Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Kebijakan Pemerintah Kolonial Portugis di Indonesia

Kebijakan Pemerintah Kolonial Portugis di Indonesia

Oleh BerpendidikanDiposting pada 2 Juli 2015



Setelah menancapkan kekuasaannya di Indonesia dalam masa penjelajahannya mengelilingi samudra, Pemerintah portugis membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang nantinya akan memberikan pengaruh pada tatanan kehidupan rakyat Indonesia.

Kekuasaan Portugis di Maluku berlangsung cukup lama, sekitar tahun 1512 sampai 1641. Kebijakan-kebijakan yang dipraktikkan selama itu sangat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia.

Daftar Isi :

Kebijakan pemerintah Portugis di Indonesia

Berikut ini berbagai kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Portugis.
a. Berusaha menanamkan kekuasaan di Maluku.

b. Menyebarkan agama Katolik di daerah-daerah yang dikuasai.

c. Mengembangkan bahasa dan seni musik keroncong Portugis.

d. Sistem monopoli perdagangan cengkih dan pala di Ternate.
Dengan kebijakan ini, petani Ternate tidak lagi memiliki kebebasan untuk menjual atau menentukan harga hasil panennya. Mereka harus menjual hasil panennya hanya kepada Portugis dengan harga yang ditentukan oleh Portugis.
Akibatnya, petani sangat dirugikan, dan Portugis memperoleh keuntungan yang sangat besar. Pengaruh dari kebijakan ini ternyata tertanam pada rakyat Indonesia khususnya rakyat Maluku. Ada yang bersifat negatif dan ada yang positif.
Gambar: Kekuasaan Portugis di Indonesia

Pengaruh kebijakan Portugis di Indonesia

Berikut ini berbagai pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan-kebijakan Portugis.
a. Terganggu dan kacaunya jaringan perdagangan.
b. Banyaknya orang-orang beragama Katolik di daerah pendudukan Portugis.
c. Rakyat menjadi miskin dan menderita.
d. Tumbuh benih rasa benci terhadap kekejaman Portugis.
e. Munculnya rasa persatuan dan kesatuan rakyat Maluku untuk menentang Portugis.
f. Bahasa Portugis turut memperkaya perbendaharaan kata/ kosakata dan nama keluarga seperti da Costa, Dias, de Fretes, Mendosa, Gonzalves, da Silva, dan lain-lain.
g. Seni musik keroncong yang terkenal di Indonesia sebagai peninggalan Portugis adalah keroncong Morisco.
h. Banyak peninggalan arsitektur yang bercorak Portugis dan senjata api/meriam di daerah pendudukan.
Kekuasaan Spanyol yang sempat menjalin hubungan dengan Tidore tidak memiliki pengaruh yang berarti. Mengingat Spanyol segera meninggalkan Tidore karena terbentur Perjanjian Saragosa.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

What Is the Star of David in Judaism?

What Is the Star of David in Judaism?

MENU Home Search Ad Abrahamic / Middle Eastern Judaism What Is the Star of David in Judaism? The Significance of the Six-Pointed Star Share Flipboard Email Mel Curtis/The Image Bank/Getty Images by Ariela Pelaia Updated April 17, 2019 The Star of David is a six-pointed star made up of two equilateral triangles superimposed over each other. It also is known as a hexagram. In Hebrew, it is called the magen David (מָגֵן דָּוִד), which means the "shield of David." The Star of David doesn’t have any religious significance in Judaism, but it is one of the symbols most commonly associated with the Jewish people.  Origins of the Star of David The origins of the Star of David are unclear. We do know that the symbol hasn't always been associated exclusively with Judaism, but was used by Christians and Muslims at various points in history as well. Sometimes it was even associated with King Solomon instead of King David. The Star of David is not mentioned in rabbinic literature until the Middle Ages. It was during the latter part of this era that Kabbalists, the Jewish mystics, began to associate the symbol with a deeper spiritual meaning. One siddur (a Jewish prayer book) dated from 1512 in Prague displays a large Star of David on the cover with the phrase: "He will merit to bestow a bountiful gift on anyone who grasps the Shield of David." The Star of David was eventually cemented as a Jewish symbol when it became a favorite architectural decoration on Jewish buildings throughout the Middle Ages. According to German-born Israeli philosopher and historian Gershom Sholem, many Jews adopted this symbol in Eastern Europe in an effort to match the prevalence of the Christian cross.  Then, during World War II, when Hitler forced Jews to wear a yellow Star of David as a "badge of shame," the symbol became prominently cemented as a Jewish symbol. Jews were also forced to wear identifying badges during the Middle Ages, although not always a Star of David. Jews reclaimed the symbol, beginning with Zionists at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, where the Star of David was chosen as the central symbol of the flag of the future State of Israel. Today, the flag of Israel features a blue Star of David prominently in the middle of a white banner with two horizontal blue lines on the top and bottom of the flag. Likewise, many Jews wear jewelry that prominently features the Star of David today. What Is the David Connection? The symbol’s association with King David comes mostly from Jewish legend. For instance, there is a Midrash that says that when David was a teen he fought an enemy, King Nimrod. David's shield was composed of two interlocking triangles attached to the back of a round shield, and, at one point, the battle became so intense that the two triangles were fused together. David won the battle and the two triangles were henceforth known as magen David, the Shield of David. This story, of course, is just one of many. Symbolic Meanings There are several ideas about the symbolic meaning of the Star of David. Some Kabbalists thought that the six points represented God's absolute rule over the universe in all six directions: north, south, east, west, up, and down. Kabbalists also believed that the two triangles represented humanity’s dual nature—good and evil—and that the star could be used as protection against evil spirits. The structure of the star, with two overlapping triangles, has also been thought to represent the relationship between God and the Jewish people. The star that points up symbolizes God, and the star that points down represents Jews on Earth. Yet others have noticed that there are 12 sides on the triangle, perhaps representing the Twelve Tribes. Updated by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett. What Is a Cantor in the Jewish Faith? Who Is the Founder of Judaism? Tushuvah Is a Return to God Through Atonement for Sins Learn the Rabbi's Role in the Jewish Community The Meanings Behind Jewish Numbers Satan Is Not a Sentient Being In Judaism But a Metaphor for Evil Who Was Jesus According to Jewish Beliefs? What Is Judaism's Havdalah Ceremony? What Is the Jewish Practice of Kiddush? What Does Judaism Think About Sex? What's the Significance of Biblical Hebrew Names? What Does Jewish Law Say About Shoes? Biography of King David, Biblical Jewish Leader What Do Jews Believe Happens After We Die? How to Be a Modern-Day Mensch Understand the Symbolic Power of the Hamsa Hand Home Follow Us Facebook Flipboard Home East Asian Abrahamic/Middle East Indian Other Beliefs & Religions About Us Advertise Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Careers Editorial Guidelines Contact Terms of Use Learn Religions is part of the Dotdash publishing family. ThoughtCo Verywell Family Verywell Mind The Spruce and more