The state of the nations

After learning the result of the Australian general election last Shabbat, it seems like YHVH has once again intervene in Human politics. Towards the end of the voting the local media began reporting that the present Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, a professing Christian and good friend of Israel, had lost the election. PM Morrison became Austalia’s leader just six months ago after the previous PM was voted out, and his deputy PM was Jewish, making a good team for Australia’s relationship with Israel. To the great displeasure of the liberal left wing politicians and the media, under PM Morrison, last December Australia officially recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. However the leader of the other party that looked likely to win the election had already announced that when they became the new government, they would reverse the decision concerning Jerusalem. GOD was obviously watching Australia very closely.
As the voting closed, almost everyone in Australia was either shocked or pleasantly surprised when it was announced that against the odds, Scott Morrison had won. When Josie and I first heard the news, we both felt that GOD has once again intervened and over-ruled the political situation. This result has inspired me to write this comment taking a look at the situation in the nations…
Australia: With the surprise election win for PM Morrison, there is still hope for the favour and blessings of the LORD to be upon Australia, if PM Morrison’s new government continues to do what is Biblically correct concerning Israel. The left wing liberals and other GOD haters are already protesting and threatening to move to New Zealand. Australian Christians will need to keep their leader and his government in prayer.
New Zealand: The nation of our birth is in serious trouble as the present Prime Minister continues the New Zealand government’s shameful attitude towards Israel and their irrational support of Israel’s enemies. Since the terror attack at the mosque in Christchurch, the Prime Minister has become a champion for Islam, and from news I am receiving, once clean, green New Zealand is becoming a ‘Police State.’ Fellow Kiwi Believers, I am sure that you are praying as never before, for NZ to come to its senses, before the judgement of the LORD strikes the nation at the end of the Earth.
United States of America: Under Barack Obama’s pro-Islam leadership, the American government became an enemy of Israel, and thus an enemy of the Kingdom of YHVH. Under President Trump there has been a 180 degree turn around and the US is once again Israel’s strongest ally. With the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s rightful capital city and the relocation of the embassy, the USA is flowing with the plans and purposes of GOD as far as Israel is concerned. For America to really see the blessings of the LORD return, the abortion and same sex marriage laws also need to be reversed. There is some movement on the abortion issue under the Trump presidency. Still much prayer and intercession is required to offset the militancy of the ungodly majority.
The United Kingdom: I believe that the Brexit vote victory was also the LORD over-ruling the situation on the ground. But the enemy camp has not given up trying to prevent the UK leaving the E.U. Confusion and rebellion has been the ‘norm’ since the vote, and is still the case today as PM Theresa May is engaged in a massive battle to honour the choice of the voting public and bring Brexit to its conclusion. The UK also needs to improve its attitude towards Israel, and reverse the abortion and same sex marriage laws, if it is to once again find full favour with the LORD. The UK’s many prayer ministries are hard at work interceding for a return to righteousness.
Canada: The previous Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, was a Bible believing Christian and a great friend of Israel. That situation has changed dramatically under the present leader, Justin Trudeau who is a much younger left wing liberal. He has opened Canada up to large numbers of Islamic immigrants, thereby increasing the risks of more terror attacks in the nation. Canada also flies in the face of GOD in the area of abortion and same sex marriage. Much prayer and intercession is needed for Canada.
Europe: The nations that make up the European Union are doomed, unless they follow the UK and get out of the EU, which is Satanically inspired Anti-Christ organisation. Bibllical Christianity is all but dead across Europe, and the majority of Europeans scoff at anyone who still believes in the God of the Bible. The EU has openly stated that its goal is to complete what they failed to do at the Tower of Babel, which is to exalt man above GOD. This is exactly what Satan declares in Israel 14:12-14, so it is easy to see who is really behind the EU, and to understand why they are so against GOD and His nation of Israel. Unless Europe repents, the EU and any nation connected to it is doomed to the same fate as the Tower of Babel !
Africa & Asia: The spiritual situation in much of Africa & Asia is totally opposite to the nations mentioned above. The majority of the evangelical churches in Africa & Asia are not corrupted by Replacement Theology. The Christians there love the GOD of Israel, they love His Word, and they love Israel and the Jewish people. The Anglican Church in Africa has rebuked their peers in the USA and UK for allowing homosexuality in their congregations, but very few in the Western churches are prepared to stand up and speak out against that abomination. And when it comes to Israel, the Believers in Africa and Asia are miles ahead of Believers in the West, in their love and commitment to stand with and pray or Israel.
This article originally appeared on Out of Zion Ministries, May 24, 2019, and reposted with permission.
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David together with his wife, Josie, founded Out of Zion
Ministries, whose mission is to fulfill God’s call on Israel as His
‘Chosen Nation’ to be a light to the Nations as well as to encourage the
Church to fulfill God’s call to the Gentiles to assist in the
spiritual ingathering of the Jewish people.
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