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Showing posts with label ש. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Kata 'YAHU'

Names Ending in 'YAHU'- יהו without vowel points, and even the modern Hebrew confirms 'YAHU' in the names. 

Concordance ref.:
H29 אביה AbYah "YAHUAH is (my) Father"
H30 אביהוא AbYahua "YAHUAH is (my) Father"
H138 אדניהו AdanYahu "my Master is YAHUAH"
H223 אוריהו AurYahu "YAHUAH is my light (flame)"
H274 אחזיהו AchazYahu "YAHUAH holds, possesses"
H281 אחיהו AchYahu "brother in YAHUAH"
H452 אליהו AlYahu "YAHUAH is Aluahym (Elohiym)"
H558 אמציהו AmatsYahu  "YAHUAH is mighty"
H568 אמריהו AmarYahu "YAHUAH speaks" or "YAHUAH has promised"
H683 אצליהו AtsalYahu "YAHUAH has reserved"
H1141 בניהו BarYahu "YAHUAH has built" or "YAHUAH has built up"
H1296 ברכיהו BarakYahu "YAHUAH blesses"
H1436 גדליהו GadalYahu "YAHUAH is great"
H1587 גמריהו GamarYahu "YAHUAH has accomplished"
H1735 דודויהו DuduYahu "beloved of YAHUAH"
H1806 דלייהו DalaYahu "YAHUAH has drawn"
H2069 זבדיהו ZabadYahu  "endowment of YAHUAH"
H2148 זכריהו ZakarYahu "YAHUAH remembers"
H2396 חזקיהו ChazaqYahu "YAHUAH is my strength"
H2518 חלקיהו ChalaqYahu "my portion is YAHUAH"
H2608 חנניהו ChananYahu "YAHUAH has favoured"
H2811 חשביהו ChashabYahu "YAHUAH has considered"
H2882 טבליהו TabalYahu "purified by YAHUAH"
H2899 טוב  אדניהו Tub AdanYahu "my Master YAHUAH is good"
H2900 טוביהו TubYahu "YAHUAH is good"
H2970 יאזניהו YazanYahu "YAHUAH hears"
H2977 יאשיהו YashYahu "whom YAHUAH heals"
H3000 יברכיהו YabarakYahu "YAHUAH blesses"
H3012 יגדליהו YagdalYahu "YAHUAH is great"
H3153 יזניהו YazanYahu "YAHUAH has listened"
H3165 יחדיהו YachadYahu "YAHUAH is unity"
H3169 יחזקיהו YachazaqYahu "YAHUAH has made strong"
H3203 יכליהו YakalYahu "YAHUAH is able"
H3204 יכניהו YakanYahu "YAHUAH will establish"
H3269 יעזיהו YazYahu "made bold by YAHUAH"
H3404 יריהו YaraYahu " taught by YAHUAH"
H3414 ירמיהו YaramYahu "whom YAHUAH has appointed"
H3449 ישיהו YashYahu "YAHUAH will lend"
H3460 ישמעיהו YashamaYahu "YAHUAH will hear"
H3470 ישעיהו YashaYahu "YAHUAH has saved"
H3562 כונניהו KunanYahu "YAHUAH has established"
H3659 כניהו KanYahu "YAHUAH will establish"
H3663 כנניהו KananYahu "YAHUAH establishes"
H4321 מיכיהו MykYahu "who is like YAHUAH"
H4441 מלכיהו MalakYahu "my king is YAHUAH"
H4590 מעזיהו MaazYahu "consolation of YAHUAH"
H4641 מעשיהו MashYahu "work of YAHUAH"
H4737 מקניהו MaqanYahu "possession of YAHUAH"
H4920 משלמיהו MashalamYahu "whom YAHUAH repays"
H4983 מתניהו MathanYahu "gift of YAHUAH"
H4993 מתתיהו MathathYahu "gift of YAHUAH"
H5374 נריהו NarYahu "lamp of YAHUAH"
H5418 נתניהו NathanYahu "given of YAHUAH"
H5565 סמכיהו SamakYahu "YAHUAH has sustained"
H5662 עבדיהו AbadYahu "servant of YAHUAH"
H5718 עדיהו AdYahu "YAHUAH has adorned Himself"
H5812 עזזיהו AzazYahu "YAHUAH is mighty"
H5818 עזיהו AzYahu "my strength is YAHUAH"
H5838 עזריהו AzarYahu "YAHUAH has helped"
H6271 עתליהו AthalYahu "afflicted of the YAHUAH"
H6305 פדיהו PadaYahu "YAHUAH has ransomed"
H6410 פלטיהו PalatYahu "YAHUAH delivers"
H6667 צדקיהו TsadaqYahu "YAHUAH is righteous"
H6846 צפַניהו TsaphanYahu "YAHUAH has treasured"
H6984 קושיהו QushaYahu "bow of YAHUAH"
H7345 רהביהו RachabYahu "YAHUAH has enlarged"
H7425 רמליהו RamalYahu "protected by YAHUAH"
H7645 שבניהו ShabanYahu "increased by YAHUAH"
H7935 שכניהו ShakanYahu "dweller with YAHUAH"
H8018 שלמיהו ShalamYahu "repaid by YAHUAH"
H8098 שמעיהו ShamaYahu "heard by YAHUAH"
H8114 שמריהו ShamarYahu "kept by YAHUAH"
H8203 שפַטיהו ShaphatYahu "YAHUAH has judged"
H8304 שריהו SharYahu "YAHUAH is ruler"

Names Begin with "YAHU יהו" 

H3057 יהודיה YahudYah "Jewess"
H3058 יהוא Yahua "YAHUAH is He"
H3059 יהואחז Yahuachaz "YAHUAH has seized"
H3060 יהואש Yuhuash "given by YAHUAH"
H3061 יהוד Yahud "the territory of the tribe of Judah (Yahudah)"
H3062 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3063 יהודית Yahudah (Judah)  "YAHUAH is praised"
H3064 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3065 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3066 יהודית Yahudyth "in the Jewish language, in Abryth"
H3067 יהודית Yahudyth "in the Jewish language, in Abryth"
H3068 יהוה YAHUAH "Father Almighty's name"
H3069 יהוה YAHUAH "Father Almighty's name"
H3070 יהוה YAHUAH יראה Yarah "YAHUAH sees"
H3071 יהוה YAHUAH נסי Nasy "YAHUAH is my banner"
H3072 יהוה YAHUAH צדקנו Tsadaqanu "YAHUAH is our righteousness"
H3073 יהוה YAHUAH שלום Shalum "YAHUAH is peace"
H3074 יהוה YAHUAH שםה Shamah "YAHUAH is there"
H3075 יהוזבד Yahuzabad "YAHUAH endowed; Yahuzabad, the name of three Israelites"
H3076 יהוחנן Yahuchanan "YAHUAH has given mercy"
H3077 יהוידע Yahuyada "YAHUAH knows"
H3078 יהויכין Yahuyakyn "YAHUAH establishes"
H3079 יהויקים Yahuyaqym  "YAHUAH raises up"
H3080 יהויריב Yahuyaryb "YAHUAH contends"
H3081 יהוכל Yahukal "YAHUAH is able"
H3082 יהונדב Yahunadab "YAHUAH is willing"
H3083 יהונתן Yahunathan "YAHUAH has given"
H3084 יהוסף Yahusaph "YAHUAH has added"
H3085 יהועדה Yahuadah "YAHUAH has adorned"
H3086 יהועדין Yahuadyn "YAHUAH delights"
H3087 יהוצדק Yahutsadaq "YAHUAH is righteous"
H3088 יהורם Yahuram "YAHUAH is exalted"
H3089 יהוש
The is CALLED by The SET-APART Name of YAHU'ah: (DANY'AL 9); which is YAHU'shalum/YAHU'SHALAM/

And you, CHILD "YAHUcanan", shall be CALLED the PROPHET of THE MOST HIGH: 
For you SHALL Go Before the FACE of YAHU'ah to PREPARE HIS WAYS: 
(LUKE 1:76):
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Then said they unto HIM, "WHO ARE YOU? 
And YAHUSHA said unto them, Even the SAME that I said unto you from the BEGINNING.  (YAHUCHANAN-
JOHN 8:25):
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YAHUSHA said unto Them, I say unto you, Before ABRAHAM was, AHAYAH "I AM".  YAHUCHANAN -JOHN) 8:58):
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YAHUSHA = YAHU Saves & Delivers & Salvation:

Yadah YAHU'ah ALuah Through His Beloved Son YAHUSHA Ha'Masyakh: