Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Vatican Removed 14 Books From the Bible In 1684 With No Real Explanation

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However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 60, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve? The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years. The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden. These Apocrypha books made up the end of the Old Testament, and included the following books: • 1 Esdras • 2 Esdras • Tobit • Judith • The rest of Esther • The Wisdom of Solomon • Ecclesiasticus • Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah • The Songs of the 3 Holy children • The history of Susana • bel and the dragon • The prayer for Manasses • 1 Maccabees • 2 Maccabees Later in 1684, all of these books were removed from the Bible and all of its various versions. The only one left intact was the 1611 edition. In this first edition, Bible Jesus’ name was spelled Iesus, pronounced Yahushua. You have to wonder why it was changed to Jesus, contrary to the original pronunciation and spelling. One of the most interesting books of the removed was the “Wisdom of Solomon”. Solomon is one of the most legendary biblical figures from the Bible, as he was the son of David and the wisest man that ever lived. Typically, he is portrayed as a benevolent figure, however, this book will change everything that you ever learned about him. For example, read this excerpt: Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-24 1 For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave. 2 For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and the little spark in the moving of our heart 3 Which being extinguished, our body shall be turned into ashes, and our spirit shall vanish as the soft air, 4 And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away, with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof. 5 For our time is very shadow that passeth away; and after our end there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man cometh again. 6 Come on there for let us enjoy the good things that are present: and let us speedily use the creatures like as in youth. 7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower of the Spring pass by us. 8 Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered: 9 Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness: let us leave tokens of our joyfulness in every place: for this is our portion and our lot is this. 10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged. 11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth. 12 Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because HE is not of our turn, and HE is clean contrary to our doings. He upbraideth us with our offending of the law, and ojecteth to our infamy the transgression of our education. 13 HE professeth to have the knowledge of the MOST HIGH, and calleth HIS self the child of the LORD. 14 HE was made to reprove our thoughts 15 HE is grievous unto us even to behold, for HIS life is not like other men’s, HIS ways are of another fashion. 16 We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father. 17 Let us see if HIS words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in the end of HIM. 18 For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies. 19 Let us examine HIM with despitefulness and torture, that we may know HIS meekness and prove HIS patience. 20 Let us condemn HIM with a shameful death: for by HIS own mouth HE shall be respected….. These verses bring to mind a few different important questions, such as: • Who is Solomon speaking of killing with a “shameful death”? • Why did the Vatican vote to have these 14 books removed from the Bible? • Why did Solomon sound so crazy and evil in this book? It seems that Solomon was speaking of Jesus. But Jesus was born roughly 900 years after his death. Could he have prophesied Jesus’ coming? Let’s consider why this could be, who Solomon was talking about? • They killed the SON with a shameful death • The SON’s actions or fashions were different from everyone else’s • HE claims to be and IS the child of The MOST HIGH • He was a righteous poor man who would look at Solomon and others like him as “counterfeits”. • HE professeth to have knowledge of The MOST HIGH Then listen to what Solomon has to say: • HE was made to reprove (criticize) our thoughts • We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father • For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies. And one last thing I would like to point out is when Solomon says; • Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged. In contradiction to everything most of us know and believe about Solomon, in these verses he sounds completely evil. According to most Biblical teachings in modern times, we are told to believe that he is the wisest man in the history of the world. It should be noted that Solomon was largely involved in the Occult. Much of the knowledge and teachings that Aleister Crowley preached about were based on the Lesser Keys of Solomon. Solomon worshiped multiple gods and had a weakness for women.  It is also worth mentioning that the Temple of Solomon is considered the spiritual birthplace of Freemasonry, which is a secret society of sorts that has been responsible for much of the corruption taking place in our world today. It has never been stated for sure as to why these books were removed from the Bible, although various speculations have been made. We have to wonder if something darker isn’t behind their removal, and what exactly they are hiding away with these books. Typically, when something is removed from our direct site by those in power, they don’t expect for us to look any deeper than the surface, but when we do, there is almost always more to uncover than we would have ever imagined. Reference: Ads by Revcontent MORE FOR YOU Huge Bullmastiff Smothers Us Soldier with Kisses on Return Home Newborn Goats Have Ridiculously Cute Pajama Party Man Lives with Lions for 35 Days Hilarious Bicycle Buyer's Remorse Dear Friends, HumansAreFree is and will always be free to access and use. If you appreciate my work, please help me continue. Subscribe for daily articles: Enter your email Subscribe One Cup of This (Before Bed) Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy! Russian Journalist Fakes Own Death to Avoid Assassination Railbookers Takes You on World’s Most Scenic Train Journeys Elon Musk Sells 15,000 Flamethrowers in 48 Hours ? 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Daftar Isi: KECIL: Buku Musa , Taurat ; HAAG: Hukum Musa ; PEDOMAN: Hukum, Hukum Musa ; BROWNING: KETUBIM , TAURAT , TORAH ; ENSIKLOPEDIA: TAURAT ; STATISTIK: TAURAT ; LAIN: Dalam Versi-Versi Alkitab ; Taurat Ke atas Buku Musa [Kamus Kecil] BIS- Dalam Perjanjian Baru, Luk 24:44; Kis 13:15; 28:23, "Buku Musa" adalah ajaran-ajaran agama Yahudi yang menurut kepercayaan mereka berasal dari Musa dan yang sudah dikumpulkan menjadi buku. Biasanya yang dimaksud adalah kelima buku pertama dalam Perjanjian Lama. Begitu juga "Buku Nabi-nabi" adalah ajaran agama Yahudi yang diajarkan oleh nabi-nabi dahulu kala, dan yang sudah dikumpulkan menjadi buku. Yang dimaksud dengan "Buku Musa" dan "Buku Nabi-nabi" adalah Perjanjian Lama. Ke atas Taurat [Kamus Kecil] Taurat; (kata Ibrani --> Torah) TB- Sebenarnya berarti: pengajaran oleh Allah. Diterapkan pada Kesepuluh Hukum, kemudian pada segala hukum dan peraturan dari Tuhan, khususnya pada kelima kitab Musa atau kitab Taurat. Ke atas Hukum Musa [Kamus Haag] Hukum (Musa). (1) Di dalam PL, ~H (Bhs. Ibr.: Torah) adalah keseluruhan norma-norma hukum religius dan sipil, yang dikumpulkan di --> Pentateukh dan diakukan berasal dari Musa. ~H berarti pula petunjuk yang banyak jumlahnya dan tidak perlu berbentuk iuridis, namun dimaklumkan Yahwe lewat para imam atau para nabi. Kadang-kadang tradisi Yahudi maupun PB menggunakan kata ~H (Bhs. Yub.: nomos) untuk keseluruhan Kitab Suci PL (1Kor 14:21). ~H itu berkembang secara perlahan-lahan. Hal mana dapat disimpulkan dari penetapannya secara tertulis. Di situ ditemukan banyak pararel dengan pembuatan ~H bangsa-bangsa Timur-Tengah kuno (: terutama dengan ~H Babilon dari --> Hammurapi). Kumpulan-kumpulan tertulis mengenai ~H dapat diperinci dalam golongan sebagai berikut: (a) --> Dekalog (: kesepuluh firman: Kel 20:1-17; Ul 5:6-21); berbagai ahli mengungkapkan adanya sebuah --> Dekalog Ibadat dalam Kel 34:11-26. (b) --> Kitab Perjanjian (Kel 20:22-23:19). (c) --> Hukum-hukum imamat (Kel 25-31; 36-40; Im 1-16; 23-27; Bil 1-10; 17-19; 28-29). --> Tulisan para imam. (d) --> Hukum kekudusan (Im 17:1-26:46). (e) Pemberian ~H --> Deuteronomium (Ul 12-26). Karena kumpulan-kumpulan ini timbul secara berturut-turut dalam berbagai waktu dan tempat, maka dalam Pentateukh tidak diuraikan secara sistematis, melainkan menurut alasan yang kebetulan sesuai. (2) Makna. ~H adalah tali pegangan yang diwahyukan untuk keseluruhan hidup religius dan sipil. Suatu tuntutan Yahwe yang mutlak terhadap anggota bangsaNya. Dalam pengukuhan perjanjian itu rakyat berjanji dengan upacara besar, bahwa mereka siap melaksanakan semua perintah Yahwe (Kel 24:3). Setiap tujuh tahun ~H harus dibacakan pada hari raya Pondok Daun (Ul 31:10-13). Para imam mempunyai pengaruh besar di dalam menguraikan makna dan pemakaiannya. Pada mulanya ~H itu bukan menjadi sebuah beban yang berat, melainkan menyukakan hati (Mazm 19:1-14). Para ahli Kitab di kemudian hari membuatnya begitu berat dan tidak dapat dipenuhi lagi. Mereka tambah dengan peraturan yang meliputi soal kecil-kecil yang tak terhitung banyaknya dan harus dipenuhi secara cermat. (3) ~H dan PB. Kristus membawa pemenuhan pelaksanaan janji-janji PL (: terutama bdk. Mat). Kristus adalah kegenapan ~H (Rom 10:4). Kita bertemu pada Paulus dengan suatu theologi ~H yang terurai. Tujuan ~H adalah membongkar kejahatan dosa dan menunjukkan kebutuhan penebusan pada manusia. Manusia tertimpa kutukan, sebab ia tidak mampu memenuhi ~H. Padahal ~H tidak dapat membebaskannya dari kutukan tadi (Rom 8:3). Hanya Kristuslah yang mampu berbuat itu. Semua saja yang percaya padanya dibebaskan dari Perbudakan ~H dan mereka memiliki kebebasan anak-anak Allah. ~H Kristus yang baru didasarkan pada cinta kasih (Gal 5:14). Ke atas Hukum, Hukum Musa [Kamus Pedoman] 1. Adalah hukum Tuhan. Im 26:46 2. Diberikan: 2.1 Bukan kepada bangsa lain. Ul 4:8; Mazm 147:20 2.2 Melalui Musa. Ul 5:5,27,28; Yoh 1:17; Gal 3:19 2.3 Di gunung Sinai. Kel 19:11,20 2.4 Di gunung Horeb. Ul 4:10,15; 5:2 2.5 Di padang gurun. Yeh 20:10,11 2.6 Kepada orang Israel. Im 26:46; Mazm 78:5 2.7 Oleh malaikat-malaikat. Kis 7:53 2.8 Setelah keluar dari Mesir. Ul 4:45; Mazm 81:5,6 3. Seorangpun tidak boleh mendekati gunung Sinai ketika Tuhan memberikan - . Kel 19:13,21-24; Ibr 12:20 4. Tanda-tanda pada waktu - diberikan. Kel 19:16-19 5. Orang Yahudi sangat gemetar ketika menerima - . Kel 19:16; 20:18-20; Ul 5:5,23-25 6. Tambahan perintah dan peraturan - diberikan di dataran Moab di tepi sungai Yordan. Bil 36:13 7. Dinamai: 7.1 Pelayanan yang memimpin kepada penghukuman. 2Kor 3:9 7.2 Pelayanan yang memimpin kepada kematian. 2Kor 3:7 7.3 Firman yang dikatakan dengan perantaraan malaikat-malaikat. Ibr 2:2 7.4 Hukum yang menyala-nyala. Ul 33:2 7.5 Hukum kerajaan (utama). Yak 2:8 7.6 Kitab Musa. 2Taw 25:4; 35:12 7.7 Kitab Taurat. Ul 30:10; Yos 1:8 7.8 Firman-firman yang hidup. Kis 7:38 8. Diulangi oleh Musa. Ul 1:1-3 9. Semua - ditulis dalam sebuah kitab. Ul 31:9 10. Kitab Taurat diletakkan di samping tabut perjanjian Tuhan. Ul 31:26 11. Loh - diletakkan di dalam tabut perjanjian. Ul 10:5 12. Terbagi atas: 12.1 Kesusilaan, tertulis di dalam kesepuluh hukum. Ul 5:22; 10:4 12.2 Yang berhubungan dengan upacara, cara-cara berbakti kepada Allah. Im 7:37,38; Ibr 9:1-7 12.3 Pemerintahan, yang mengenai pekerjaan pengadilan. Ul 17:8-11; Kis 23:3; 24:6 12.4 Perjanjian tentang perbuatan orang Yahudi sebagai satu bangsa. Ul 28:1,15; Yer 31:32 13. Mengajar orang Yahudi supaya: 13.1 Jujur. Im 19:35,36 13.2 Mengasihi dan takut kepada Allah. Ul 6:5; 10:12,13; Mat 22:36-38 13.3 Mengasihi sesama manusia. Im 19:18; Mat 22:39 13.4 Semua hukuman dijatuhkan berdasarkan - . Yoh 8:5; 19:7; Ibr 10:28 14. Semua orang Yahudi harus: 14.1 Memegang - . Ul 4:6; 6:2 14.2 Mengajarkan - kepada anak-anak mereka. Ul 6:7; 11:19 14.3 Mengingat - . Mal 4:4 14.4 Mengetahui - . Kel 18:16 14.5 Memperhatikan - . Ul 6:6; 11:18 15. Raja-raja disuruh menulis dan mempelajari - . Ul 17:18,19 16. Raja-raja yang baik menjalankan - . 2Raj 23:24,25; 2Taw 31:21 17. Imam-imam dan orang Lewi harus mengajarkan - . Ul 33:8-10; Neh 8:8; Mal 2:7 18. Para ahli Taurat mahir dalam - dan berkhotbah tentang - . Ezr 7:6; Mat 23:2 19. Pelajaran tentang - diajarkan kepada pemuda-pemuda. Luk 2:46; Kis 22:3 20. Dibacakan di depan umum: 20.1 Dalam rumah ibadah tiap-tiap hari Sabat. Kis 13:15; 15:21 20.2 Oleh Ezra. Neh 8:2,3 20.3 Oleh Yosua. Yos 8:34,35 20.4 Pada hari raya Pondok Daun pada akhir tiap tujuh tahun. Ul 31:10-13 21. Satu cara untuk pembaruan bangsa. 2Taw 34:19-21; Neh 8:13-18 22. Suatu bayangan dari keselamatan yang akan datang. Ibr 10:1 23. Tidak dapat menghidupkan dan membenarkan. Gal 3:21; Rom 8:3,4; Ibr 10:1 24. Suatu penuntun bagi kita sampai Kristus datang. Gal 3:24 25. Kristus: 25.1 Datang bukan untuk meniadakan melainkan untuk menggenapi - . Mat 5:17,18 25.2 Disunat sesuai dengan - . Luk 2:21; Rom 15:8 25.3 Mati bagi - . Rom 7:4 25.4 Membesarkan dan memuliakan - . Yes 42:21 25.5 Memenuhi semua contoh dan bayang-bayang - . Ibr 9:9-14; 10:1,11-14 25.6 Memenuhi semua peraturan - . Mazm 40:7,8 25.7 Menanggung kutuk - . Ul 21:23; Gal 3:13 25.8 Menghadiri semua perayaan yang disuruh di dalam - . Yoh 2:23; 7:2,10,37 25.9 Takluk kepada - . Gal 4:4 26. Bukan pernyataan kasih karunia Allah. Yoh 1:17; Rom 8:3,4 27. Tidak dapat menghilangkan kekuatan perjanjian kasih karunia di dalam Kristus. Gal 3:17 28. Di antara orang-orang Yahudi yang pertama kali beragama Kristen, ada yang menghendaki agar orang Kristen mentaati - . Kis 15:1 29. Orang-orang Yahudi: 29.1 Akan dihukum menurut - . Yoh 5:45; Rom 2:12 29.2 Menganggap orang yang tidak mengenal - terkutuk. Yoh 7:49 29.3 Menyangkal Kristus karena mengejar - . Rom 9:31-33 29.4 Menghina Allah dan melanggar - . Rom 2:23 29.5 Menuduh Kristus melanggar - . Yoh 19:7 29.6 Tidak seorangpun di antara mereka yang melakukan - . Yoh 7:19 29.7 Rajin memelihara - . Yoh 9:28,29; Kis 21:20 30. Menjadi satu kuk yang tidak dapat dipikul. Kis 15:10 31. Kegelapan pada waktu - diberikan. Ibr 12:18-24 Ke atas KETUBIM [Kamus Browning] (kitab-kitab) Bagian ketiga dalam --> Alkitab Ibrani (bagian pertama = Torah; bagian kedua = Nebiim). Pembagian ini ada sejak akhir abad pertama Masehi. Bagian ketiga berisikan Kitab-kitab mur, Amsal, Ayub, Kidung Agung, R Ratapan, Pengkhotbah, Ester, Daniel, E Nehemia dan Tawarikh. Ke atas TAURAT [Kamus Browning] Terjemahan dari kata Ibrani --> Torah, sekalipun kata ini mempunyai arti lebih luas dari arti legal saja, sehingga arti 'tafsirannya' mungkin lebih baik. Dalam Alkitab Ibrani, Torah digunakan untuk --> Pentateukh (lima kitab), di mana hukum sebagai sistem peraturan hanya merupakan sebagian saja dari kelima buku tersebut.Taurat dalam anti paling sempit adalah dasar bagi pengelolaan keadilan, yang dijalankan oleh para tua-tua setempat pada gerbang kota, tetapi kasus-kasus berat dilimpahkan kepada ahli-ahli yang berwenang di Bait Allah di Yerusalem. Raja menjalankan fungsi pengadilan dan putusannya menjadi teladan, yang diperkuat oleh pertimbangan para nabi kerajaannya, membimbing konsolidasi berbagai undang-undang dalam --> Pentateukh. Cerita-cerita sejarah membuat catatan peristiwa-peristiwa yang ikut menyumbang terwujudnya proses tersebut: ada cerita --> Samuel menempatkan sebuah kitab yang memuat hal-hal khusus dari raja di --> tempat kudus (1Sam. 8), yang diikuti --> Yeremia (Yer. 36) dan penemuan kitab --> perjanjian pada waktu pemerintahan --> Yosia (2Raj. 23) dan proklamasi Ezra (Ezr. 7:10).Undang-undang tertua adalah yang biasa disebut Undang-undang Perjanjian (Kel. 21-23) yang memuat aturan-aturan mengenai perbudakan, pembunuhan, pencurian, bersama ketentuan-ketentuan kemanusiaan. Undang-undang Imamat, terutama mengenai agama dan peribadahan, dan di dalamnya terdapat pula undang-undang kekudusan (Im. 17-26). Disebut undang-undang Imamat, karena berkaitan dengan sumber --> P dari --> Pentateukh.Undang-undang Ulangan (Ul. 12-26) secara umum diidentifikasikan dengan kitab yang ditemukan di Bait Allah pada zaman Yeremia. Bentuknya adalah suatu pidato Musa kepada umat Israel sebelum memasuki --> tanah yang dijanjikan. Memegang dan memelihara Taurat adalah syarat perjanjian, sebab Musa hanyalah jurubicara dari Allah, yang perintah-perintah-Nya diteruskan oleh Musa. Melanggar hukum Taurat berarti melanggar kehendak Allah. Sesudah masa Pembuangan hukum itu makin banyak diulangi, diperluas, dan dibarui sesuai dengan keadaan. Hal ini ini dilakukan oleh berbagai kelompok dalam --> Yudaisme, seperti dibayangkan oleh Kitab Ulangan sendiri (Ul. 18:15-22). Hukum lisan orang 'Farisi yang dikumpulkan dalam *Misnah, sekitar 200 M, hanyalah merupakan satu bentuk tambahan, Persekutuan di --> Qumran menambahkan undang-undang kekudusan yang berbeda dari Yerusalem dan Bait Allah. Philo menginterpretasikan hukum Taurat dengan cara *alegoris; Yes tidak datang untuk meniadakan hukum Taurat, tetapi dalam --> Khotbah di Bukit, Yesus menginterprestasikannya secara radikal. Paulus tidak menentang hukum Taurat Yahudi itu sendiri, tetapi menolak pandangan bahwa memegang Taurat adalah jalan *ke. selamatan bagi orang Kristen (Gal. 5:4). Hukum Taurat adalah dasar persekutuan Yahudi dan Paulus bermaksud memisahkan jemaat-jemaatnya dari Yudaisme. Paulus menyadari bahwa jemaat-jemaat --> bukan Yahudi tidak mempunyai masa depan apabila orang-orang bukan Yahudi yang bertobat diharuskan untuk *disunat dan diwajibkan mengikuti aturan-aturan keagamaan Yudaisme, sebelum dapat *dibaptiskan. Ke atas TORAH [Kamus Browning] Kata Ibrani yang berarti 'pengajaran'. Terjemahan: *'hukum' terlalu terbatas: memang ada sejumlah perundang-undangan hukum di dalamnya, tetapi selalu diletakkan dalam kerangka --> penyataan dan pengajaran ilahi -- seluruhnya itu dikenal sebagai Torah. Di samping undang-undang (Kel. 18:16), Torah memuat petunjuk-petunjuk untuk *peribadahan (Im. 6:14), pelaksanaan --> kurban, perilaku benar, dan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan untuk memelihara ketahiran (Im. 10:10; 14:57; Ul. 4-7; 11-15; 23). Dalam Kitab Ulangan, Torah berarti keseluruhan Kitab Torah, keseluruhan tata hidup yang menentukan identitas kebudayaan dan keagamaan Israel, berdasarkan Kitab Torah yang akhirnya ditemukan di Bait Suci (2Raj. 22:8). Yeremia, orang seangkatan Raja Yosia menggunakan kata Torah dalam arti yang luas, seperti dalam Kitab Ulangan dan Kitab Mazmur (mis. Mzm. 1:2). Mempelajari Torah adalah seluruh tujuan kehidupan. Ketidaktaatan atau pengabaian Torah membawa pembuangan, kecelakaan dan kematian sebagai akibatnya, yang berlaku juga untuk raja-raja (Ul. 17:18-20). Dalam keyakinan yang kemudian, --> Pentateukh lalu dikenal sebagai Torah tertulis, sementara Torah lisan terdiri atas tradisi-tradisi yang akhirnya dituliskan ke dalam *Misnah, yang menjadi dasar --> Talmud.Musalah yang diakui telah mengucapkan dan memaparkan Torah (Ul. 4:44) tetapi sesudah itu Torah dalam arti luas, disebarluaskan oleh raja-raja, imam-imam dan orang-orang bijak (Ams. 6:20). Torah adalah suatu pernyataan ilahi dan menyambutnya dalam hidup adalah kesukaan terbesar dari orang saleh di Israel (Mzm. 119). Dalam PB Yesus memperingatkan pengikut-Nya bahwa perintah-perintah hukum --> Taurat, hanya membawa mereka ke ambang *Kerajaan Allah: hukum Taurat melarang membunuh sementara dalam Kerajaan Allah, amarah pun tidak ada (Mat. 5:22). Paulus menganggap ketaatan pada hukum Taurat itu sebagai tanda utama dari Yudaisme, dan orang Kristen dilepaskan daripadanya, karena Kristus saja, satu-satunya yang menyelamatkan. Ke atas TAURAT [Ensiklopedia] a. Asal usul kata Tora (Taurat) Alkitab bh Indonesia menerjemahkan tora (bh Ibrani) dan nomos (bh Yunani), yg masing-masing muncul kr 200 kali, dengan 'hukum Taurat', 'hukum' saja, atau 'Taurat' saja. Ada perbedaan pendapat yg luas tentang asal usul kata tora, tapi dapat dipastikan ada kaitannya dengan kata kerja hora yg berarti memimpin, mengajar, mendidik dan di banyak tempat dapat diterjemahkan dengan 'pengajaran', mis dalam Yes 1:10 dan Hag 2:11-13. b. Asal usul tora Ajaran seperti itu diberikan oleh para bapak, atau orang bijaksana yg menyapa murid-muridnya dengan sebutan 'anak' (Ams 3:1; 6:23; 7:2; 13:14), atau oleh para ibu (Ams 1:8; 6:20; 31:26). Kata-kata yg sejajar adalah mutsar, 'petunjuk'; khokhma, 'kebijaksanaan'; dan khususnya mitswa, 'perintah'. Tapi kebanyakan pengajaran itu berasal bukan dari manusia, melainkan dari Allah. Tora tidak pernah digunakan bila menggambarkan komunikasi langsung antara Allah dan manusia. Sebab itu dalam cerita Kej tidak banyak dijumpai (kecuali Kej 26:5 saja). Tora diberikan oleh Allah, tapi melalui perantara-perantara manusia seperti Musa, para imam, para nabi atau hamba Tuhan (Yes 42:4). Sejak permulaan istilah tora digunakan untuk menggambarkan ajaran mengenai suatu hal, keputusan-keputusan yg diambil untuk memecahkan soal yg musykil. Contoh yg baik ditemukan dalam Hag 2:11-13, di mana ditanyakan keputusan para imam mengenai soal ketahiran. Keputusan para imam, petunjuk mereka bagi tingkah laku umat disebut tora, 'ajaran'. Tugas untuk memberi petunjuk-petunjuk macam itu dipercayakan kepada para imam oleh Allah (Mal 2:6-7), dan oleh sebab itu keputusan-keputusan mereka mempunyai kekuatan ilahi. Keputusan-keputusan yg penting berlaku Iebih lama daripada peristiwa yg menjadi sebab lahirnya keputusan itu. Keputusan-keputusan itu dipelihara oleh umat yg hidupnya dikuasai oleh keputusan tersebut. Tradisi lisan pada akhirnya mengumpulkan keputusan-keputusan tersebut menjadi kesimpulan ajaran yg diperkenalkan oleh para imam, yg bukan hanya menjadi perantara dari keputusan-keputusan ilahi itu, tapi mereka juga menjadi penerus keputusan-keputusan tersebut kepada angkatan berikutnya. Pada waktunya kumpulan-kumpulan torot itu dituliskan. Himpunan petunjuk untuk upacara-upacara keagamaan atau hal-hal lain, juga disebut sebuah tora, sering dalam bentuk tunggal, walaupun bentuk jamak juga dijumpai. Tora yg tertulis seperti itu dijaga oleh para imam di tempat kudus (Ul 31:24-26). Pada akhir perkembangan ini segenap Pentateukh (lima Kitab Musa) atau bahkan seluruh PL dikutip sebagai 'tora itu'. Jadi ajaran ilahi adalah bagian dari tugas imam-imam, tapi sementara memberikan ajaran ilahi para imam juga menunaikan tugas nabi, karena kekuasaan dari tora mereka bersandar pada wahyu. Jadi para nabi sering juga memberikan tora (Yes 1:10; 8:16, 20; 30:9-10). Ini tidak berarti bahwa sebelum nabi-nabi abad 8 sM bersuara, tidak ada tora; Hos 8:12 secara jelas menyebut himpunan torot yg tertulis. Pada umumnya kita dapat mengatakan bahwa teguran-teguran para nabi bagi pendengarnya yg mula-mula, tiada nilainya bila sebelumnya tidak ada tora yg diketahui dengan baik maupun diterima umum kekuatannya. Sama seperti nabi-nabi menyampaikan pemberitaan mereka dalam bentuk puitis berirama, ajaran ilahi nampaknya sering mempunyai kerangka puitis yg tetap, yg pasti dianjurkan untuk lebih mullah diingat orang. Dalam Kel 21:12 dab sebagai contoh, ada sederetan ay yg masing-masing terdiri atas 3-2 tekanan metris, dan semuanya berakhir dengan 'pastilah ia dihukum mati'. Dengan cara yg sama kita baca dalam Ul 27:15 dab dua belas baris, masing-masing dengan empat tekanan, dan semua dimulai dengan 'Terkutuklah orang yg ... Dasa Titah dan pasangan-pasangannya di bagian kitab lainnya (Kel 20:1-17; Ul 5:6-21; Kel 34:1-26) menunjukkan bentuk yg lebih berkembang, di mana pertimbangan-pertimbangan metris tidak lagi memainkan peranan penting. c. Buku Perjanjian Disamping himpunan-himpunan terkecil ini (bnd Mzm 15:2-5; 24:4-6), yg menggambarkan sikap-sikap agamawi dan susila yg dituntut Tuhan terhadap mereka yg terhisab dalam umat perjanjian-Nya, ada pula himpunan-himpunan yg lebih besar yg bersifat lebih teknis. Tidak ada alasan untuk menduga bahwa himpunan yg kecil itu harus lebih tua umurnya dibandingkan himpunan yg lebih besar. Perbedaannya terletak pada tujuannya. Yg kecil digunakan untuk keperluan umum dan ajaran sedang himpunan yg besar untuk buku-buku pegangan bagi para imam dan para hakim. Suatu himpunan besar yg sangat tua usianya disebut Buku Perjanjian (Kel 21-23). Kebanyakan ahli berpendapat bahwa buku ini harus berasal dari zaman sebelum kerajaan ( --> JANJI, KITAB PERJANJIAN). Seorang ahli bernama Alt menduga bahwa perintah-perintah 'tanpa syarat' dalam kumpulan ini (mis, 'seorang janda dan anak yatim janganlah kamu tindas') berasal dari pernyataan ajaran ilahi di kalangan imam Israel. Dia juga berpendapat bahwa perintah-perintah yg kasuistik (mis, 'jika seorang pencuri kedapatan pada saat membongkar, dan ia dipukuli orang sehingga mati, maka si pemukul tidak berhutang darah') asalnya dari hukum adat Kanaan, yg diambil alih oleh orang Israel setelah pendudukan negeri itu. Dalam hal itu Buku Perjanjian tentu berasal dari zaman sesudah Musa. Alasan lain untuk mendukung penempatan pada zaman setelah Musa, ialah bahwa isinya menyangkut suatu masyarakat di mana pertanian memainkan peranan penting (Kel 22:1-6, 29; 23:10, 11, 14-16). Namun sewaktu bangsa Israel bermukim di Gosyen di tanah Mesir pastilah mereka bukan bangsa pengembara. Dapat diduga bahwa ketika bangsa itu pindah ke Mesir, mereka membawa serta unsur-unsur dari hukum adat Kanaan. Jadi Buku Perjanjian itu dapat digambarkan sebagai pembakuan menjadi hukum (kodifikasi) dari peraturan-peraturan yg ada di lingkungan Israel di negeri Mesir, diperkaya oleh perintah-perintah tanpa syarat yg diperoleh melalui pernyataan-pernyataan nabi imamat. Penjelasan ini tidak bertentangan dengan hal bahwa Musa-lah yg menyusun Buku Perjanjian itu. d. Hukum Deuteronomis (Ulangan) Kumpulan hukum lainnya yg dapat dengan mudah dikenal adalah Hukum Deuteronomis, atau rumusan-rumusan peraturan hukum yg dijumpai di Ul 12-25. Kendati sangat besar kemungkinannya bahwa itulah kitab hukum yg penemuannya kembali oleh Yosia digambarkan dalam 2 Raj 22, tidaklah dapat dipertahankan pendapat yg mengatakan bahwa perumusan-perumusan hukum ini berasal dari zaman Yosia atau zaman sebelumnya yg dekat. Peraturan-peraturannya mengandung sifat kuno dan kita dapat melihat pengaruh bagian-bagian tertentu dari Kitab Ul pada abad-abad yg mendahului zaman Yosia (bnd Ul 17:8-13 dgn 2 Taw 19:5-11; Ul 24:16 dgn 2 Taw 25:4). Lebih-lebih bila dibandingkan dengan hukum-hukum di daerah Timur kuno, kita didorong untuk menduga bahwa penyusunan deuteronomis haruslah mempunyai pendahuluan dan tambahan akhir, yg dijumpai pada ps-ps sebelum ps 12 dan sesudah ps 25. Jadi ada petunjuk-petunjuk bahwa bagian utama Kitab Ul asal usulnya cukup dini. Tapi hal ini tidaklah harus menolak kemungkinan, bahwa bertepatan dengan penerbitan baru pada zaman Yosia terjadi perluasan terhadap bahan asli yg kuno, baik di dalam pendahuluan atau tambahan akhir ataupun dalam inti pokok-pokok hukumnya. Ini menerangkan mengapa pelembagaan kerajaan memainkan peranan yg sangat tidak penting dalam Kitab Ul, walaupun itu disebutkan dalam Ul 17:14-20 (dgn kaitan mental kepada 1 Sam 8 dan 1 Raj 10:26-11:8). --> ULANGAN, KITAB. e. Hukum kesucian Pengelompokan ketiga dari hukum-hukum adalah yg disebut 'hukum kesucian' dijumpai dalam Im 17-26, berupa kumpulan peraturan mengenai upacara-upacara keagamaan dan kesusilaan yg berpusat di Kemah Suci, para imam yg bertugas di sana, dan umat yg mendukung upacara ini. Kesucian upacara keagamaan dan kesusilaan digambarkan sebagai ciri khas yg hakiki dari suatu bangsa, yg oleh pembebasan dari Mesir dan penetapan Perjanjian telah menjadi milik Allah sendiri. Banyak peraturan yg tajam menentang upacara-upacara agamawi bangsa Kanaan maupun praktik sosial mereka. Berdasarkan atas asas dasar dari Musa, hukum-hukum ini mencerminkan pergumulan dengan kebudayaan Kanaan. Kata kunci bagi penyusunan ini ialah Im 21:8, 'Sebab Aku, TUHAN, yg menguduskan kamu adalah kudus', yg sering disingkatkan 'Aku-lah TUHAN'. Hukum kesucian ini telah mempengaruhi Yeh, dan sebab itu berasal dari zaman sebelum pembuangan; beberapa peraturan secara terpisah sering dapat dikembalikan pada zaman pengembaraan Israel ( --> IMAMAT, KITAB). f. Perkembangan-perkembangan terakhir Demikian juga halnya banyak peraturan lain, yg umumnya mencerminkan peraturan-peraturan yg berlaku dalam upacara-upacara di tempat kudus di Yerusalem. Jelas bahwa setelah Bait Allah dibangun, para imam yg bertugas tidaklah menciptakan kebiasaan-kebiasaan baru, tapi melanjutkan upacara-upacara seperti yg Iebih dahulu digunakan di sekitar Kemah Suci dan tempat-tempat kudus seperti yg ada di Silo dan Gibeon. Bahkan seandainya peraturan-peraturan untuk korban seperti yg disebut dalam Im 1-7 seperti bentuknya yg tertulis, dapat dibuktikan baru ada sejak zaman pembuangan, adalah pasti bahwa walaupun tidak tertulis isi peraturan itu telah diberlakukan sejak sangat lama di tempat-tempat khusus Israel. Secara bertahap kumpulan yg berbeda-beda dihimpun jadi satu, uraian-uraian pengantara historisnya dipadukan dengan nisbah historis yg agung dari asal usul bangsa Israel, dan hasilnya adalah lima Kitab Musa dalam bentuk akhirnya seperti yg diberitakan oleh Ezra (Neh 8, kr 450 sM). Tapi ini tidaklah berarti bahwa Ezra adalah penulis dari bagian utama dari kelima Kitab itu. Kenyataan bahwa bangsa Samaria, yg menjadi lawan keras dari karya-karya Ezra dan Nehemia, mempunyai kelima Kitab yg sama yg berbeda hanya sedikit saja, merupakan bukti yg cukup bahwa kelima Kitab itu telah ada pada zaman Ezra. Namun demikian Ezra-lah yg menjadikan kelima Kitab itu dasar dari segenap kehidupan bangsa Yahudi. Oleh pekerjaan Ezra, tora menjadi undang-undang dasar negara, dasar dari masyarakat Yahudi, dan 'hukum' yg diberlakukan oleh kekuasaan negara. Tora mengatur setiap rincian dari kehidupan pribadi baik di bidang keagamaan, upacara keagamaan maupun kesusilaan. g. Hukum dalam Alkitab dibandingkan hukum-hukum kuno yg lain Riset-riset arkeologis abad 20 menghasilkan temuan berupa hukum-hukum kuno dari wilayah Asia Barat. Telah ditemukan, selain bagian-bagian dari hukum Sumeria yg ringkas dan lebih tua, juga Hukum-hukum Akadia dari Esynunna (1850 sM, ANET, hlm 161-163); Hukum Sumeria dari Lipit-Isytar (lebih muda beberapa dasawarsa, ANET, hlm 159-161); Hukum Hammurabi, merupakan hukum yg terpanjang dan terpelihara sangat baik di antara semuanya (1700 sM, ANET, hlm 163-180); Hukum-hukum Het (abad 15 sM, ANET hlm 188-196); Hukum-hukum Asyur Zaman Pertengahan (abad 12 sM, ANET, hlm 180-188). Kumpulan-kumpulan hukum ini terutama berisi peraturan-peraturan yg bercorak 'kasuistik', biasanya dimulai: '...jikalau ....' Sebab itu ada kesamaan tertentu antara hukum-hukum kuno dari Timur pada umumnya dengan beberapa perintah dalam Alkitab. Kesamaan-kesamaan isi ini agak terlalu dilebih-lebihkan oleh ahli-ahli, bahkan contoh yg paling sering dikutip (hukum-hukum ttg 'lembu yg menanduk') tidaklah meyakinkan betul. Ada tujuh pokok yg berbeda antara peraturan-peraturan yg disebut dalam Alkitab dengan yg dari Mesopotamia. Perbandingan umum antara hukum-hukum alkitabiah dan hukum-hukum Timur lebih penting dibandingkan kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu yg terjadi secara kebetulan. Dalam hukum-hukum alkitabiah hampir selalu ditekankan bahwa hukum-hukum itu berasal dari Allah, sehingga memberi kekuasaan terhadap perintah-perintah itu. Sesungguhnya seluruh tora dipandang sebagai petunjuk yg amat jelas dari kasih Tuhan terhadap umat pilihan-Nya (Mzm 147:19-20). Dalam hukum-hukum Asia Barat agama memegang peranan yg kurang penting; rajalah yg memberikan kekuasaannya pada hukum, bukan Allah. Dalam sastra populer sering disebut bahwa gambar ukiran yg dijumpai pada puncak tiang Hammurabi, melukiskan ilah matahari memberikan hukum-hukumnya kepada raja; pada kenyataannya gambaran ini menunjukkan ilah itu memberikan raja tanda-tanda kerajaannya (cincin dan tongkat, --> ASYTORET). Pada umumnya, hukum-hukum Timur Tengah hanya mengenai perkara-perkara hukum saja, dan membiarkan nasihat-nasihat agamawi dan kesusilaan dikupas oleh cabang-cabang sastra yg lain. Dalam tora alkitabiah, peraturan-peraturan hukum, kesusilaan dan agamawi membentuk satu kesatuan yg tak terpisahkan. Untuk pemikiran modern penyatuan nilai-nilai susila, upacara agamawi dan peraturan-peraturan hukum menimbulkan kesan yg membingungkan. Dalam hubungan ini hukum-hukum Asia Barat adalah lebih cocok dengan cara 'modern' dibandingkan hukum yg ada dalam Alkitab. Tapi bagi alam pikiran alkitabiah pemisahan antara agama dengan kesusilaan dan pemisahan antara kesusilaan dengan hukum seperti yg kita lihat sekarang ini, dapat merupakan bukti keadaan masyarakat yg amat kurang sehat. Salah satu dari pengaruh-pengaruh penyatuan agama, kesusilaan dan hukum adalah watak yg dimiliki oleh hukum-hukum alkitabiah yg sering bersifat teguran-teguran. Bertentangan dengan semua Hukum Asia Barat Kuno, peraturan-peraturan alkitabiah sering berisi beberapa motivasi yg memikat rasa keagamaan dan kesusilaan dari para pendengarnya -- yaitu yg disebut kalimat-kalimat motif yg merupakan bagian-bagian hakiki dari tora alkitabiah, walau dianggap berlebih-lebihan dari sudut pemahaman hukum. Suatu segi yg sangat menarik dalam pembentukan hukum di Israel, ialah banyaknya ps yg menyebut tentang perlindungan hak-hak kaum lemah, ump orang-orang buta (Im 19:14; Ul 27:18), orang-orang tuli (Im 19:14), para janda dan anak-anak yatim (Kel 22:21-22; Ul 24:17 dsb), 'orang-orang asing' (gerim, Kel 23:9; Im 19:10 dab), orang-orang miskin (Kel 23:6; Ul 15:7-11), orang-orang yg berhutang hingga harus menjual diri sendiri menjadi hamba (Kel 20; 21:1-11; Ul 15:12-18) dan bahkan orang-orang yg terlahir sebagai budak (Kel 23:12). Hukum-hukum mengenai hari Sabat, tahun Sabat dan tahun kebebasan dan hukum-hukum yg mengatur hari-hari raya keagamaan (mis Ul 14:29; 16:11, 14) menunjuk kepada sikap sosial yg sama, yg secara tajam sangat berbeda, mis berbeda dengan hukum Hammurabi, yg cenderung mendukung kepentingan kelompok-kelompok penguasa jelas kelihatan. Ul 23:15 mis sangat berlawanan dengan hukum-hukum Babel mengenai hamba-hamba yg melarikan diri. Dalam hal ini hukum-hukum dalam Alkitab sungguh lebih cocok dengan cara 'modern' dibandingkan hukum-hukum kuno mana pun. Sebagai perbedaan yg terakhir antara tora dalam Alkitab dengan hukum-hukum kuno yg lain, dapatlah disebut mengenai kedudukan historis dari hukum-hukum dalam Pentateukh. Sering keadaan khusus yg menyebabkan datangnya pernyataan mengenai peraturan-peraturan baru disebut secara jelas (mis Im 10; 24:10-16; Bil 15:32-36). Walaupun pendahuluan-pendahuluan dari hukum-hukum Asia Barat sering berisi keterangan-keterangan historis, hukum-hukumnya sendiri adalah bebas dari semua kaitan dengan peristiwa historis; hukum-hukum itu merupakan abstraksi yg tidak mengenal waktu. Sebaliknya kedudukan historis dari hukum-hukum dalam Alkitab, lebih menarik perhatian sebab pada saat yg sama ada arah nabiah dan bahkan eskatologis dalam hukum-hukum dalam Pentateukh itu. Hukum-hukum ini diberikan dengan memandang kepada peristiwa yg akan datang, yaitu pendudukan tanah Kanaan di mana teokrasi masih harus dibangun. Hukum-hukum yg mengatur segala sesuatu yg penting bagi teokrasi ini, hukum-hukum sipil seperti mis hukum perjanjian (kontrak), tidaklah ditulis dalam naskah-naskah suci itu, walaupun tidak dapat disangsikan bahwa hukum-hukum itu harus sudah ada kendati dalam bentuk lisan. h. Tora dalam kehidupan Israel Pengaruh tora dalam hidup bangsa Israel banyak sekali, kendati penulis-penulis pada waktu itu mengeluh bahwa tora diabaikan. Telah disinggung bahwa nubuat di Israel mengandaikan adanya tora dalam bentuk lisan atau tertulis (bnd Mi 6:8; Hos 4:2; Yer 7:9). Kitab-kitab seperti Hak, Sam dan Raj menyajikan sejarah Israel dari sudut pandang tora, sambil menunjukkan bahwa waktu-waktu ketaatan kepada Allah adalah waktu-waktu kelimpahan kebendaan maupun kerohanian, sementara bila tora diabaikan maka tibalah bencana menimpa Israel. Mzm 1, 19 dan 119 memuliakan tora sebagai anugerah Allah yg terbesar. Bahkan dalam Ams, seperti telah kita lihat tora sering diberi arti pengajaran manusia, hukum ilahi dipuji sebagai permulaan segala hikmat dan kebahagiaan (lih Ams 28:4, 7, 9; 28: 18). Penetapan Pentateukh pada akhirnya sebagai buku pegangan dasar dari semua tora, bertepatan dengan hilangnya semangat kenabian, menyebabkan bangkitnya kelompok pimpinan kerohanian baru, yaitu 'ahli-ahli Taurat', dan Ezra merupakan teladan pertama (Ezr 7:6; Neh 8:1-8). Bersamaan dengan pekerjaan mereka, pusat-pusat kerohanian Israel bergeser dari Bait Allah ke tempat-tempat ibadah. Bagi bangsa yg terserak-serak di kemudian hari, tora terbukti lebih penting dari ibadah korban di Yerusalem. Tora diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa-bahasa di wilayah-wilayah dan negara-negara di mana orang Yahudi tinggal. Penerjemahan istilah tora ke dalam Yunani nomos sering dikritik, dan kritik ini sering cukup kuat alasannya, sebabnya ialah karena tora itu mempunyai makna yg lebih luas dan lebih dalam. Khususnya tora mencakupi (nomos tidak) Allah yg hidup dan maha kasih sebagai Pemberi pengajaran ini. Tapi orang tidak boleh lupa, bahwa Septuaginta dalam hubungan ini didahului bagian-bagian dari Kitab Ezr yg berbahasa Aram, di mana tora diterjemahkan dengan kata Aram (aslinya bh Persia) dat; dalam Ezr 7:26 dat digunakan baik dengan arti hukum negara Persia dan juga dengan arti tora ilahi. Namun, benarlah bahwa dengan cara demikian langkah-langkah permulaan telah diambil, yg pada akhirnya bertumbuh ke arah konsepsi tora yg legalistik saja, seperti yg kemudian dijumpai di lingkungan kelompok-kelompok Yahudi pada zaman PB. Dalam konsepsi ini Tuhan yg hidup dan penuh kasih telah menghilang di belakang ps-ps hukum ataupun tafsiran-tafsiran mengenai hukum itu. Mengenai nomos (Hukum, Taurat) dalam PB, --> HUKUM. KEPUSTAKAAN. A Alt, 'The Origins of Israelite Law', Essays on Old Testament History and Religion, 1968, hlm 101-171; W Beyerlin, Origins and History of the Oldest Sinaitic Traditions, 1965; D Daube, Studies in Biblical Law, 1947; Z Falk, Hebrew Law in Biblical Times, 1964; F. C Fensham, 'Widow, Orphan and the Poor in Ancient Near Eastern Legal and Wisdom Literature',JNES 21, 1962, hlm 129-139: 'Aspects of Family Law in the Covenant Code', Dine Israel 1, 1969, hlm 5-19; E. Gerstenberger, Wesen and Herkunft des 'apoditischen Rechts', 1965; M Greenberg, 'Some Postulates of Biblical Criminal Law', Y Kaufman Jubilee Volume, 1960; B. S Jackson, Theft in Early Jewish Law, 1972; Essays in Jewish and Comparative Legal History, 1975; L Kohler, Der hebraische Mensch, 1953; G Liedke, Gestalt and Bezeichnung alttestamentliche Rechtssktze, 1971; N Lohfink, Das Hauptgebot, 1963; M Noth, The Laws in the Pentateuch and Other Studies, 1966; G Ostborn, Tora in the Old Testament, 1945; S. M Paul, Studies in the Book of the Covenant, 1970; A Phillips, Ancient Israel's Criminal Law, 170; G. J Wenham, 'Grace and Law in the Old Testament' dan 'Law and the Legal System in the Old Testament' dalam B. N Kaye dan G. J Wenham, (red.) Law, Morality and the Bible, 1978; D. J Wiseman, 'Law and Order in Old Testament Times', Vox Evangelica 8, 1973, hlm 5-21. A VAN S/FCF/SS/HAO Ke atas Taurat [Statistik] Jumlah dalam TB : 302 dalam 263 ayat (dalam OT : 68 dalam 66 ayat) (dalam NT : 234 dalam 197 ayat) Strong dalam PL : [<01882> דת ‎2x] [<05608> ספר ‎1x] [<08451> תורח ‎100x] Strong dalam PB : [<460> ανομως ‎2x] [<1121> γραμμα ‎1x] [<1122> γραμματευς ‎62x] [<1785> εντολη ‎1x] [<3544> νομικος ‎9x] [<3547> νομοδιδασκαλος ‎3x] [<3548> νομοθεσια ‎1x] [<3549> νομοθετεω ‎1x] [<3551> νομος ‎142x] [<3778> ουτος ‎1x] Ke atas Dalam Versi-Versi Alkitab: Hukum Musa: BIS Taurat: TB

Kehillot-Yochanan I, 1:-19

1 From the Zaken (Elder, SHEMOT 3:16). To Gaius HaAhuv (Gaius the beloved), for whom I have ahavah (agape) b’Emes. 2 Chaver, it is my tefillah that all may be hatzlocha (successful) with you, and that you may be shalem b’guf (healthy), just as your nefesh (soul) is matsli’ach (successful). 3 For I had simcha gedola (much joy) when the Achim b’Moshiach arrived [here] and gave eidus (testimony) of you being in HaEmes (the Truth), just as your walk is halakhah b’Derech Emes (conduct in the Way of Truth). 4 I have no greater simcha than this, to hear of my bnei b’Moshiach, that their walk is halakhah b’Derech Emes. 5 Chaver, you do a thing of emunah (faith) when it is done for the Achim b’Moshiach [engaged in the Shlichus (Divine Mission) of Messianic Kiruv Rechokim itineration in the kehillot], especially when they are people you don’t know. 6 They gave eidushaft (witness of testimony) to your ahavah (agape) before the Kehillah (assembly) [here]; you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of Hashem. 7 For, on behalf of Hashem they went forth [in the Shlichus of Moshiach’s Kiruv Rechokim], taking nothing from the Goyim. 8 Therefore, we ought to give hachnosas orchim (hospitality) to such, in order that we may be ozrim (helpers) with HaEmes. 9 I wrote something to the Kehillah [there]; but Diotrephes, who has fallen in love with being "Rosh of the Kehillah," does not receive us. 10 Oib azoi (consequently), if I come, I will remember his "ma’asim" ("works") which he does, his bringing unjustified charges against us with lashon horah (evil speech). And not being satisfied with performing these "mitzvot", he even refuses to receive the Achim b’Moshiach, and, those intending to do so, he hinders and expels out of the Kehillah. 11 Chaver, do not imitate HaRah (Evil); rather, imitate HaTov (Good). The one doing HaTov is from Hashem. The one doing HaRah has not regarded Hashem. 12 To Demetrius, eidus (witness of testimony, commendation) has been given by all and, personally, by no less than HaEmes (the Truth); we also give eidus, and you have da’as that our eidus is emes. 13 I had many things to write to you, but I do not want to write to you with pen and ink. 14 But I have the tikvah (hope) to see you imminently, and we will speak panim el panim (directly, in person). Drishat Shalom to you. Drishat Shalom from the Chaverim [here]. Drishat Shalom by name to each of the Chaverim [there]. 15 Drishat Shalom to you. Drishat Shalom from the Chaverim [here]. Drishat Shalom by name to each of the Chaverim [there]. T.N. It is possible that the first book of the Brit Chadasha was written by Ya’akov [see p.848], possibly around 45 C.E. However, the iggeret hakodesh on this page is written by Moshiach’s Shliach Yochanan to Gaius with the prayer that as Gaius prospers spiritually, he will succeed in every aspect of his life. It appears that the Shliach Yochanan had led Gaius to faith in the Moshiach (see verse 3-4) and Gaius in turn had shown kindness and hachnosas orchim (hospitality) to certain of Moshiach’s traveling emissaries, who had reported Gaius’ generosity (verse 6) before the Kehillah where the Shliach Yochanan is now, probably the same Kehillah in Asia Minor where Yochanan did much of his other writing: his Besurah Geulah, his other iggrot kodesh, and his Hisgalus. The purpose of the letter is to commend an itinerant emissary of Moshiach named Demetrius (verse 12). When planting a new Messianic Shul, the non-believers are not to be asked for financial support (verse 7). Therefore, the Messianic kehillot and their Zekenim are to offer hachnosas orchim and material help to travelling emissaries of Moshiach such as Demetrius. Also this epistle teaches that when one knows G-d, the Truth gives an inner eidus or testimony (verse 12). Other Scripture on this matter of assurance are found in Ro 8:15-17, 38f; Ga 4:6; Pp 1:6; 2Ti 1:12; Yn 5:24; 1Yn 5:13; 1Yn 4:13; 5:10; 3:18- 19; MJ 6:11; 10:22. As we study the Holy Bible we find that we can discover there (not in emotional experience or in our circumstances) that we are heirs of salvation and children with a heavenly calling, citizenship, and destiny. See also 2Ti 3:14; Col 2:2; 1Th 1:5; Ro 14:5; 4:21; 1Th 2:13; Ac 2:38, 5:32; Ga 3:2; Ac 15:8; 1Yn 3:24; Eph 1:13-14; 4:30. There are other Scriptures that warn against self-deception in these matters, and give moral and spiritual tests so that anyone can see if he or she is walking in the light—see 1Yn 2:3-5; 3:9f; 14, 18f, 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18; 1 Yn 3:19; 1 Yn 1:6; 2:4, 9- 11, 23: 3:6-10, 4:8,20; 2Yn 9; 3Yn 11.



Vatican admits the change of Sabbath was their act not the Bible

Samuel Owusu by Samuel Owusu

Rome’s biggest challenge
“Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO, Feb. 18, 1884).

There can be no doubt that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath. Yet, today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. Who made this change, and how did it occur?
No serious student of the Scriptures can deny that God instituted the Sabbath at creation and designated the seventh day to be kept holy. “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2–3). It was later codified as the Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8–11).

The Word of God makes it expressly clear that Sabbath observance is a special sign or “mark” between God and His people. There is also no uncertainty that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath as commanded—the day we now call “Saturday” (Mark 2:28; Luke 4:16).

Is There Any Biblical Support for Sunday Observance?

There is absolutely no New Testament text stating that God, Jesus, or the apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday—not a text, not a word, not even a hint or suggestion. If there were, those chapters and verses would be loudly heralded by Sabbath opposers. Had Paul or any other apostle taught a change from Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week, an absolute firestorm of protest would have arisen from conservative Jewish Christians. The Pharisees and scribes would have insisted that Paul or any other person even suggesting such a thing be stoned to death for the sin of Sabbath-breaking. This would have been a much larger issue than the controversy over circumcision!

The self-righteous Pharisees had already falsely accused Christ of breaking the Sabbath because He violated the added man-made rules and traditions they placed upon the Sabbath (Mark 2:24). The total absence of any such controversy over a change in the day of worship is one of the best evidences showing the apostles and other New Testament Christians did notchange the day. On the contrary, we have a record of many Sabbaths that Paul and his traveling companions kept long after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read of them in your own Bible in Acts 13:14, 27, 42–44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; and 18:4. Acts 13:42–44 is especially significant in that Paul and Barnabas, when speaking at a Jewish synagogue, were invited to speak again the nextSabbath. This would have been Paul’s golden opportunity to tell the people to meet with him the next day rather than waiting a whole week for the Sabbath. But, “on the next Sabbath almost the whole city [Jews and Gentiles alike] gathered to hear the word of the Lord.”

Yet today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. The question arises then, who changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and how did it occur? The answer may amaze you!

Biblical Testimony

The New Testament plainly shows we are to continue keeping the commandments (Mathew 5:17–18; 19:17; 28:20)—all ten of them. Where, then, do men get the “authority” to change the Fourth Commandment by substituting Sunday for the original Sabbath Christ and the apostles kept?

The Bible prophesied many centuries earlier that the time would come when men would think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25). Many Bible prophecies are “dual” in nature—that is, they have a type and antitype, an earlier and a later fulfillment. Though speaking specifically of the soon-coming antichrist, we can see the forerunner type documented in history.

The Watering Down of the Sabbath in the First 300 Years

The Christians during the apostolic era, from about 35 to 100 A.D., kept Sabbath on the designated seventh day of the week. For the first 300 years of Christian history, when the Roman emperors regarded themselves as gods, Christianity became an “illegal religion,” and God’s people were scattered abroad (Acts 8:1). Judaism, however, was regarded at that time as “legal,” as long as they obeyed Roman laws. Thus, during the apostolic era, Christians found it convenient to let the Roman authorities think of them as Jews, which gained them legitimacy with the Roman government. However, when the Jews rebelled against Rome, the Romans put down their rebellion by destroying Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and again in A.D. 135. Obviously, the Roman government’s suppression of the Jews made it increasingly uncomfortable for Christians to be thought of as Jewish. At that time, Sunday was the rest day of the Roman Empire, whose religion was Mithraism, a form of sun worship. Since Sabbath observance is visible to others, some Christians in the early second century sought to distance themselves from Judaism by observing a different day, thus “blending in” to the society around them.

During the Empire-wide Christian persecutions under Nero, Maximin, Diocletian, and Galerius, Sabbath-keeping Christians were hunted down, tortured, and, for sport, often used for entertainment in the Colisseum.

Constantine Made Sunday a Civil Rest Day

When Emperor Constantine I—a pagan sun-worshipper—came to power in A.D. 313, he legalized Christianity and made the first Sunday-keeping law. His infamous Sunday enforcement law of March 7, A.D. 321, reads as follows: “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” (Codex Justinianus 3.12.3, trans. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, 5th ed. (New York, 1902), 3:380, note 1.)

The Sunday law was officially confirmed by the Roman Papacy. The Council of Laodicea in A.D. 364 decreed, “Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ” (Strand, op. cit., citing Charles J. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, 2 [Edinburgh, 1876] 316).

Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Fathers, 92nd ed., p. 89, freely admits, “You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [the Catholic Church] never sanctify.”

Again, “The Catholic Church, … by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday” (The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893).

“Protestants do not realize that by observing Sunday, they accept the authority of the spokesperson of the Church, the Pope” (Our Sunday Visitor, February 5, 1950).

“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was her act… And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons).

“Sunday is our mark of authority… the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923).

What a shocking admission!

A Prophecy Come to Pass!

At this point we need to note an amazing prophecy. Daniel 7:25 foretold, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.” Quoting Daniel 7:25, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible says:

“He shall speak great words against the Most High] Literally, Sermones quasi Deus loquetur; “He shall speak as if he were God.” So Jerome quotes from Symmachus. To none can this apply so well or so fully as to the popes of Rome. They have assumed infallibility, which belongs only to God. They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. They profess to open and shut heaven, which belongs only to God. They profess to be higher than all the kings of the earth, which belongs only to God. And they go beyond God in pretending to loose whole nations from their oath of allegiance to their kings, when such kings do not please them! And they go against God when they give indulgences for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies!

And shall wear out the saints] By wars, crusades, massacres, inquisitions, and persecutions of all kinds. What in this way have they not done against all those who have protested against their innovations, and refused to submit to their idolatrous worship? Witness the exterminating crusades published against the Waldenses and Albigenses. Witness John Huss, and Jerome of Prague. Witness the Smithfield fires in England! Witness God and man against this bloody, persecuting, ruthless, and impure Church!

And think to change times and laws] Appointing fasts and feasts; canonizing persons whom he chooses to call saints; granting pardons and indulgences for sins; instituting new modes of worship utterly unknown to the Christian Church; new articles of faith; new rules of practice; and reversing, with pleasure, the laws both of God and man.­–Dodd” (Emphasis his; Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Volume IV, p. 594).

Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?

Your Bible says, “But in vain [uselessness] they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7).

Further, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word [the Bible], it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20).

“Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO, Feb. 18, 1884).

“The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ. The Pope has authority and has often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ” (Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop).

The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventh to the first day.He has thought to change the very commandment that was given to cause man to remember his Creator.He has thought to change the greatest commandment in the Decalogue and thus make himself equal with God, or even exalt himself above God. The Lord is unchangeable, therefore His law is immutable; but the pope has exalted himself above God, in seeking to change His immutable precepts of holiness, justice, and goodness. He has trampled underfoot God’s sanctified day, and, on his own authority, put in its place one of the six laboring days. The whole nation has followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy time. The pope has made a breach in the holy law of God, but I saw that the time had fully come for this breach to be made up by the people of God and the waste places built up.EW 65.1
I pleaded before the angel for God to save His people who had gone astray, to save them for His mercy’s sake. When the plagues begin to fall, those who continue to break the holy Sabbath will not open their mouths to plead those excuses that they now make to get rid of keeping it. Their mouths will be closed while the plagues are falling, and the great Lawgiver is requiring justice of those who have had His holy law in derision and have called it “a curse to man,” “miserable,” and “rickety.” When such feel the iron grasp of this law taking hold of them, these expressions will appear before them in living characters, and they will then realize the sin of having that law in derision which the Word of God calls “holy, just, and good.” EW 65.2
God is calling His people out of this erroneous organisation before her(Babylon, thus Vatican) complete fall as prophesied in revelation 18. “Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” “2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” Jeremiah 51:45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD.
The Consequences for not Heeding God’s Last warning
Those who had not prized God’s Word were hurrying to and fro, wandering from sea to sea, and from the north to the east, to seek the Word of the Lord. Said the angel, “They shall not find it. There is a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord. What would they not give for one word of approval from God! but no, they must hunger and thirst on. Day after day have they slighted salvation, prizing earthly riches and earthly pleasure higher than any heavenly treasure or inducement. They have rejected Jesus and despised His saints. The filthy must remain filthy forever.” EW 281.2
Many of the wicked were greatly enraged as they suffered the effects of the plagues. It was a scene of fearful agony. Parents were bitterly reproaching their children, and children their parents, brothers their sisters, and sisters their brothers.Loud, wailing cries were heard in every direction, “It was you who kept me from receiving the truth which would have saved me from this awful hour.” The people turned upon their ministers with bitter hate and reproached them, saying, “You have not warned us. You told us that all the world was to be converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour; and those who warned us of it you declared to be fanatics and evil men, who would ruin us.” But I saw that the ministers did not escape the wrath of God.Their suffering was tenfold greater than that of their people. EW 282.1
Would you heed God’s call and come out of Babylon or reject and share Babylon’s fate(the seven last plagues and perdition) ?? Would you choose eternal life? The choice is in your hands.
EW: Early Writings


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Shabbat was changed by Roman Church

SECTIONS Signs of the end Coming Sunday Crisis Steps to Christ Book of Daniel Bible Study Devotion Book of Revelations Catholic Church Remnant Church Days of Lot Ellen White The Great Controversy The Man Of Sin The Mark Of The Beast Saturday Sabbath World News The Trinity Present Truth Present day signs of the times UPLOAD 6 months ago 6 months ago SUNDAY DECEPTION Vatican admits the change of Sabbath was their act not the Bible 8 min by Samuel Owusu 6 months ago6 months ago 18 1.5k shares Rome’s biggest challenge “Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO, Feb. 18, 1884). There can be no doubt that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath. Yet, today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. Who made this change, and how did it occur? No serious student of the Scriptures can deny that God instituted the Sabbath at creation and designated the seventh day to be kept holy. “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2–3). It was later codified as the Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8–11). The Word of God makes it expressly clear that Sabbath observance is a special sign or “mark” between God and His people. There is also no uncertainty that Christ, His disciples, and the first-century Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath as commanded—the day we now call “Saturday” (Mark 2:28; Luke 4:16). Is There Any Biblical Support for Sunday Observance? There is absolutely no New Testament text stating that God, Jesus, or the apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday—not a text, not a word, not even a hint or suggestion. If there were, those chapters and verses would be loudly heralded by Sabbath opposers. Had Paul or any other apostle taught a change from Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week, an absolute firestorm of protest would have arisen from conservative Jewish Christians. The Pharisees and scribes would have insisted that Paul or any other person even suggesting such a thing be stoned to death for the sin of Sabbath-breaking. This would have been a much larger issue than the controversy over circumcision! The self-righteous Pharisees had already falsely accused Christ of breaking the Sabbath because He violated the added man-made rules and traditions they placed upon the Sabbath (Mark 2:24). The total absence of any such controversy over a change in the day of worship is one of the best evidences showing the apostles and other New Testament Christians did notchange the day. On the contrary, we have a record of many Sabbaths that Paul and his traveling companions kept long after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read of them in your own Bible in Acts 13:14, 27, 42–44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; and 18:4. Acts 13:42–44 is especially significant in that Paul and Barnabas, when speaking at a Jewish synagogue, were invited to speak again the nextSabbath. This would have been Paul’s golden opportunity to tell the people to meet with him the next day rather than waiting a whole week for the Sabbath. But, “on the next Sabbath almost the whole city [Jews and Gentiles alike] gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Yet today, most of the Christian professing world keeps Sunday, the first day of the week, calling it the Sabbath. The question arises then, who changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and how did it occur? The answer may amaze you! Biblical Testimony The New Testament plainly shows we are to continue keeping the commandments (Mathew 5:17–18; 19:17; 28:20)—all ten of them. Where, then, do men get the “authority” to change the Fourth Commandment by substituting Sunday for the original Sabbath Christ and the apostles kept? The Bible prophesied many centuries earlier that the time would come when men would think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25). Many Bible prophecies are “dual” in nature—that is, they have a type and antitype, an earlier and a later fulfillment. Though speaking specifically of the soon-coming antichrist, we can see the forerunner type documented in history. The Watering Down of the Sabbath in the First 300 Years The Christians during the apostolic era, from about 35 to 100 A.D., kept Sabbath on the designated seventh day of the week. For the first 300 years of Christian history, when the Roman emperors regarded themselves as gods, Christianity became an “illegal religion,” and God’s people were scattered abroad (Acts 8:1). Judaism, however, was regarded at that time as “legal,” as long as they obeyed Roman laws. Thus, during the apostolic era, Christians found it convenient to let the Roman authorities think of them as Jews, which gained them legitimacy with the Roman government. However, when the Jews rebelled against Rome, the Romans put down their rebellion by destroying Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and again in A.D. 135. Obviously, the Roman government’s suppression of the Jews made it increasingly uncomfortable for Christians to be thought of as Jewish. At that time, Sunday was the rest day of the Roman Empire, whose religion was Mithraism, a form of sun worship. Since Sabbath observance is visible to others, some Christians in the early second century sought to distance themselves from Judaism by observing a different day, thus “blending in” to the society around them. During the Empire-wide Christian persecutions under Nero, Maximin, Diocletian, and Galerius, Sabbath-keeping Christians were hunted down, tortured, and, for sport, often used for entertainment in the Colisseum. Constantine Made Sunday a Civil Rest Day When Emperor Constantine I—a pagan sun-worshipper—came to power in A.D. 313, he legalized Christianity and made the first Sunday-keeping law. His infamous Sunday enforcement law of March 7, A.D. 321, reads as follows: “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.” (Codex Justinianus 3.12.3, trans. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, 5th ed. (New York, 1902), 3:380, note 1.) The Sunday law was officially confirmed by the Roman Papacy. The Council of Laodicea in A.D. 364 decreed, “Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ” (Strand, op. cit., citing Charles J. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, 2 [Edinburgh, 1876] 316). Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Fathers, 92nd ed., p. 89, freely admits, “You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [the Catholic Church] never sanctify.” Again, “The Catholic Church, … by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday” (The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893). “Protestants do not realize that by observing Sunday, they accept the authority of the spokesperson of the Church, the Pope” (Our Sunday Visitor, February 5, 1950). “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was her act… And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons). “Sunday is our mark of authority… the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923). What a shocking admission! A Prophecy Come to Pass! At this point we need to note an amazing prophecy. Daniel 7:25 foretold, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.” Quoting Daniel 7:25, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible says: “He shall speak great words against the Most High] Literally, Sermones quasi Deus loquetur; “He shall speak as if he were God.” So Jerome quotes from Symmachus. To none can this apply so well or so fully as to the popes of Rome. They have assumed infallibility, which belongs only to God. They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. They profess to open and shut heaven, which belongs only to God. They profess to be higher than all the kings of the earth, which belongs only to God. And they go beyond God in pretending to loose whole nations from their oath of allegiance to their kings, when such kings do not please them! And they go against God when they give indulgences for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies! And shall wear out the saints] By wars, crusades, massacres, inquisitions, and persecutions of all kinds. What in this way have they not done against all those who have protested against their innovations, and refused to submit to their idolatrous worship? Witness the exterminating crusades published against the Waldenses and Albigenses. Witness John Huss, and Jerome of Prague. Witness the Smithfield fires in England! Witness God and man against this bloody, persecuting, ruthless, and impure Church! And think to change times and laws] Appointing fasts and feasts; canonizing persons whom he chooses to call saints; granting pardons and indulgences for sins; instituting new modes of worship utterly unknown to the Christian Church; new articles of faith; new rules of practice; and reversing, with pleasure, the laws both of God and man.­–Dodd” (Emphasis his; Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Volume IV, p. 594). Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday? Your Bible says, “But in vain [uselessness] they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7). Further, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word [the Bible], it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). “Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO, Feb. 18, 1884). “The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ. The Pope has authority and has often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ” (Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop). The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventh to the first day.He has thought to change the very commandment that was given to cause man to remember his Creator.He has thought to change the greatest commandment in the Decalogue and thus make himself equal with God, or even exalt himself above God. The Lord is unchangeable, therefore His law is immutable; but the pope has exalted himself above God, in seeking to change His immutable precepts of holiness, justice, and goodness. He has trampled underfoot God’s sanctified day, and, on his own authority, put in its place one of the six laboring days. The whole nation has followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy time. The pope has made a breach in the holy law of God, but I saw that the time had fully come for this breach to be made up by the people of God and the waste places built up.EW 65.1 I pleaded before the angel for God to save His people who had gone astray, to save them for His mercy’s sake. When the plagues begin to fall, those who continue to break the holy Sabbath will not open their mouths to plead those excuses that they now make to get rid of keeping it. Their mouths will be closed while the plagues are falling, and the great Lawgiver is requiring justice of those who have had His holy law in derision and have called it “a curse to man,” “miserable,” and “rickety.” When such feel the iron grasp of this law taking hold of them, these expressions will appear before them in living characters, and they will then realize the sin of having that law in derision which the Word of God calls “holy, just, and good.” EW 65.2 God is calling His people out of this erroneous organisation before her(Babylon, thus Vatican) complete fall as prophesied in revelation 18. “Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” “2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” Jeremiah 51:45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD.  The Consequences for not Heeding God’s Last warning  Those who had not prized God’s Word were hurrying to and fro, wandering from sea to sea, and from the north to the east, to seek the Word of the Lord. Said the angel, “They shall not find it. There is a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord. What would they not give for one word of approval from God! but no, they must hunger and thirst on. Day after day have they slighted salvation, prizing earthly riches and earthly pleasure higher than any heavenly treasure or inducement. They have rejected Jesus and despised His saints. The filthy must remain filthy forever.” EW 281.2 Many of the wicked were greatly enraged as they suffered the effects of the plagues. It was a scene of fearful agony. Parents were bitterly reproaching their children, and children their parents, brothers their sisters, and sisters their brothers.Loud, wailing cries were heard in every direction, “It was you who kept me from receiving the truth which would have saved me from this awful hour.” The people turned upon their ministers with bitter hate and reproached them, saying, “You have not warned us. You told us that all the world was to be converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour; and those who warned us of it you declared to be fanatics and evil men, who would ruin us.” But I saw that the ministers did not escape the wrath of God.Their suffering was tenfold greater than that of their people. EW 282.1 Would you heed God’s call and come out of Babylon or reject and share Babylon’s fate(the seven last plagues and perdition) ?? Would you choose eternal life? The choice is in your hands. EW: Early Writings  CHANGE OF SABBATH, END TIME DECEPTIONS, SIGNS OF THE END, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, SUNDAY DECEPTION, VATICAN LIKE IT? 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