Thursday, June 28, 2018


The Hebrew of the First Covenant [Old Testament] reveals to us that the Scriptural Hebrew word (which means: so be it, or verily or surely) is
"Amein" (Phonetic Spelling is          “aw-mane”) and not "Amen".
Anyone can confirm this in Strong’s Concordance, No 543 in its Hebrew Lexicon, or in Aaron Pick's Dictionary of Old Testament Words for English Readers. 

I personally write it as “Ahmein” – it sounds exactly the same as the phonetic spelling and does NOT ALTER the word, nor does it alter the pronunciation of the word!  The letters “ah” appears TWICE in Almighty Father Y-ah-u-ah’s Name and ONCE in Messiah Y-ah-u-shu-a’s Name! In them everything is established (so be it)!

Why then, has this Scriptural word "Amein" been rendered as "Amen" in our versions? Again we can see how the pagans have been made welcome, been conciliated, by adopting the name of pagan deity into the Church.

The Egyptians, including the Alexandrians, had been worshipping, or been acquainted with, the head of the Egyptian pantheon, Amen-Ra, the great Sun-deity, for more than 1 000 years, B.C.E. Before this deity became known as Amenra – he was only known as Amen among the Thebians. This substitution of "Amen" for "Amein" was greatly facilitated by the fact that this Egyptian deity's name was spelt in Egyptian hieroglyphic language with only three letters: AMN. 

On the other hand, the Egyptian deity AMN is rendered by various sources as AMEN, or AMUN, or as AMON. However, the most reliable Egyptologists and archaeologists, such as Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, Dr. A.B. Cook, Prof. A Wiedemann, Sir W.M.F. Petrie, and A.W. Shorter, as well as some authoritative dictionaries, all render the name of this Egyptian deity as AMEN. This AMEN was originally the Theban "hidden god who is in heaven" -- "the hidden one, probably meaning hidden sun". Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary, describes it, "AMEN: In Egyptian mythology, the god of life and procreation... later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called 'Amen-Ra'.

"James Bonwick, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought”, repeatedly and frankly calls the Sun-deity of Egypt by its correct name: AMEN. He states on pp. 123-125, "AMEN ... is in a sense, the chief deity of Egypt - supreme divinity. Whatever else he is, he must be accepted as the sun ... the hidden god, the solar aspect is clear ... there is the disk of the sun ... the sun Amen ... His identification with Ba’al ... establishes him as a solar deity ....

"  Smith's Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, "an Egyptian divinity ... he was worshipped ... as Amen-Ra, or 'Amen the Sun'." Herodotus recorded for us how the Greeks identified their Zeus with Amen-Ra. Yahushua Messiah calls Himself "the Amein" in Rev 3:14. 

Substituting a title or name of Yahushua with the name of the great hidden Sky-deity or the great Sun-deity of the Egyptians, Amen, is inconceivable! The difference is subtle, but it is there. By ending our prayers "Amen" instead of "Amein", one could very well conclude: We have been misled to [unintentionally] invoke the name of the Egyptian Sun-deity at the end of our prayers!
From the Book “Come out of Her My People” by C.J. Koster

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