Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Elul 18, 5778

Elul 18, 5778

Day 18 and counting up to 40, to Yom Kippur, which will be on Tishrei 10th. But before Yom Kippur will be Yom Teruah, which will be on 1st day of the 7th month of Tishrei. After Yom Kippur, will be Sukkot, which is from Tishrei 15th to 21st. And the 8th day, which is Tishrei 22nd will also be a Shabbat day.

Now that can be quite confusing for those who don't follow the Hebrew calendar nor observe Yahweh's appointed times. As my niece told me, "Uncle, i don't understand what you are writing now". I said, " why don't you ask questions?" I guess most will keep quite. Now i don't know if the one who keeps quite or the one who is very argumentative is better. Anyway I'll explain the above in simple terms.

Today is the 18th day of the 6th month of the Hebrew calender. The 6th month is called Elul. On the 1st day of the 7th month, which is called Tishrei, will be the appointed times of the Feast of Trumpets. This will remind us that when the last trumpet, or more accurately, at the last shofar blast, Yahshua will descend from heaven. After the Feast of Trumpets will be the Day of Atonement. This will be on the 10th day of Tishrei. The Day of Atonement tells us about the day that Yahshua will judge the nations from Yerusalem. And on Tishrei 15th to 21st, are the 7days of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is actually the time to celebrate the birth of Yahshua the Mashiach, and not at Christmas which is a pagan celebration. The Feasts of Tabernacles tells us about Yahshua reigning from Yerusalem for a thousand years. So we're not going to heaven, for Yahshua is coming down from heaven to rule the world from Yerusalem for a thousand years. After that will be the new heavens and the new earth, when the New Yerusalem will descend down from heaven.

The appointed times of Yahweh are for us to observe. They are not the feast of the Jews! The word feast or festivals is a poor translation of the Hebrew word "moedim ". The better translation is appointed times. And we are instructed to observe Yahweh's appointed times. To willfully or intentionally refused to observe the appointed times is a transgressions of His commandments. And ignorance of the command is not an excuse. As they says, you are deemed to know the law of the country.  Truly the words of the prophet rings true today, that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. "

These are days of Teshuvah (Hebrew), or Metanoia (Greek) or Repentance. Let us return to Yahweh our Elohim and obey His commandments. Shalom!

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