Thursday, December 31, 2020

31 Desember 2020

31 December 2020
16 Tevet 5781

I used to observe midnight watch on 31st December to welcome the new year. But no more. And no turning back. Why? Now I follow the Hebrew calendar. For the  Hebrew calendar is Biblical while the Gregorian  calendar, though created by Pope Gregory XIII, is not. And they're not the same.

Today is the 16th day of the 10th month of the Hebrew calendar, the month Tevet. Its just after the middle of the month, so there is still the full moon brightly shining. Its 10 months from the first month of Abib, as written in Exodus 12 :2 and also Exodus 13 :4. And the 12th month is the month of Adar , as written in Ester 3:7 and also Ester 8:12.

December used to be the 10th month of the old Roman calendar. For December was named from the Latin word "Decem" which means ten. Then the Roman calendar was revised to 12 months with the addition of 2 months of January and February. However the new year was moved from March to January. For January was named after the pagan god of "Janus" , a 2 faced monster with one face looking backwards and a face looking forward. And that's how December, the 10th month, became the 12th month.

So if you're celebrate the new year of January at midnight later, you're welcoming Janus. And the pagan god Janus would not be able to help you with your resolutions. It's never too late to repent and stop from celebrating the new year at January. Follow the Biblical new year in the 1st month of Abib in the Spring, as written in the Scripture.

The Biblical New Year is in the month of Abib. For the Bible says in Exodus 12 :2 and also Exodus 13 :4 that Abib is the first month of the year. And Yahweh our Elohim said to make a distinction between the holy and common and between the clean and unclean. And we are to have nothing to do with what is not holy and what is unclean, for Yahweh our God is holy, holy and holy.

Shalom Aleichem.

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