All living souls of the Heaven and the Earth
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Gentiles will grafted in the Olive Tree (Israel)
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To Hasten The Day of His Coming (2 Peter 3:12)
How many times have you heard “We are living in exciting times ?” Probably so many times, that it may have become just another cliche. However, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, this statement becomes very real in the light of what is taking place in the world today, and what the Lord is doing in our midst.
The God of Israel is a God of COVENANT, CALLING, and DESTINY. When those who were once aliens and strangers from the covenant of hope that God made with Abraham (Eph 2:11-19) come into covenant with the God of Israel, they also become ‘fellow citizens’ of the Commonwealth of Israel. Romans 11 compares this to the grafting in of wild branches to a ‘Natural’ olive tree. When one comes into covenant with the God of Israel, one is also grafted into a calling and a destiny in God
Acts 3:21 tells us that the Lord will not come back until all of the ancient prophecies have been fulfilled. These prophecies concern the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people. In Ezekiel 36 & 37, we see that the Lord is working on three tracks,
1) Restoration of the Land,
2) the physical restoration of the Jewish people to the Land and ultimately
3) their spiritual restoration to their Messiah (David their King Hosea 3:5).
Since 1948 these 3000 year old prophecies have been, and are continuing to be amazingly fulfilled. We have the privilege of having come to God’s Kingdom ‘for such a time as this’. The Lord is at work fulfilling His Word, and He has invited is to work with Him as He prepares to re-establish His Kingdom on the Earth – in Jerusalem.
Incredibly, 1 Corinthians 3:9 describes us as ‘God’s fellow workers’ and 2 Peter 3:12 indicates that we can actually hasten the day of the Lord’s coming. How do we do this ? By aligning ourselves with His plans and purposes for Israel and the Jewish People. We believe that the Scriptures clearly teach that the Lord has called the Gentile Believers to assist Him in bringing home the scattered sheep of Israel, physically (Isaiah 49:22), and spiritually (Romans 11:11, Is 62:11).
Romans 15:27 says that if you have become a partaker of Israel’s spiritual blessings, then it is your DUTY to minister back to Israel in material ways. Josie and I want to encourage you to get involved. Seek the Lord as to what specific area, and how He would have you utilize the ‘first-fruit’ of your life. If you feel that it is not for you to become involved personally, then you can still be obedient to this call by partnering with a ministry that does minister to the Jewish people. We encourage you to become involved, prayerfully and financially in the restoration of Israel, thus hastening the day of the Lord’s return.
The Lord Bless you as you bless the descendants of Abraham. (Genesis 12:3)
In Messiah Yeshua
David and Josie
Your financial partnership will be gratefully accepted via PAYPAL Click Here
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You can also deposit direct to the local bank account, or you can mail a check to the local representative
NZ & MALAYSIA: Representative: Linda Cook, 17 Birdwood St, Taradale, Napier please make the cheque payable to D S & J Silver or deposit … Westpac Bank, Newmarket Branch ACCT # 03 0239 0111482 00
AUSTRALIA: Westpac Bank Branch: Bondi Junction Acct: David Stephen & Josephine Silver BSB # 032051 Acct # 200228
CANADA: If you wish to make a Canadian income tax receiptable donation, please make your cheque payable to Pavilion of Hope..Church (designate it for Out of Zion) and mail it to 232 Willow Park Drive SE, Calgary, AB, T2J 0K5. Also mention your email.address, if you have one, to assist in cost-effective receipting. In order to make a cost-free wire-transfer (EFT) equivalent,.go to any Royal Bank & make a deposit to the Southwest Calgary Pavilion of Hope Church and give them this email address: Your bank can set this up as a regular transfer. .If it is preferable for you to make an EFT (subject to Bank Charges) through any other bank, please obtain the Bank Account.details. If you have any other questions please free to contact Wolfgang Rochow on his email or you.can telephone him on 403-271-4512. Your bank can also set this up as a regular transfer.
Your freewill offerings will be greatly appreciated and we believe that God will bless you for it. If you have any questions concerning this, please contact Wolfgang Rochow at 403-271-4512 or email:
For non tax deductible donations we have an account at HSBC Orchard Rd Kelowna BC. Acct: David & Josephine Silver Acct # 250-008114-250 or you can mail your cheque payable to David & Josephine Silver care of Peter Robertson, 1202 Elkhorn Cres, Prince George BC V2M 6J1 tel: 250 6490714
GERMANY: “David Silver” Kto # Volksbank Pforzheim BLZ 666 900 00 KTA 2149813 BIC/SWIFT Volksbank Pforzheim = VBPFDE66XXX IBAN: DE85 6669 0000 0002 1498 13
SOUTH AFRICA: Bank: FNB Branch # 250655 Account # 74427809171 Account Name: Kim Papagyriou
SPAIN: Please transfer to the German bank account as above
SWEDEN: Care of our representative: Ake & Agneta Tryggveson Det nya kontot är i Handelsbanken – Mottagarnamn: Agneta Tryggveson – Clearingnr: 6164 Kontonr: 741 246 902 Man kan göra en överföring eller insättning från alla bankkontor i Sverige. Ange alltid ditt eget namn.
UK: Please post your donation via our representative Sheila White, 7 Hawth Crescent, Seaford, Sussex, BN25 2RR, tel 0773 8181269 please make at cheques payable to “Out of Zion” or deposit at any Lloyds Bank: sort code 30 93 32 acct # 01571894 Out of Zion
USA: You can post a check payable to Out of Zion Ministries to our US representative Tamy Chapman at 1580 Mira Lago BLVD Apt 150 , Farmers Branch, TX 75234-6090 Tel: 214-676-6373
for Tax deductible donations please send your check to Isralite Ministries 655 Gunnell Rd., Dallas, GA 30157 – Please make the check payable to Isralite Ministries and note that for OUT of ZION
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to send a donation to assist needy Israeli Messianic believers, please email me for details on how to send your gift ….
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David’s book – A Slow Train Coming
Six thousand years ago, in the Garden of Eden, sin separated man from God. Thankfully, God had a plan to redeem man back to Himself.
This book will take you down the track of time, looking in at the key stations along the journey. You will see exactly where on the track of time the train is now, and you will see that the return of our Redeemer / King / Messiah, Yeshua, is now very, very close.
To order a copy of A Slow Train Coming please write to David …
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