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5 Ways to bless Jewish People
By Bonnie Saul Wilks ‹ Back to Blog Home
Posted in Featured ArticlesUncategorized, Zealous Magazine, on September 12, 2014
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Genesis 12:3).
Sadly, the fragmented branches of Christianity have taken the Church so far from its root that some believers are shaken to the core to discover the Jewishness of Jesus. He was raised as a Jew, keeping the laws of Torah, remembering the feasts, and honoring the patriarchs who burned with faith and love for the God of Israel.
Christianity is deeply rooted in the Jewish faith. Profoundly faithful Jewish men penned the Scripture by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Ten Commandments are the rule of law for Western civilization. Society unwittingly strives to obey it without considering its source.
God’s ancient people have an important historical and prophetic role in God’s plan for mankind. The seed of Abraham have been called to bless all the families of the earth! They shine in worldly achievements, contributing to modern medicine, science, literature, and technology. Their economy is noteworthy with 68 businesses listed with NASDAQ! They comprise only one percent of the population of the world, yet they are leaders and world changers!
The New Covenant sets the standard: the Good News is to the Jew first (Roman 1:16). Why? Because of God’s divine order. It has nothing to do with the measurement of His love for all. But the calling of the Jew is to be a light to the nations. Their long-awaited Messiah is Jesus, Yeshua in Hebrew, meaning salvation. They must know first, so they can take their place in God’s divine plan of revelation.
Here are five practical steps to becoming a blessing to God’s chosen people taken from the acrostic, PEACE.
1) P – Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6-9)
There is tension in the Holy City with three major religions fighting for space and ownership of the land. Ishmael and Isaac are at war, and the battles rage on generation after generation.
The prayers of the saints and the power of God have stayed back an untimely blood bath. The Holy City is where God has chosen to display His love and fire. There are many true believers and seekers within her walls. World attention focuses upon this tiny place, and the people within her gates need a revelation of their long-awaited Messiah, Yeshua.
2) E – Encourage friendships with Jewish people (Proverbs 17:17)
Most church-going Christians do not know Jewish people. Here are a couple of ways to meet them. Attend classes at your local Jewish Community Center. They have many interesting courses available to the public. The JCC is very receptive to visitors. Friendships built there bridge the huge gap between Jew and Gentile.
Let genuine friendship be your goal, not making a convert or winning a soul. Don’t be afraid to share honestly who you are: “I am a Gentile Christian, and I love the Jewish people. Here’s why… ”
Another way to encourage friendship is to start a conversation with the kiosk owners selling wares in the malls. Many of these are Israeli Jews living in the USA, selling Israeli products. Buy something and plant the tiny seeds of friendship.
3) A- Ask Them In (Exodus 22:21)
Invite your new-found friends into your home. It is a blessing to receive an invitation to visit someone’s home. Serve a meal and treat them as a royal guest. Asking them to join your family shows you are willing to go beyond the casual “let’s have coffee” stage. It’s an offer of opening your heart.
In Jewish thought, hospitality is rooted in the idea that God Himself cares for the “sojourner.” The Lord instructed the Israelites not to oppress the foreigners living in the land, not to harm them in any way, but rather reach out and bless.
Try having a Sabbath meal in your home and invite your new Jewish friends. They will come and love it. Ask your new Jewish friends about the Holocaust. Many have a story to tell. You will be changed by their tales, and your heart will expand toward their plight.
4) C – Contribute to Jewish causes (Galatians 6:10)
Paul said that we should be concerned with those in the household of faith first. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10). Give through your local church to Messianic Jewish believers first, then contribute to other causes. If your church does not give to Jewish ministries, then schedule a meeting with your pastor to explain your heart on the matter.
5) E – Educate (Exodus 19:5)
Educate yourself on Jewish history, Messianic Judaism, the feasts and holidays, and the Holocaust. There are many wonderful books available: “The Irrevocable Calling” by Dr. Dan Juster; “They Thought for Themselves” by Sid Roth; “God’s Appointed Times” by Barney Kasdan; and “The Jewishness of the Gospel” by David Stern.
Educate your church on current Jewish issues. For instance, anti-Semitism is escalating around the world. The rising statistics are alarming. Will your church stand with Israel if the going gets tough? Spread the news wide and far that the Church must love Israel in these last days. Bless and you will be blessed!
By Bonnie Saul Wilks, Senior Writer, MJBI
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