The Nazarene Creed
Yahusha is the “Notsri” or “Branch”. He was called Yahusha the Nazarene because that is what all followers of John the Baptist were called ( it was John who started the Sect of the Nazarenes as an offshoot of the Essenes). John was prophesied to “make straight the The Way of (for) the Messiah” and teach the Messiah The Way of Salvation through Mikveh, Circumcision, and Offering. So John was preparing The Way for the Branch, and those who followed John were called “Nazarenes” which means “followers of the Branch” and what they believed was called The Way. John announced that he was not “the Branch”, and then declared Yahusha “the Branch”. All the Nazarenes then followed Yahusha and John was murdered for being their leader. A fate Yahusha then Sha’ul would face as Leaders of The Nazarenes.
So let us simply list the declarations made by The Nazarene or made of him by his followers. Then I will demonstrate that each and every one of these declarations apply to all of the children of Yahuah. This is literally the declaration of our birthright and it belongs to all of us! It is The Nazarene Creed:
known by Yahuah before the foundation of the world
the son of man
came into being/born “according to the flesh”; begotten “according to the Spirit”
fulfilled the Righteous requirements of The Law
embody the fullness of deity in human form
the image of the Almighty God
the son of God
eternal priest in the order of Zadok
King in the order of Melchizedek
one with the Father
set apart during earthly life by the Ruach
a Righteous Judge over the Nations
demonstrated The Way by our life example
brought a living sacrifice, a perfect Lamb on Passover
defeated The Law of Sin and Death, through resurrection
have the authority to forgive sin
That is The Nazarene Creed! A coming Kingdom of Royal Priests!!!!!!!!!
All Nazarenes have this Birthright and should boldly declare that they are sons of Yahuah, just like Yahusha did. Yahusha never claimed to be Yahuah, or even equal to Yahuah. In fact, he said he could not even conceive of such blasphemy! We all are to have the same “mind” in us, that was in Yahusha, who denied incarnation outright:
----- Philippians 2 -----
5 Let this mind be in you (that Yahuah alone is the ONLY true God John 17:3) which was also in Yahusha the Messiah, 6 who, being in the form (human image) of Yahuah (we are all made in the image of Yahuah Genesis 1:27), 6 who, although Yahusha existed in the (human) form (image) of Yahuah (his Father; as all sons are images of their fathers), did not regard equality with Yahuah a thing to be grasped (Yahusha could not even wrap his mind around such blasphemy; he thought it robbing Yahuah of His Glory), 7 but made himself of no reputation (although he was born King of Israel and the Jews were trying to make him the Messiah ben David i.e. Conquering King, and he had inherited a King’s Ransom from Daniel), he instead assumed the form (role) of the suffering servant (Messiah ben Joseph to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll and the Feast Cycle), and coming into being as human (according to the flesh i.e. born human outside of any Divine intervention Romans 1:1-6). 8 And being found in the likness of a man (just like we all are found in the likeness of a man 1 Cor. 15:29), He humbled himself (before Yahuah) and became obedient (to the will of Yahuah that he must first come as Messiah ben Joseph the suffering servant and purchase the life of his brothers John 15:13, and fulfill his adoption covenant with Yahuah made in Zachariah Chapter 3) to the point of death, even the death of the stake (as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll, where Yahusha is portrayed as crucified, a Lamb that is slaughtered). 9 Therefore (because Yahusha fulfilled the adoption covenant in Zachariah Chapter 3 and The Heavenly Scroll) Yahuah also has highly exalted Yahusha ( with the Glory he had before the wold was John 17:5 as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll that Leo the Lion of the Tribe of Judah defeats Daco the dragon, then reigns as King) and (Yahuah) has given Yahusha (upon resurrection) the name which is above every name (Melchizedek, which he inherited through human bloodlines Hebrews 1:4), 10 that at the name of Yahusha every knee should bow (in respect to authority as he is our King; not divine worship), of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess (Strongs #3670, homologeo, enters into a marriage covenant) that Yahusha the Messiah is our King, to the glory of Yahuah the Father (Hebrews 1:3 Yahusha is the Glory of Yahuah and that Glory was written into the stars on Day 4 Psalms 19). -----
So Yahusha denied even being able to contemplate this idea that “Yahuah IS Yahusha” and that is the mind that should be in each of us. All those who have this same “mind”, will be given the right to become children of Yahuah!
----- John 1:12 -----
Yet to all who did receive Yahusha as the Messiah, to those who believed in (the covenant that bears) his name, he gave the right to become children of Yahuah.
Rav Shaul
All living souls of the Heaven and the Earth
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Notsri or Branch
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