Thursday, September 6, 2018

Elul 26, 5778

Elul 26, 5778

Today is the 26th day of the 6th month of the Hebrew calendar. The month of Elul. And Elul has 29 days.  And as we count up to, and not count down, but up to 30, that day will be Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets, on the 1st day of of the 7th month of Tishrei. Since it is the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishrei, it is Rosh Chodesh. The head of the 7th month. It ushers the Fall season in Israel. And in Israel, it'll be their civil new year,  the new year 5779.  And that will be 5779 years from Adam, the 6th day of creation. So Yom Teruah will be on Monday, September 10th, 2018 on the Gregorian calendar. But  the  Hebrew day is from sundown Sunday to sundown Monday. Not from midnight to midnight as on the Gregorian calendar.  We're so used to the Gregorian calendar. But there is  calendar written in the Scripture. And the moedim, the appointed times of Yahweh, is based on the calendar written in the Scripture.

The "moedim" are the Appointed Times of Yahweh.  The Hebrew word "moedim" has been wrongly translated as feasts. But not all the moedim are feasts days. For Yom Kippur or The day of Atonement, on Tishrei 10th,  is not a feast day. It is a day of fasting, from sundown to sundown. And the moedim are not called  the feasts of the Jews.  No, not all. The moedim are the Appointed Times of Yahweh.  He called them "My appointed times ". And the Jews observed the appointed times of Yahweh in obedience to the Torah.

These are the "40 Days of Teshuvah", from Elul 1st to Tishrei 10th.  "Teshuvah" is a Hebrew word which means to turn or return to Yahweh our Elohim and to obey His Torah. If we say we believe but do not obey His Torah, we're only deceiving ourselves. For on the day of judgment, we'll be judge by the Torah as written by Mosheh.  Our Master Yeshua did not obey the Torah so that we need not obey them.  No. He obeyed the Torah to show us how to obey the commandments as given by His Father.  And He told us that if we love Him, we are to obey the same commandments.  For there is only one Torah.  And Yeshua did not add nor did He took away anything from the Torah. No, not even the "yod" or "י" which is the smallest letter of the Hebrew alephbeth.

Follow the calendar as written in the Scripture. And observe the appointed times of Yahweh our Elohim. All the moedim are about the Mashiach. Our Master Yeshua fulfilled all the Spring Feasts. He will fulfill all the Fall Feasts, since He is the true Mashiach.  There is nothing written in the Scripture about Christmas or Easter.  Our Master Yeshua was born at Sukkot, at the Feast of Tabernacles, and was impaled on the tree, yes the tree, on Passover Day as the lamb of Elohim.  But He is coming down from heaven to earth, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,  as foretold by  Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets. And His Majesty the King, Yeshua ben Elohim, will rule the world from Yerusalem as foretold by the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.

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