֲוָה עַלְמָא אָמַר וַהֲוָה כּוּלָא וַאֲמַר כִּדְנָא תֵּימַר לִבְנֵי יִשְרָאֵל אֲנָא הוּא דְהַוֵינָא וְעָתִיד לְמֶהֱוֵי שַׁדְרַנִי לְוַותְכוֹן (Targum Yonatan Ex 3:14, Aramaic) [2] Exodus Rabba, 3:14 About Latest Posts ONE FOR ISRAEL (Messianic Jews In Israel) We are an Israeli ministry composed of Jewish & Arab followers of Yeshua (Jesus) who are all about blessing Israel through sharing the gospel online, educating the new generation of born-again believers through our one and only Hebrew-speaking Bible College in Israel, and helping holocaust survivors by supplying humanitarian aid. 2,725 FacebookWhatsApp You're subscribed to notifications Unsubscribe ONE FOR ISRAEL (Messianic Jews In Israel) We are an Israeli ministry composed of Jewish & Arab followers of Yeshua (Jesus) who are all about blessing Israel through sharing the gospel online, educating the new generation of born-again believers through our one and only Hebrew-speaking Bible College in Israel, and helping holocaust survivors by supplying humanitarian aid. 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