Friday, October 5, 2018

Rahasia ttg TALLIT DOA


Mengapa dikatakan Rahasia Jubah Doa Ibrani?
Sebab selama 2000 tahun Gereja telah menyembunyikan Jubah Doa Ibrani ini.
Manakala kita memperhatikan gambar Yeshua yang sedang mengetuk pintu atau gambar-gambar Yeshua lainnya,
maka kita akan melihat bahwa Yeshua menggunakan pakaian terusan putih.
Gambaran bahwa Yeshua menggunakan Jubah Doa Ibrani (Tallit) tidak pernah dilukiskan bahkan dalam khotbah-khotbah selalu disembunyikan atau mungkin karena memang tidak tahu. Apabila kita melihat
Lukas 8:43-48,
Perempuan yang sudah dua belas tahun menderita pendarahan yang menjamah Jumbai Jubah-Nya dan seketika itu juga berhentilah pendarahannya.


Tallit Qatan

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Jumbai Jubah-Nya?
Bilangan 15:37-41
Tuhan berfirman kepada Mosye (Musa) :
“Berbicaralah kepada orang Israel dan katakanlah kepada mereka, bahwa mereka harus membuat jumbai-jumbai pada punca jubah mereka,
turun temurun, dan dalam jumbai-jumbai itu haruslah dibubuh benang ungu kebiru-biruan.
Maka jumbai itu akan mengingatkan kamu apabila kamu melihatnya, kepada segala perintah TUHAN, sehingga kamu melakukannya dan tidak lagi menuruti hatimu atau matamu sendiri, seperti biasa kamu perbuat dalam ketidaksetiaanmu terhadap Tuhan.

Ulangan 22:12 Haruslah engkau membuat tali yang terpilin pada keempat punca kain penutup tubuhmu


Tallit (Jubah doa Ibrani) adalah mantel segi empat yang menyerupai selendang/selimut yang digunakan pria sebagai syal diatas jubahnya.
Ayat tersebut menunjukan kekhususan, kudus, terpisah dari mantel/jubah sejenisnya. Tallit memiliki empat sudut yang disebut Punca yang diikatkan benang putih dan benang biru keunguan yang disebut Tzitzit. Pada satu sisi panjang dari Tallit ini terdapatAtarah (Mahkota).
Oleh karena kedua unsur ini, Tallit dipandang sebagai tanda kerajaan dan keimaman.

Beberapa macam atarah dengan tulisan berkat

Atarah adalah hiasan sisi panjang Tallit yang dibuat dari bordiran berkat yang diucapkan ketika Tallit dikenakan, yaitu
Barukh ata Adonai,
Eloheinu melekh ha ‘olam asher kid’shanu b’mitsvotav v’tzivanu l’hitateif b’tzitzit
yang artinya Diberkatilah Engkau YHWH Tuhan kami, Raja semesta alam,
Yang menguduskan kami dengan perintah-perintah-Nya dan yang memerintahkan kami untuk mengenakan Tzitzit.

Tefillah :
"Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad."

Mengapa kerah Tallit ini disebut Atarah (Mahkota) :
Pertama ketika kita berdoa perlu perhatian penuh kepada HaShem.
Pada waktu Tallit ditaruh diatas kepala,
bagian Atarah ini terlihat seperti mahkota.
Apabila kita mengingini mahkota dikepala kita,
cara terbaik adalah berdoa.
Kedua Atarah mengingatkan kita kepada perintah Taurat pada Bilangan 15:37-41 dan Ulangan 22:12.

Tzitzit Knot

merupakan jumbai panda punca jubah doa yang berjumlah empat buah (jamak : tzitziyot).
Tzizit terdiri dari 4 benang,
satu yang panjang dan
tiga yang lebih pendek.
Benang yang lebih panjang disebut shamash atau pelayan; warnanya pun tekhelet
(biru ungu) yang menyatakan langit atau surga.
Benang shamash menggambarkan Mesias.

Setelah Bait Suci kedua runtuh mereka memakai warna hitam. Tetapi sejak abad 18 warna tekhelet mulai dipakai kembali setelah ditemukan zat warna tekhelet dalam kerang Mediterania.
Saat ini warna tekhelet dapat di buat dari zat warna kuning dengan bantuan sinar matahari.

Keempat benang tersebut dimasukan kedalam lubang pada tiap punca. Kemudiaan diikat sehingga menjadi jumbai yang terdiri dari 8 benang. Ikatan benang pada setiap jumbai berjumlah 5 buah. Benang dan ikatannya berjumlah 13.
Dalam abjad ibrani,
huruf juga merupakan angka. Karenanya setiap kata mempuyai angka tertentu yang disebut gematria. Gematria untuk kata
Tzitzit adalah 600
(tzadi=90, yod=10, Tzadi = 90 , yod = 10, tav=400).
Ketiga komponen ini dijumlahkan 8 benang + 5 ikatan + 600 grematria Tzitzit = 613.
Inilah jumlah perintah-perintah YHWH Elohim dalam torah!

Sebelum ada mesin cetak Tuhan telah mempublikasikan perintah-perintahNya melalui tzitzit! Luar biasa.

Tzitzit Gematria

Masih ada rahasia lain yang dahsyat.
Dalam tzitzit terdapat 4 kumparan benang.
Kumparan yang
pertama terdiri dari 7 lilitan,
kedua 8 lilitan,
ketiga 11 lilitan,
keempat 13 lilitan.
Jumlah dua lilitan pertama adalah 15 yang dalam alfabet Ibrani menunjukan huruf YOD (10) dan HE (5).
Kumparan ketiga bernilai 11 yang menunjuk pada huruf WAW (6) dan HE (5).
Kumparan keempat bernilai 13 yang menunjuk pada huruf ALEF (1) dan KHET (8) dan DALET (4).
Bila di baca menjadi YHWH EKHAD!
Tzitzit menginginkan umat Tuhan akan Nama yang kudus, akan imam kepada Tuhan yang Ekhad !
untuk arti yang sama,
ada juga model kumparan lain.

Talit Gadol

Tallit adalah rancangan Tuhan sendiri,
bukan rumah mode dari Italia atau Paris.
Tallit terdapat diseluruh Kitab Suci, Tanakh dan Kitab Rasuli, antara lain :

1. Daud memotong tzitzit Saul di En Gedi ( 1 Samuel 24:1-8)
Daud tidak mau menjamah orang yang telah diurapi,
tetapi tidakan memotong tzitzit mempuyai arti yang dalam,
Nama YHWH yang adalah Raja Israel yang sesungguhnya tidak menyertai Saul lagi.

Orang Israel yang meninggal tzitzitnya dilepas menyatakan tugas telah selesai.

2. Wanita dengan pendarahan itu memegang tzitzit Yeshua (Lukas 8 :43-48)
Sebagai umat Israel, perempuan yang meleleh darah selama 12 tahun itu tahu bahwa jumbai tzitzit menyatakan Nama YHWH berfirman,
‘Akulah YHWH yang menyembuhkan engkau.”
Kehadiran Yeshua telah menggugah imannya sehingga ia berkata.
“Kalau saja kupegang jumbai jubahNya. Aku sembuh”
“kalau saja kupegang Nama YHWH, aku sembuh”.
Yeshua berkata,
“Imammu menyembuhkan engkau”.

Perempuan yang sakit pendarahan menjamah tzittzit

3. Bangsa-bangsa akan menghargai Nama YHWH,
akan memakai tzitzit
(Zakharia 8:20-23).
Diakhir zaman bangsa-bangsa akan menyadari bahwa keselamatan berasal dari Tuhan yang disembah Israel dan bahwa Tuhan menyertai Israel.
Sepuluh orang dari berbagai-bagai bangsa memegang puncah jubah seorang Yahudi. Simbolisme ini berarti mereka memegang Nama YHWH semesta alam,
Tuhan Israel. Bangsa-bangsa ini adalah mereka yang percaya pada Yeshua yang datang dalam Nama YHWH,
bukan Yesus Yunani.
Mereka adalah orang yang menghormati Nama YHWH. Bangsa-bangsa (ibrani : goyim) yang memakai tallit menggenapi nubuat ini.
Angka 10 menunjukan pada jumlah orang benar (ibrani : minyan)
untuk memulai pelayanan umum.

4. Paulus memasukan makna Tallit dalam pengajarannya.
Paulus bersama Akwila dan Priskila adalah pembuat tallit dari pada kemah
(Kisah Para Rasul 18:3).
Murid-murid rabbinik umumnya belajar membuat tallit untuk mendukung kehidupan mereka. Paulus memakai makna tallit bagai pemakainya,
tubuh orang percaya adalah Bait Roh Kudus
(I Korintus 6:19).
Tallit ditaruh diatas jenazah pria Yahudi yang meninggal, setelah tzitzitnya dilepaskan, sebagai tanda tugasnya selesai.
Yeshua dikuburkan dengan tallit, “kain peluh” yang demikian
(Yohanes 20 :6-7).
Gambaran ini digunakannya paulus ketika ia menjelaskan arti kematian bagi orang percaya, kemahnya dibongkar (II Korintus 5: 1-2)

5. Yeshua akan mengenakan Tallit pada kedatangan yang kedua.
Yeshua akan menunggang seekor kuda putih,
pada jubah dan paha-Nya tertulis satu nama,
raja segala raja,
Tuan atas sekalian tuan
(Wahyu 19:16).
Bagaimana ini dapat terjadi ? Ada yang menafsirkan bahwa paha Yeshua di tato,
ini tafsir liar, melawan Taurat YHWH (Ulangan 14:1).
Ia memakai Tallit ketika menunggang kuda dan Tzitzit yang tergantung pada paha-Nya. Ia datang dengan Nama YHWH,
Ia adalah Firman YHWH.

Apa saudara siap menyambut kedatanganNya ?
Terimalah Dia sebagai Juru Selamatmu sekarang.

Emeka Okafor-Surabaya-5-10-2018

Emeka Okafor

I believe in:

- the triune YHVH:

Abba HaQodesh - Avinu Malkeinu

Rebbe Melech El Yehoshua HaMoshiach Ben Elohim

Ruach HaQodesh - Ruach Elohim (in HIM the 7 Ruachim)


- the scriptures (including the books which Rome had removed)

- Talmud

- Midrash

- Mishnah

- Gemarah

- Zohar

- flat earth

- Torah keeper

- Sacrifice keeper

- Shabbatot keeper

- Full Moon feast keeper

- Appointed feasts of YHVH keeper:
Pesach, Unleaved bread, Omer, Shavout, Yom Tehurah/ Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot

Other feast keeper:
Hanukkah, Purim, Lag B'Omer, Tisha B'Av, Tu B'Av, Tu B'Shevat, 40 days of Teshuvah, Rosh Chodashim (4 Shabbats)

- Kosher Keeper

- strict Dresscode keeper

- fasting keeper

- 24 hours prayer warrior woman

- worshipper in Emet and Ruach

- Ruachim divider

- Prophetess

- Preacher of Emet

- Hard-core Zionist

- Hard-core Ultra-orthodox Messianic Jewish Woman

- strictly against:



I ❤ Yisra'el

I ❤ Africa

I ❤ Biafra

I ❤ Kurdistan


I ❤ Freedom and I'm a Freedom fighter

I stand up for:





Hebrews/Israelites and Yehudim

Defender of Life

Lover of real awaking in YHVH

If they don't stand to all that:

Then they're wrong here!

Obeying or Disobeying the TORAH

Obeying the TORAH (Blessing) OR Disobeying (Curse)

YOU can chose:
Devarim/Deuteronomy 28

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt give heed diligently unto the voice of Hashem Eloheicha, to be shomer and to do all His mitzvot which I command thee today, that Hashem Eloheicha will set thee on high above kol Goyei Ha'Aretz; And all these berakhot shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt give heed unto the voice of Hashem Eloheicha. Baruch atah baIr (blessed shalt thou be in the town), and baruch atah basadeh (blessed shalt thou be in the field, country). Baruch shall be the pri of thy womb, and the pri of thy adamah, and the pri of thy animals, the increase of thy livestock, and the flocks of thy sheep. Baruch shall be thy basket and thy kneading bowl. Baruch atah when thou comest in, and baruch atah when thou goest out. Hashem shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be defeated before thy face; they shall come out against thee derech echad, and flee before thee shivah derakhim. Hashem shall command the berakhah upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and He shall bless thee in ha'aretz which Hashem Eloheicha giveth thee. Hashem shall establish thee an Am Kadosh unto Himself, as He hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt be shomer over the mitzvot of Hashem Eloheicha, and walk in His ways. And all people of ha'aretz shall see that thou art called by the Shem of Hashem; and they shall be afraid of thee. And Hashem shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the pri of thy womb, and in the pri of thy livestock, and in the pri of thy ground, in ha'adamah which Hashem swore unto Avotecha to give thee. Hashem shall open unto thee His otzar hatov, the Shomayim, to give the matar unto thy land in its season, and to bless all the work of thine hand; and thou shalt lend unto Goyim rabbim, and thou shalt not borrow. And Hashem shall make thee the rosh, and not the zanav (tail); and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou give heed unto the mitzvot Hashem Eloheicha, which I command thee today, to be shomer to do them; And thou shalt not turn aside from any of the devarim which I command thee today, to the right, or to the left, to go after elohim acherim to serve them. But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not give heed unto the voice of Hashem Eloheicha, to be shomer to do all His mitzvot and His chukkot which I command thee today, that all these kelalot (curses) shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: Arur shalt thou be in the town, and Arur shalt thou be in the sadeh. Arur shall be thy basket and thy kneading bowl. Arur shall be the pri of thy womb, and the pri of thy adamah, the increase of thy livestock, and the flocks of thy sheep. Arur shalt thou be when thou comest in, and Arur shalt thou be when thou goest out. Hashem shall send upon thee me'erah (curse), mehumah (confusion), and migeret (rebuke), in all that thou settest thine hand unto to do, until thou be shmad, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken Me. Hashem shall make the dever (plague, pestilence) have deveykus with thee, until He have consumed thee from off ha'adamah, whither thou goest to possess it. Hashem shall strike thee with a shachefet (consumption), and with a kaddachat (fever, Mk 1:31), and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the cherev, and with scorching, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. And thy Shomayim that is over thy head shall be nechoshet, and Ha'Aretz that is under thee shall be barzel. Hashem shall make the matar of thy land powder and dust; from Shomayim shall it come down upon thee, until thou be shmad. Hashem shall cause thee to be defeated before thine enemies; thou shalt go out derech echad against them, and flee shivah derakhim before them; and shalt be an object of horror unto all the kingdoms of the earth. And thy nevelah shall be okhel unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of ha'aretz, and no ish shall frighten them away. Hashem will strike thee with the shekhin (boils) of Mitzrayim, and with the tumors, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. Hashem shall strike thee with shiga'on (insanity), and ivvaron (blindness), and timhon levav (confusion of heart); And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the ivver gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways; and thou shalt be only oppressed and plundered evermore, and thou shalt have no moshi'a. Thou shalt betroth an isha, and another ish shall lie with her; thou shalt build a bais, and thou shalt not dwell therein; thou shalt plant a kerem, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof. Thine shor shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof; thine chamor shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee; thy tzon shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have no moshi'a. Thy banim and thy banot shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them kol hayom; and there shall be nothing you can do. The pri of thy adamah, and all thy labors, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed kol hayamim; So that thou shalt be driven meshuga because of the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. Hashem shall strike thee in the birkayim (knees), and in the legs, with shekhin rah (foul boil) that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. Hashem shall bring thee, and thy melech which thou shalt set over thee, unto a Goy which neither thou nor Avoteicha have known; and there shalt thou serve elohim acherim, etz va'even (wood and stone). [2Kgs 25:7] And thou shalt become an object of horror, a mashal, and a byword, among kol haGoyim whither Hashem shall lead thee. Thou shalt carry much zera out into the sadeh, and shalt gather but little in; for the arbeh shall devour it. Thou shalt plant kramim, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the yayin, nor gather the grapes; for the tola'at (worm) shall eat them. Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy territory, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the shemen; for thine olives shall drop off. Thou shalt father banim and banot, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into shevi (captivity, the golus). All thy trees and pri of thy adamah shall the locust consume. The ger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him; he shall be the rosh, and thou shalt be the zanav. Moreover all these kelalot shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be shmad; because thou gavest not heed unto the voice of Hashem Eloheicha to be shomer over His mitzvot and His chukkot which He commanded thee; And they shall be upon thee for an ot and for a mofet, and upon thy zera ad olam. Because thou servedst not Hashem Eloheicha with simchah, and with gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which Hashem shall send against thee, in ra'av (hunger, famine), and in tzama (thirst), and in eirom (nakedness), and in choser (want) of all things; and He shall put an ol barzel (yoke of iron) upon thy tzavvar (neck), until He hath made thee shmad. Hashem shall bring a nation against thee from afar, from the ketzeh ha'aretz, as swift as the nesher flieth; a nation whose lashon thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not respect the zaken's person, nor show favor to the na'ar; And he shall eat the pri of thy animals, and the pri of thy adamah, until thou be shmad; which also shall not leave thee either dagan, tirosh, or yitzhar, or the increase of thy livestock, or flocks of thy sheep, until it hath destroyed thee. And it shall besiege thee in all thy she'arim, until thy high and fortified walls come down, wherein thou trusted, throughout all thy land; and it shall besiege thee in all thy she'arim throughout all thy land, which Hashem Eloheicha hath given thee. And thou shalt eat the pri of thine own womb, the basar of thy banim and of thy banot, which Hashem Eloheicha hath given thee, in the matzor (siege), and in the desperate straits, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee; So that the ish that is sensitive among you, and very refined, his eye shall be hostile toward his brother, and toward his eshet kheyk (wife of his bosom), and toward the remnant of his banim which he shall leave; So that he will not give to any of them of the basar of his banim whom he shall eat; because he hath nothing left him in the matzor (siege), and in the desperate straits, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy she'arim. The sensitive and refined woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, she shall be hostile toward her ish kheyk (husband of her bosom), and toward her ben, and toward her bat, And toward her afterbirth that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her banim which she shall bear; for she shall eat them for choser (want) of all things secretly in the matzor (siege) and desperate straits, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy she'arim. If thou wilt not be shomer to do kol divrei hatorah hazot that are written in this sefer, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful Shem, HASHEM ELOHEICHA, Then Hashem will make thy makkot (plagues) extraordinary, and the makkot of thy zera, even makkot gedolot, and of long continuance, and cholayim ra'im (evil sicknesses), and of long continuance. Moreover He will bring upon thee all the diseases of Mitzrayim, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall have deveykus unto thee. Also every choli (sickness), and every makkah (plague), which is not written in the sefer of this torah, them will Hashem bring upon thee, until thou be shmad. And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the kokhavim of Shomayim for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of Hashem Eloheicha. And it shall come to pass, that as Hashem rejoiced over you to do you good, to multiply you, so Hashem will rejoice over you to make you shmad, to bring you to nothing; and ye shall be plucked from off the adamah whither thou goest to possess it. And Hashem shall scatter thee among kol ha'ammim, from the one end of ha'aretz even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve elohim acherim, which neither thou nor Avoteicha have known, even etz va'even. And among these Goyim shalt thou find no mano'ach [see Ruth], neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest; but Hashem shall give thee there a lev rogez (anxious heart), and failing of eyes, and da'avon nefesh (suffering of soul); And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear lailah and yomam, and shalt have none assurance of thy life; In the boker thou shalt say, Would it were erev! And at erev thou shalt say, Would it were boker! For the pachad of thine lev wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. And Hashem shall bring thee into Mitzrayim again with oniyyot, by the way whereof I spoke unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again; and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for avadim and shefachot, and no ish shall buy you.
Devarim 28:1‭-‬68 OJB