All living souls of the Heaven and the Earth
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Pakai Tzitzit Yahudi
Turut berdukacita.
..Ini jalan menuju rumahku dekat stasion Batutulis....semua terkena angin puting beliung
Namun ciuman Hashem memberi perlindungan yang luar biasa bagi kami sekeluarga
Barukh Hashem
Ini Letak Inti Konflik Politik West PapuaSampai hari ini tidak ada keputusan resmi (resolusi) PBB tentang hasil Penentuan pendapat rakyat (Pepera) 1969 yang menyatakan wilayah West Papua sah dalam NKRI. PBB hanya mencatat pelaksanan Pepera 1969 melalui Resolusi 2504 (XVII). Resolusi ini TIDAK menyebutkan West Papua telah menetukan nasib untuk integrasi (bergabung) dengan Indonesia melalui Pepera 1969.Status West Papua oleh karena itu merupakan koloni tak berpemerintahan sendiri yang berhak untuk penentuan nasib sendiri. Selama West Papua belum melaksanakan haknya untuk menentukan nasib sendiri, maka ia masih menjadi sebuah koloni dan kehadiran Indonesia di West Papua ilegal. Ilegalitas inilah yang menjadi AKAR KONFLIK berkepanjangan di West Papua.Majelis Umum PBB telah mendeklarasikan: keberlanjutan kolonialisme dalam segala bentuk dan manifestasi adalah kejahatan yang melanggar Piagam PBB dan Deklarasi Jaminan Kemerdekaan terhadap Negeri-negeri dan Rakyat Terjajah serta prinsip-prinsip hukum internasional (Resolusi 2621 (XXV).Indonesia sudah meratifikasi piagam dan deklarasi PBB di atas. Maka, sudah merupakan kewajiban bagi Indonesia untuk segera memenuhi hak penentuan nasib sendiri bagi wilayah koloni West Papua.West Papua adalah koloni terakhir di Pasifik. Indonesia mesti mencontohi cara penyelesaian Kanaky dan Bougainville.)* Penulis adalah Juru Bicara Internasional Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB)
V’zot Habrachah ( וְזֹאת הַבְרָכָה ) (And This is the Blessing)
Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12, Joshua 1:1-18, Revelation 22:1-5
This portion concludes readings in the book of Deuteronomy and Torah.
Like a father blessing his children on his death bed, Moses blesses the children of Israel before his death.
In the previous portion Song of Moses came as a warning and to a rebellious, unfaithful people and the resulting calamities that will befall them; this portion foretells the blessings of a bright future for Israel - which is her destiny.
“Yes, He loves the peoples, all His holy ones – they are in Your hand.” (Deuteronomy 33:3)
Here, the Hebrew word for ‘people’s is ‘amim’ which can mean nations; therefore YAH’s love is all inclusive for all people of any tongue, tribe or nationality. We are all, Jew or Gentile, in His loving hands.
Although Moses brought forth YHWH’s Divine Torah first to the nation of Israel, His Covenant and Torah is for all who will receive.
“Moses commanded us a Torah, an inheritance of the kehilla (congregation) of Yaacov (Jacob).” (Deut 33:4)
The Hebrew word used ‘inheritance’ is ‘morashah’. Meaning it is not an inheritance (yerushah) is given freely to be spent by the heir at his own personal discretion and will, but an an estate which must remain ‘in the family’ of Israel - to be handed down from generation to generation from father to son and on and on forever.
This is the Torah of Elohim – it is never to be diminished or forgotten but kept in the family of YHWH and transmitted from generation to generation.
May we never neglect our sacred and supreme duty, amongst all our other tasks and goals and obligations, to ‘teach our children’ the Holy Torah of ADONAI.
Allah 1629
Etimologi Kajian tentang asal-usul kata. Ini dapat mempengaruhi eksegesis (tafsiran) terutamanya eksegesis PL. Etimologi pembentukan kata dapat dilihat dari Matius 1:21 di mana nama Yesus (dalam kata Ibrani Yosua, “Yahweh menyelamatkan”) dihuraikan sebagai ‘Dia yang akan menyelamatkan umat-Nya dari dosadosa’. Satu lagi contoh etimologi ialah penggunaan kata ‘Allah’ untuk God, dan Tuhan untuk Lord. Kata ‘Allah’ telahpun digunakan dalam Bahasa Melayu sejak edisi cetak Injil Matius pada tahun 1629.
Boker tovBila kita melihat seorang Pria saleh dalam Yudaisme.....ketika mereka melakukan Tefillah Shacharit.....ada jubah doa yang mereka pergunakan dengan dihias Tzitzit di keempat sudut jubah doa tsbIndah kelihatannya....Namun keindahan tsb bukan sekedar untuk ber aksi..namun ada Mitzvah (perintah Hashem ) di dalamnya....Cara menempatkan Tzitzit tsb dibahas 2x dalam Torah (bisa dilihat dalam Perjanjian lama) yaitu1. Bamidbar (Bilangan) 15:37-412. Devarim (Ulangan) 22:12Menurut Talmud " Mitzvah" ini sepadan dengan Mitzvot - Mitzvot lainnya yang tertulis dalam Torah (Menachot 43b)Ketaatan akan Mitzvah adalah sarana untuk menyambut kehadiran Shechina (Menachot 43b)Mengapa Mitzvah sangat dan sangat dijunjung tinggi?Dalam Sefer Hachinuh (karya klasik abad ke 13 yang menyebutkan mengenai Taryag (613 Mitzvot,)"Akar perintah diungkapkan dalam ayat'Tujuan agar kita selalu mengingat semua perintah Hashem. Dan...tidak ada "Pengingat lain" di dunia ini, selain membawa meterai seorang Pengajar pada pakaian seseorang yang dikenakan setiap saat, yaitu memilikiTzitzit yang di kenakan di 4 sudut (Bamidbar 15:40)Bila kita perhatikan gematria "Tzitzit"= 600 + 8 tali yang memanjang + 5 simpul yang mengikat 8 semua 613...suatu kiasan untuk 613 Mitzvot,( Bamidbar Rabbah 28:21..komentar Rashi dari Bamidbar/Bilangan 15:39)Rashi ti Menachot 43b - Tur,orech Caim 24).Dengan demikian karena Tzitzit adalah mitzvah..dengan sendirinya kita yang mengenakannya, tidsk bisa sembarangan.....ada doa khusus untuk itu.Chovat tallit - Mitzvah untuk memasang tzitzit di 4 sudut baju yang dimiliki seseorang.Menurut hukum Yahudi, Mitzvah Tzitzit adalah kewajiban atas orang tsb (Chovat gavra)Birkat memakai / membungkus diri kita denganTallit yang sudah dipasang tzitzit(Tosefta akhir dari Berachot, Berachot 60b)Karena bila Mitzvah dilakukan dengan benar, birkat Hashem akan diberikan saat itu. ( Menachot 42a - 42 b)Bagaimana dengan kita (para pria yang sudah mengenakan Tzitzit)?Baruch Hashem
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Kehilat Sorong
Salam Kenikmatan Pagi ini Dari
Suka/Pondok Sukkot Ibrani Yehudim
Kehilat HaMaQom Aimas Sorong
Ku Lepaskan Bagi Yang Merayakannya......
Setelah Amidah Tefila Shakharith
Baruch HaShem
Sukkot II
Tishrei 16, 5780
Today is the 2nd day of Sukkot, plural of sukkah, which is a 7days festival. It is translated as the Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths. It is from Tishrei 15 to 21st. The last day, the 7th day, is called HoShanah Rabah, which means the day of the Great Supplication. And the 8th day, Tishrei 22nd, is called Shemini Atzeretz, which means the Eighth Day Assembly. For the instruction to assemble is on the 1st day and the 8th day of the Festival.And only the 1st day and the 8th day are Shabbat days.
Sukkot is the 7th of the 7 Moedim or the appointed times of Yahweh. And 7 means perfect or complete. So the 7 appointed times of Yahweh tell the complete story of the Mashiach, who is Yeshua the Nazarene. The 7 Moedim are: Passover, the feast of Unleavened Bread, the Firstfruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.
The 7 days of Sukkot are:
- days of rejoicing
-days of dwelling in booths
-days of "offerings"
Sukkot is also the time to celebrate the birth of the Mashiach. He was born in a sukkah and not a barn. This is the fall season in Israel and not the cold winter season. This is the time of the full moon, Tishrei 15 and the middle of the month , and so it's bright at night and it's reasonable for the shepherds to be out in the field at night with their sheep . This would be unthinkable in the cold nights of winter.
One day, Yeshua HaMashiach will come and rule the world from Yerushalayim. That Messianic Age would be for a thousand years. Baruch Haba Bshem Yahweh.
Chag Sameach!
Happy Sukkot!
Sukkot by Lian Paran
Tishrei 15, 5780
Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles.
Sukkot, plural of sukkah, is Hebrew and is usually translated as Feast of Tabernacles. It is a 7days festival from the 15th day of the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar until the 21st day of the 7th month. The 7th month is called Tishrei or Eythanim. It is also called the Feast of Ingathering or just The Feast.
Some Scriptures on Sukkot are found in:
Leviticus 23:33-34
Numbers 29:12-39
Deuteronomy 16:13-17
Ezra 3:4-5
Nehemiah 8:14 - 18
A brief summary of the instructions about Sukkot are:
1. The date for Sukkot is the 15th day of the 7th month.
2. It is a 7days festival to Yahweh Elohim.
3. The first day is a Shabbat day, a day of rest.
4. Have a set apart assembly on the 1st day.
5. Rejoice before Yahweh your Elohim for seven days
6. This is a law for ever through out your generation.
7. On the first day take for yourself the fruit of the good tree (etrog), branches of palm trees, twig of leafy trees (myrtle) and the willow of the stream. The four species are bundled or tied together and are to be waved in all directions: East, West, North, South, up and down.
8. For the seven days, bring an offering by fire to Yahweh :
I. The burnt offering - speaks of total dedication and obedience to Yahweh.
II. The grain offering--to acknowledge that Yahweh is the source of everything.
III. The drink offering--speaks of joy and rejoicing in the presence of Yahweh.
iv. The sin offering - for cleansing from defilement.
9. You are to dwell in booths or Tabernacles for seven days. This is a memorial to the times of the wilderness when the children of Israelites stayed in temporary shelters. This is a reminder that our bodies are temporary until the transformation or the resurrection.
10. None shall appear before Yahweh empty handed.
11. The eighth day is also :
- a Shabbat day
- a day for a set apart assembly
- a day to bring the burnt, grain, drink and sin offering.
Some people are questioning whether Sukkot is still to be celebrated. But the Scripture is very clear that the law regarding Sukkot is forever. And Yeshua the Mashiach celebrated Sukkot as written in chapter 7 of John's Gospel. In the middle of the Feast, which is the fourth day, Yeshua taught in the Holy Place of the Temple. And on the last day, the seventh day, Yeshua again preached at the Festival. The whole of John chapter 7 is about Yeshua celebrating Sukkot. And in Zechariah 14:16-19 it is written that the whole earth will celebrate Sukkot during the reign of the Mashiach.
Sukkot is actually the celebration of the birth of Yeshua the Mashiach. He was born on the 15th day of Tishrei, the first day of Sukkot. And on the 8th day, Yeshua was circumcised and given the name Yeshua, which means Yahweh saves. The celebration of Christmas is not found in the Scripture. For Christmas is a pagan festival. So those who wish to celebrate the birth of Yeshua should celebrate it at Sukkot, the most enjoyable of the seven festivals of Yahweh.
Prophetically, Sukkot is about the one thousand years reign of Yeshua the Messiah from Yerushalayim. This is written in Revelation chapter 20. The seven days are about the Messianic Shabbat of the one thousand years. And the eighth day is about the new heavens and new earth after the millinium, as written in Revelation chapter 21. Where eight in Hebrew stands for a new beginning.
Sukkot is the 7th of the seven Moedim or the appointed times of Yahweh. Some erroneously called them the festival of the Jews. Although the Jews celebrated the seven festivals, the festivals are the festivals of Yahweh.
Sukkot is the most enjoyable of the seven festivals. It is a 7days of rejoicing before Yahweh our Elohim. The first and the eighth days of the festival are Shabbat days and days of the Holy convocation. The eighth day is called Shemini Atzeretz, which means the eighth day assembly. The seventh day, the last day of 7 days festival, is called HoShanah Rabah or the day of great supplication.
Chag Sameach Sukkot.
Happy Sukkot. - by Lian Paran
Sukkot by others
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
We know Jesus/Yeshua wasn't born on December 25; they day that the sun gods are remembered! Many scholars believe He was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Interestingly the Hebrew word “stable” is Sukkoth (Gen. 33:17).
In John 1:14, the word “dwelled” is literally “tabernacled” in the Greek – and this comes as the climax to John’s “version” of the story of the Messiah’s incarnation.
Feast of Tabernacles is a week-long fall festival commemorating the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the wilderness. The word Sukkot means “booths.” It is when we remember that God/Yahweh Tabernacled or dwelt with His people. Sukkot is also known as "Our Season of Joy". - by Shon Cunningham
This spelling using Latin letters to transliterate from the Hebrew spelling is being introduced to new students by teachers with a very odd twist to their thinking.
They ignore the prefix, the root, and the suffix, and turn it into what they think they are seeing after dividing it into 3 completely nonsensical parts:
IS + RA + EL
They use the foreign script to turn this word into another meaning from the way they see the letters. They mix a third language into the confusion by transforming the word into ISIS + RA + EL, completely unaware of what they have done.
This is a psychosis level that may be incurable.
YISHARAL is a transliteration for yod-shin-resh-alef-lamed.
YASHAR (upright) is not involved in this word, it is confusion to mix roots in this way.
Yod (meaning to continue, used as a prefix);
SHAR (the root, meaning rule, ruler, ruling)
Al (a modifier based on the Hebrew pronoun meaning upward, mighty, high one, usually part of other words such as ALAHIM, ALAH, ALAHINU).
For more see:
Observamos que en la palabra Y'SRAEL,''' en hebreo ישראל'''''. se encuentran las iniciales de nuestros Tres Patriarcas y de nuestras Cuatro Matriarcas. La primera letra ''YOD-(YUD)'''es la inicial de Yitzchak y de Ya’aqov. La segunda letra, '''SHIN'', es la inicial del nombre de nuestra primera matriarca Sará. La '''RESH'' corresponde a la primera letra de Rajel y de Rivká. La letra ''ALEF'' es la inicial de Abraham y finalmente, la letra LAMED, es la primera letra de nuestra matriarca LEAH. Lejos de excluir los nombres de los otros patriarcas ISRAEL EL NOMBRE PERFECTO QUE NUESTRO ETERNO LE DIO A YAAQOV
י = יצחק , יעקב Isaac -Yitzchak, Jacob-Yaaqov
ש = שרה Sara-Sarah
ר = רבקה , רחל Rebeca- Rivqah, Rajel Raquel
א = אברהם Abraham
ל = לאה Leah
Monday, October 14, 2019
Stable is Sukkot
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
We know Jesus/Yeshua wasn't born on December 25; they day that the sun gods are remembered! Many scholars believe He was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Interestingly the Hebrew word “stable” is Sukkoth (Gen. 33:17).
In John 1:14, the word “dwelled” is literally “tabernacled” in the Greek – and this comes as the climax to John’s “version” of the story of the Messiah’s incarnation.
Feast of Tabernacles is a week-long fall festival commemorating the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the wilderness. The word Sukkot means “booths.” It is when we remember that God/Yahweh Tabernacled or dwelt with His people. Sukkot is also known as "Our Season of Joy". - by Torah4Today