Creation of the World

The Creation
The word of G‑d brought everything into being: heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and every living thing. In the beginning, G‑d called into existence the heaven and earth. Within six days He shaped a world of order and beauty.
The First Day
On the first day, G‑d said, “Let there be Light” — and there was Light.
The Second Day
On the second day G‑d made the sky, and called it Heaven.
The Third Day
On the third day, G‑d put the earth into good shape. At His command the waters of the earth gathered together at certain places. The waters formed seas and oceans, lakes and rivers, so that in other parts, the dry land became visible.
At G‑d’s further command, the earth was made to produce all kinds of plants, grass, and trees, shrubs and flowers. Each contained its own seed for further growth and reproduction.
The Fourth Day
On the fourth day, G‑d made the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, to shed light upon the earth. And so He set a time for day and a time for night, a time for the week, the month, and the year, and a time for each of the four seasons.
The Fifth Day
On the fifth day, G‑d filled the seas with fishes and other water animals. In to the air above the earth He put many birds of all kinds and colors and sizes.
The Sixth Day
On the sixth day, were created all the other animals, large and small, those that walk and those that creep or crawl on the earth. And towards the end of the sixth day, G‑d put a divine soul into a body which He made of earth and clay. This was the human.
To the human G‑d granted high mental ability that one could think and reach one’s own conclusions. G‑d also gave the human the power of speech and He made humans superior to all other creatures of the earth.
G‑d placed all the creatures of the earth and the powers of nature in the control of the human.
The Seventh Day
By the seventh day, everything was created and put into shape and order. And G‑d rested on the seventh day and He glorified it as a day of rest. Therefore we should work for six days and rest on the Seventh day, Shabbat, which G‑d blessed and sanctified for all time to come. By observing the Shabbat day, we show that we believe in G‑d as the Creator of the world.
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What the Bible says is always true
So that our planet could have an atmosphere and conditions that could support a wonderful array of plants, insects, humans, animal species...and He did this because He could and He loves us.
And this evolved a wonderful variety of cultures, traditions, peoples on this planet that we (His creation) should treasure and respect and love.
G-d’s love created all of it .. water and all. Love is of G-d. Hate is not of G-d
It's true, Millions of innocent men, woman, and children have died due to Natural Disasters. But I believe G-d allows things like that to happen for a reason. If it wasn't for all those floods, earthquakes or hurricanes that killed many, people now wouldn't appreciate and value life.
The world needs all those terrible things to happen to remind us we should live every day to the fullest, try to be happy as much as possible and to remind us to be aware we don't know when we will die and leave all the people we love behind.
This is only one reason why I believe G-d allows bad things to happen to good or innocent people. But then again I am only fifteen. I don't know much. :)
I love you. To possess so much wisdom at 15 only comes from G-D.
G-d did this so we (you and me) as humans would freely accept His love for us or reject Him. He didn’t need more angels. ..and because there was war in heaven..where some “angels” fought for “power” to be G-d?
So does our HeavenlyFather want us as humans to willingly love and accept Him?
..Sorry..I’m sure there’s someone smarter than me who can say this better light years..the distance light travels in a "year"
We have millions of galaxies..which had a beginning, a presence, and a future ..but how can we explain that in a time frame as we understand it?
How can we put God as we understand him only in our time frame as we humans on this planet understand/define it?
I don't.
And lamps were created by people.
I talk with Him before sleeping to thank Him and talk about my day.
Therefore,Is every day my “Sabbath”?
And, was there another earth age before this one? Are we in the 2nd earth age?
A place to start seeking answers to the questions you're asking are to be found within archeological discoveries which are authentic and exist, yet are not spoken of.
Some of these archeological discoveries really suggest we have been on this planet for 25 million years and other such notions.
What does that have to do with God? Well, it would benefit greatly to step back in your mind from all the information you've been told and try to see things differently and it may help provide you the answers you're looking for.
Fibonacci, sound and geometry are all things worth investigating for those seeking understanding.
It won't hurt any of you to just look into what I've mentioned, just a couple of hours of your time.
Note, try to not get so involved with time nor it's specifics, it can be a slippery slope and cause your mind to drift. Instead, look at the information or story.
Kindness is free
As for the Satan, in judaism the satan is merely the name of a certain angel whose divinely assigned task is to try and seduce people to stumble. This angel is also the prosecutor who levels charges in front of the heavenly court about those who succumb to his crafty seductions. The word Satan actually means prosecutor in Hebrew. If the Heavenly court decides that it is time for someone to die, then the Satan is the one sent down to take his life. In fact, the Talmud tells us that "Satan, the evil prompter, and the Angel of Death are all one", these all being one angel's various job descriptions. An angel fulfilling its divine duty is hardly in conflict with its own Creator.