Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Statement of Faith

🔯 This is my faith.

This "Statement of Faith" is meant only as a basic statement of faith and is not intended to be a "creed" or canon.  It is not to be viewed as having the authority of Scripture. This statement is given primarily for these reasons:

To clarify some issues about which often has been misrepresented.

To answer the many requests I have received for such a statement.

To set at ease those who have concerns that I stand for certain apostate theologies.

To create an understanding of common ground to which my affiliates hold.

Above all my statement of faith must be:

Big enough to include all the facts.

Open enough to be tested.

And flexible enough to change.

I  believe that YHVH is Echad (one). I  believe that YHVH reveals Himself in the K'numeh or Gaunin of Avi/Abba (Father/Daddy), the Memra and
(Word), and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

I believe that the Bible, which includes both the Tanakh [Old Testament] and the Ketuvim Netzarim (New Testament) is the divinely inspired, infallible Word of Elohim in its original texts and manuscripts.

I believe that Rebbe Melech El Yehoshua HaMoshiach Ben Elohim has come and with great joy I  anticipate HIS return, and even though HE may delay, nevertheless I endeavor to think about HIS return every day. I believe that the HaMoshiach is the Word made flesh. I believe HE was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life in accordance with the Torah, performed miracles, was crucified for the atonement of HIS people in accordance with the Scriptures, was bodily resurrected on the third day. ascended to heaven and currently sits at the right hand of YHVH. HE will return at the end of this age to usher in the Kingdom of Elohim on earth and will rule the world from Jerusalem with his people Israel for one thousand years. I also believe that Rebbe Melech El Yehoshua HaMoshiach Ben Elohim is the Torah incarnate. Just as the Torah is the way, the truth and the light, the Messiah is also the way, the truth and the light.

I believe that through the death of HaMoshiach, because of HIS blood covenant with us, I receive salvation by way of inheritance. This salvation comes by faith through grace alone and is not earned by Torah observance.

The Torah of Truth the Almighty gave to HIS people, Israel, through Moshe. HE will not exchange it nor discard it for another until heaven and earth pass away. I believe that Torah observance is man's moral obligation and expression of love to YHVH. The Torah is freedom and not bondage. The Torah is the way, the truth and the light and is for all of our generations forever.

I believe that there is one faith which was once and for all delivered to the set-apart-ones. I believe that HaMoshiach did not come to create a new religion but to be the HaMoshiach of Judaism, the one faith that was once delivered to the set-apart-ones. I believe that Nazarene Judaism is the only expression of the one true faith. I do not accept any other religion as a non-Jewish cultural expression of the one true faith.

According to this pages






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