Friday, August 31, 2018

Jerusalem belongs to the Jews


An excellent analysis by Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America debunking Islamic lies and propaganda that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims.

How can it be holy to Muslims when Jerusalem, which is mentioned 669 times in the Hebrew Bible, is not mentioned in the Koran EVEN ONCE?

And why is it that for 2,000 years Jews all over the world have been saying "Next Year in Jerusalem" while Muslims pray with their backside to Al Aksa mosque which is built on top of the Jewish Temple?

And why is that from 1948 until 1967 - when Jerusalem was ILLEGALLY occupied by the Jordanians - Arab Muslims didn't demand Jerusalem as their capital?

Jerusalem only became "holy" to Muslims when Israelis liberated the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people from the illegal Muslim occupation.

Mystery of Babylon

REVEALING THE IDENTITY OF 'MYSTERY BABYLON' - The Vatican system is the only world structure that is refers to themselves as a woman, wears purple and scarlet, uses a golden cup filled with wine, has shed the blood of Bible believing saints, and has become indescribably wealthy through ruling over the kings of the earth. In short, the Roman Catholic Church system, with the Vatican as its head and authority, fulfills all the qualifications in the description of the "woman" in Revelation 17 & 18.

SUNDAY is Catholic Authority


'Sunday is our mark of authority...the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is a proof of that fact.'
(The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Sept.1.1923)

Most Christians assume that Sunday is the biblically approved day of worship. The Roman Catholic Church protests that it transferred Christian worship from the biblical Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday, and that to try to argue that the change was made in the Bible is both dishonest and a denial of Catholic authority.
If Protestantism wants to base its teachings only on the
Bible, it should worship on Saturday.
The Catholic Church transferred the solemnity of the Sabbath to Sunday; it is a MARK of her ecclesiastic authority in religious matters~ reason and common sense demand the acceptance of 1 or the other of these alternatives; either Protestantism and the keeping Holy of Saturday, or Catholicity and the keeping Holy of Sunday, compromise is impossible~  any Protestant who claims the Bible alone as their only rule of faith would logically become 7th Day Adventists

~Editors Note:
either the Catholic Church is right or the Seventh Day
Adventists are right, there can be no other choice, and if
one chooses neither,
then the whole doctrine of Sola Scriptura collapses,
and with it the pillar upon which Protestantism stands.

a person who violates the Sanctity of SUNday is to be
punished as a heretic. John Paul II
~Detroit News, July 7 1998~

the Bible says REMEMBER that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day ~the Catholic Church says NO! by my Divine power I abolish the Sabbath Day and Command you to keep Holy the first day of the week, and lo the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the Command of the Holy Catholic Church
~Father Enright- American Sentinal- June 1895

SUNday is a Catholic institution, and its claims to
observance can be defended only on Catholic principles,
from the beginning to the end of Scripture there is
not a single passage which warrants the transfer of
the weekly public worship from the last day of the
week to the first
~Catholic Press(Sydney) August 25th 1900

"It must always be clear,
when the expression sister Churches is used in this proper sense that the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic universal church is not sister
but mother of all the particular Churches"
-- Cardinal Ratzinger.

We Catholics are the "Mother" Church
and Our Protestant Daughters Are Harlots
-- (Rev. 17:5)

Sunday “is the identity of the Christian community and
the center of his life and mission”, that “we cannot
live without joining together on Sunday”, that only
those Christians “who lived in accordance with Sunday”
have “attained new hope”, and that “the Christians of
today will rediscover the crucial importance of the
Sunday Celebration”. (Pastoral Visit of Pope Benedict
XVI to Bari for the Closing of the 24th Italian National
Eucharistic Congress, Homily of Pope Benedict XVI,
Esplanade of Marisabella, Sunday, May 29, 2005.)

Saturday is “no longer” the worship day of God, only on
Sunday can we become part of the body of Christ in the
world, only by worshiping on Sunday can we avoid
“egoistic isolation” and instead be united “in a great
community...a universal community” becoming “related
to everyone in the world.” (Meeting with Diocesan
Clergy of Aosta, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Parish
Church at Introd (Aosta Valley),
Monday, July 25, 2005.)

Every Sunday is to be dedicated and given to God.
(Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, given in
Parish Church of Castel Gandolfo,
Monday, August 15, 2005.)

“Social disorder, war, injustice and violence” can only
be countered “ by renewed appreciation and respect for
the universal moral law [Sunday observance], that only
by recognizing that law can the world have “dignity,
life and freedom” with “conditions of justice and peace”
in all the communities of the world, and that the
promotion and defense of this law is what “must govern
relations between nations and peoples in the pursuit of
the common good of the human family...within the
international community.” (Address of Pope Benedict XVI
to H.E. Mr Francis Rooney, New Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See, Saturday,
November 12, 2005.)

Sunday is a day of rest for all workers. (Address of
Pope Benedict XVI to the Italian Christian Workers'
Associations (A.C.L.I.), Clementine Hall, Friday,
January 27, 2006.)

People cannot be sanctified except on Sunday, that Christ transferred Sabbath sacredness to Sunday, that only those who keep Sunday belong to Christ, that only on Sunday does “the risen Lord makes himself present among his followers”, that only these “worship God properly”, and that may Sunday “regain all its importance.”
(Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Card. Francis Arinze on the Occasion of the Study Day in Honour of the 43rd Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, From the Vatican, November 27, 2006.)

Sunday is an “obligation for all the faithful” which brings
“authentic freedom enabling them to live each day”, that
it is the Lord’s day, that it is “a day to be sanctified”,
and those who do not keep it suffer “the loss of an
authentic sense of Christian freedom” and the loss of
being “the children of God”, that Sunday is the “primordial holy day” and “is meant to be kept holy”, “a day of rest from work”, which hopefully “will also be recognized by civil society” by law.
(Sacramentum Caritatis: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission, Given by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, at Saint Peter's, February 22, 2007, the Feast of the Chair of Peter.)

“It is necessary” “to hold Sunday in special high regard”
in order “to remain united to Christ”, as “it is the day
dedicated to the Lord.” (Message of Pope Benedict XVI to the Participants in the 9th International Youth Forum
(Rocca di Papa, 28-31 March 2007), from the Vatican,
March 28, 2007.)

Only on Sunday can we experience “a personal encounter with Christ.”
(Apostolic Journey of Pope Benedict XVI to Brazil on the Occasion of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Carribbean, Inaugural Session, Address of Pope Benedict XVI, Conference Hall, Shrine of Aparecida, Sunday, May 13, 2007.)

“Without the Lord’s day, we cannot live”, that meeting with the Lord only occurs on the “specific day” of Sunday, that life does not flourish without Sunday, and that Sunday is a day of rest, of freedom and equality for all the world.
(Eucharistic Celebration Homily of Pope Benedict XVI ,
Saint Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Sunday,
September 9, 2007.)

Encouraged America to exercise “its leadership within the international community” based on “the common moral law [Sunday holiness].”
(Address of Pope Benedict XVI to H.E. Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon, New Ambassador of the United States
of America to the Holy See, Friday, February 29, 2008.)

The world has greater need of hope for peace, justice and freedom, which “can never be delivered without obedience to the law of God [Sunday holiness]”. (Video-Message of the Pope Benedict XVI to Catholics and People of the United States of America on the Occasion of the Upcoming Apostolic Journey, April 15-21, 2008.)

“But our principal concern is to silence this sect of Sabbath keepers. We must excite popular indignation against them. We will enlist great men and worldly-wise men upon our side, and induce those in authority to carry out our purposes.
Then the sabbath which I have set up shall be enforced by laws the most severe and exacting. Those who disregard them shall be driven out from the cities and villages, and made to suffer hunger and privation. When once we have the power, we will show what we can do with those who will not swerve from their allegiance to God. We led the Romish church to inflict imprisonment, torture, and death upon those who refused to yield to her decrees; and now that we are bringing the Protestant churches and the world into harmony with this right arm of our strength, we will finally have a law to exterminate
all who will not submit to our authority. When death
shall be made the penalty of violating our sabbath,
then many who are now ranked with commandment keepers will come over to our side. {TM 473.1}


Bar Mitzvah

🔯Bar Mitzvah🇮🇱

5 Hadiah Sempurna untuk Menjadi Orang Dewasa dalam tradisi Yahudi.

Dalam tradisi bangsa-bangsa goyim seorang anak dinyatakan dewasa ketika dia mencapai usia 17 thn.

#Lain Hal Dengan Yudaisme

#Ketika seorang anak laki-laki Yahudi mencapai usia 13 tahun, ia secara resmi menjadi  bar mitzvah , yang berarti "putra dari perintah." 👑👨

Meskipun pemikiran umum,  bar mitzvah  bukanlah pesta atau perayaan, tetapi lebih merupakan waktu transisi dalam kehidupan seorang anak laki - laki Yahudi di mana ia berubah dari menjadi seorang anak menjadi seorang dewasa Yahudi, terikat dengan semua perintah dari seorang pria dewasa Yahudi .👨👲

Beberapa perintah dasar sedang dihitung dalam minyan , atau kuorum sepuluh orang yang diperlukan untuk doa, dipanggil ke Taurat untuk aliyah  (untuk mengucapkan berkat sebelum pembacaan Taurat), dan bertanggung jawab atas tindakannya secara fisik dan secara etis.👔🎓

The  bar mitzvah  diamati pada hari Sabat, dan  bar mitzvah  biasanya menghabiskan bulan belajar dan mempersiapkan untuk hari ia akan mencapai mayoritas dengan mempelajari dan mempersiapkan porsi Taurat nya, 📖📄📑📰📚🕎📖

menghafal doa atas Taurat, mempersiapkan untuk memimpin layanan Shabbat, dan menulis sebuah pidato tentang porsi Torah atau mengikat  proyek mitzvahnya  ke bagian Torah.🕎💡📃📚

Sebuah  mitzvah  proyek adalah kesempatan untuk  bar mitzvah  untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk amal ( tzedakah ) atau bekerja pada proyek lain untuk lebih memahami peran etika dalam dunia Yahudi.🕯🔎

Ini adalah praktik umum di sebagian besar komunitas Yahudi, agama dan lain-lain, karena akan ada pesta perayaan atau perayaan untuk menghormati  bar  mitzvah .

Jika Anda merayakan, kemungkinan besar Anda akan ingin mendapatkan hadiah bar mitzvah yang berarti .💰💵💸

Berikut adalah beberapa saran kami untuk hadiah yang akan tetap bersama  bar mitzvah  selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.

dari 05

Bintang Daud: Yair Emanuel Bordir Rawit Baku Sutra.🔯
Dalam Taurat adalah perintah untuk mengenakan  tallit , garmen kain hampir seperti selendang dengan empat sudut yang memiliki pinggiran.

Berbicaralah kepada anak-anak Israel dan Anda akan mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa mereka akan membuat diri mereka sendiri berserakan di sudut-sudut pakaian mereka, sepanjang generasi mereka, dan mereka akan mengikatkan benang langit biru wol di pinggiran setiap sudut.

Ini akan menjadi pinggiran bagi Anda, dan ketika Anda melihatnya, Anda akan mengingat semua perintah Tuhan untuk melaksanakannya, dan Anda tidak akan mengembara setelah hati Anda dan setelah mata Anda setelah itu Anda akan tersesat.

Jadi, Anda harus ingat dan melaksanakan semua perintah-Ku dan kamu akan menjadi kudus bagi  YVHMu Bilangan 15: 37-40.

Dikenakan selama doa, di komunitas Ashkenazi, seorang Yahudi mulai mengenakan  tallit  ketika ia menjadi  bar mitzvah .

Dalam komunitas Sephardi, seorang Yahudi mulai mengenakan  tallit  setelah dia menikah.

Di kedua komunitas, setiap kali seorang Yahudi dipanggil ke Taurat untuk  aliyah  untuk mengatakan berkat atas Taurat, ia mengenakan  tallit.

Dan tallit  adalah benda yang sangat istimewa dalam kehidupan seorang Yahudi karena mengikutinya dari  bar mitzvah  ke pernikahannya, dalam banyak kasus, kematiannya.

Dalam beberapa kasus,  tallit  diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi, juga.

Lanjutkan Membaca Di Bawah Ini

dari 05
Yad Pointer🖊✒🖋

Ketika seorang anak laki-laki menjadi seorang  bar mitzvah , ia biasanya belajar lama dan sulit untuk mempelajari bagian Torahnya sehingga dapat membacanya sebelum sidang.

Salah satu alat untuk membantu membimbingnya dalam membaca Torah adalah  yad , atau penunjuk , membuatnya menjadi hadiah yang besar dan berarti yang dapat dia gunakan sepanjang hidupnya.

Dan Yad  adalah bagian yang indah dari Judaica untuk koleksi apa pun, tetapi memainkan peran penting juga. Talmud berkata,

"Dia yang memegang  Sefer Torah  telanjang akan dikubur telanjang" (Shab. 14a).

Dari ini, para rabi mengerti bahwa sebuah gulungan Taurat tidak boleh disentuh oleh tangan kosong, jadi untuk dengan mudah mengikuti sambil membaca, atau untuk menunjukkan suatu bagian kepada seseorang,  yad , yang secara harfiah berarti "lengan" atau "tangan" digunakan.

Lanjutkan Membaca Di Bawah Ini

dari 05

Sinagoga Shay Agnon.
Bar mitzvah.

Anak laki-laki dibantu oleh gurunya mengenakan tefilin.

Mungkin yang paling penting dari hadiah yang  bar mitzvah  dapat menerima, tefillin merupakan titik balik.

Satu set  tefillin  tidak murah, tetapi pemberian  tefillin  kemungkinan akan tetap bersama seorang anak Yahudi selama sisa hidupnya dan akan digunakan hampir setiap hari.

Tefillin  adalah dua kotak kecil yang terbuat dari kulit yang mengandung ayat-ayat dari Taurat yang ditulis oleh ahli yang lebih lembut  (juru tulis), yang orang Yahudi di atas  usia bar mitzvah  pakai selama sholat subuh (kecuali pada Shabbat dan banyak liburan).

Kotak-kotak itu melekat pada tali kulit panjang yang digunakan untuk menempel kotak-kotak itu ke kepala dan lengan.

The mitzvah (perintah) dari  tefillin  berasal dari Ulangan 6: 5-9:

“Cintailah YHVH ELOHIMmu dengan segenap hatimu, semua keberadaanmu, dan seluruh kekuatanmu.

Kata-kata yang saya perintahkan kepada Anda hari ini harus selalu ada di pikiran Anda.

Bacalah mereka untuk anak-anak Anda.

Bicarakan tentang mereka ketika Anda sedang duduk di rumah dan ketika Anda keluar dan sekitar, ketika Anda berbaring dan ketika Anda bangun.

Ikat mereka sebagai tanda di tanganmu.

Mereka harus menjadi simbol bagi Anda di dahi Anda. 

Tandai mereka sebagai tanda di ambang pintu rumah Anda dan di atas gerbang kota Anda. "

Ada juga ayat-ayat yang sangat spesifik, yang dikenal sebagai  shema , yang  ditemukan di dalam  tefillin.

dari 05

Tanakh Koren Pembaca. Edisi Resmi.

Tanakh sebenarnya merupakan akronim yang melambangkan Torah , Nevi'im (nabi), dan Ketuvim (tulisan).

Ini sering digunakan secara bergantian dengan Torah, karena itu mewakili keseluruhan dari Alkitab Yahudi yang ditulis.

Meskipun anak - anak Yahudi mulai mempelajari kisah-kisah Taurat di awal kehidupan, memiliki Tanakh yang benar-benar indah dan pribadi untuk belajar Torah adalah pilihan yang bagus untuk sebuah  bar mitzvah , karena perintah dan pelajaran Taurat adalah yang paling penting dan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. !

dari 05
Kalung Bar Mitzvah

Liontin Emas 14K dan Berlian Bar / Bat Mitzva.

Meskipun bukan hadiah bar mitzvah  tradisional, satu pilihan yang berarti adalah kalung yang merayakan  tanggung jawab bar mitzvah yang baru .

Kata, dalam bahasa Ibrani, adalah  achrayut (אחריות).

Ketika seorang anak laki-laki Yahudi menjadi  bar mitzvah , ia menjadi terikat dengan semua 613  mitzvot  dari Taurat dan / atau tanggung jawab etis sebagai seorang Yahudi.

Dengan demikian, tanggung jawab adalah tema penting dalam periode waktu ini bagi semua Orang Yahudi.

#Shalom Aleichem

#Biblical Hebrew Institute Cohen Indonesia Kupang.

Aspenas Warkey Cohen

Elul 20, 5778

Elul 20, 5778.

Day 20 and counting up to 40, to Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement, which will be on the 10th day of Tishrei, the  7th month of the Hebrew calendar. It will be on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 of the Gregorian calender. However the Hebrew day is from sundown Tuesday, September 18th to sundown Wednesday September 19th. The date and month was fixed by Yahweh our Elohim, as told to Mosheh and written in Leviticus 23. That is why the festivals are actually the Appointed Times of Yahweh. And no one may change the dates of these Appointed Times of Yahweh to suit man's convenience. He has commanded us to observe and to have the set apart assembly on these Appointed Times.

Yom HaKippurim or the Day of Atonement,  is the most sacred day in the Hebrew calendar. It is the only day in the year that the High Priest can enter into the most holy place to make atonement for his sins and the sins of the people, with the blood of the animals sacrificed. And the atonement is only for unintentional sins! There was no atonement for willful and intentional sins.

When John the Baptist saw Yeshua the Nazarene, he declared, " This is the Lamb of Elohim!" You see, John was the son of Zechariah the Priest, and was  competent to declare "the Lamb" as fit for the sacrifice. Why was Yeshua the "Lamb of Elohim" and not the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah"? This was because He came to be the sacrificial lamb to make atonement for the sins of the whole world. When He returns at the Feast of Trumpets, He will return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

The Book of Hebrews tells us that Yeshua the Nazarene is the High Priest according to the order of Malek Zaddek. He is the Royal Priest appointed by Yahweh under oath. And as the High Priest, Yeshua shed His own blood to make atonement for the sins of the whole world. But only once and not every Yom Kippur as done in the Temple by the Aaronic High Priest. And He sprinkled His blood in the most holy place in the heavens and not in the Temple which was only a copy of the real Tabernacles in the heavens.  And the atonement by the precious blood of the "Lamb of Elohom" was for all kinds of sins, whether unintentional or intentionally. But if we treat the blood shed by Yeshua as common and refused to repent and stopped from sinning, there will be no further sacrifice for sins and the unrepentant sinners has only themselves to blame on the day of judgment.

That is why Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement is very very important.  But if you wonder, why celebrate Yom Kippur when Yeshua the High Priest has already made atonement for us? Well, Yom Kippur also has a prophetic message. It tells us about the coming judgment of the nations when Yeshua retuns to rule the earth from Yerusalem. Also, the prophets said that the 3rd Temple will be rebuilt. And when the Temple is rebuilt, there will be sacrifices! Really? Read what the prophets has written. We will discuss that another time.

Truly, these are days of Teshuvah (Hebrew), Metanoia (Greek) and Repentance! When the last shofar is sounded, and you're not ready, it'll be a tiny bit too late. He is coming for a holy and set apart people. It is not just to stop sinning, but to be transformed to live in righteousness.  Shalom Aleichem!

Thursday, August 30, 2018




>REV 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of The Beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet from A to Z.
Let each letter corresponds to each number like:
A=1, C=3, Z=26 and so on.

JESUS letters must be multiplied by 9 (The Highest number which is only for The True Creator YAHUWAH) and the result is 666. This means that JESUS is a counterfeit of The Most High YAHUWAH.


JESUS is the fiery Dragon, that Serpent of old, called The Devil and Satan who was thrown down together with his angels to the earth and that Serpent of old deceives the whole world (REV 3,4,9).

Lets go further to compute The 666 who is JESUS:

GOSPEL = 666
CROSS = 666


LUCIFER who is also MUHAMMAD and JESUS is also SATAN is the one who weakened the nations (ISA 14:12) and deceives the whole world, and yes LUCIFER is also of the 7 Kingdoms (1,Egypt, 2.Assyria, 3.Babylon, 4.Persia, 5.Greece, 6.Roman Empire, 7.RCC and 8.Revived Papacy of Rome with 10 nations in REV17:16) and LUCIFER who is JESUS is also of the 8th Kingdom (REV 17:10,11).


>2 COR 4:3-5

3 But even if our GOSPEL (The 666 of JESUS) is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing (but for now the veiled GOSPEL is unveiled to you as The 666 that you might see.),

4 whose minds the god (JESUS-LUCIFER-THE 666) of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the GOSPEL (The 666) of the glory of Christ (CHRISTOS-THE 666), who is the image of god (LORD-BAAL, YAHWEH-JOVE, JEHOVAH-DESTROYER, ETC) should not shine on them.

5 For we (believers of JESUS) do not preach ourselves, but CHRIST (CHRISTOS-666) JESUS (666) the LORD (BAAL-Babylonian god/elohim), and ourselves your servants for JESUS (LUCIFER-666) sake.


>2 THES 2:7-10

7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the LORD (BAAL) JESUS (LUCIFER-666) is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels (for he is revealed now as the Great Dragon, the Serpent of old, the Devil and Satan),

8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God (Who is the Father of JESUS?), and on those who do not obey the GOSPEL (666) of our Lord (BAAL) JESUS (The 666) CHRIST (CHRISTOS-666).

9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord (BAAL) and from the glory of his power,

10 when He comes (JESUS-LUCIFER is not coming but he will be imprisoned for 1,000 years), in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.

Since LUCIFER was revealed as The 666 and also as JESUS (666) with his GOSPEL (666) who was nailed on the CROSS (666) as CHRIST (CHRISTOS-KING-666)...



Naso - Bamidbar

Naso- Bamidbar > Naso

Parshat Naso adalah Parshah terpanjang di Taurat yang menampilkan 176 ayat! Ini berisi cerita, hukum, dan banyak informasi!

Kami tinggalkan di akhir Parshat Bamidbar dengan menghitung keturunan ketiga putra Lewi dan menjelaskan apa yang akan mereka bawa di padang gurun.

Kami mengetahui bahwa keturunan Kehath adalah membawa barang-barang tersuci.

Pembacaan minggu ini menghubungkan Gershon, putra pertama Levi yang dilahirkan untuk membawa material tenunan, tirai dan layar (Bamidbar 4:24).

Mereka juga memiliki pekerjaan menyanyikan dan melantunkan Tehillim (mazmur) yang berbeda setiap hari, masing-masing untuk hari di mana mereka berada.

Keturunan Merari, putra bungsu Lewi, membawa baut, soket dan papan Tabernakel (Bamidbar 4: 31-33).

Parshah terus menceritakan bagaimana Hashem memerintahkan semua orang tidak murni untuk meninggalkan kamp (Bamidbar 5: 1-4), kita belajar tentang hukum kemurnian di Parshat Tazria dan Metzora beberapa minggu lalu.

Kita belajar banyak hukum, termasuk mitzvah untuk mengakuinya secara lisan (Yoma 86-87).

Pertobatan terdiri dari; penyesalan yang tulus atas kesalahan masa lalu, pengakuan lisan dan keputusan tegas untuk tidak mengulanginya.

Di Tanach kita belajar tentang orang-orang yang dengan tulus bertobat, termasuk, Reuven (Sota 7a),

Rechav (Megillah 14b) dan menurut Medrash bahkan Firaun bertobat dan menjadi pekerja Kiruv besar di akhir hidupnya, ketika tinggal di Niniwe, ia dianggap telah membuat seluruh kota bertobat untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kehancuran, sebagaimana yang terkait dalam kitab Yunus (Yonah 3: 6).

Taurat kemudian menghubungkan hukum tentang pengembalian uang karena pencurian kepada orang insaf yang meninggal dan peringatan untuk tidak menahan iuran dari Kohanim dan orang Lewi (Bamidbar 5: 6-8).

Parshah kemudian berkonsentrasi pada perintah Sotah (Bamidbar 5: 11-31), prosedur jika seorang suami mencurigai istri perzinahannya.

Jika dia dicurigai sendirian dengan pria lain, untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama untuk sesuatu yang telah terjadi, dia akan ditanyai dan bertanya apakah dia bersalah karena perzinahan, bahkan jika dia mengklaim dia tidak bersalah, dia harus melalui seluruh prosedur memalukan air minum di dalam bejana gerabah, air ini akan membuat nama Hashem terhapus ke dalamnya (Sota 2a), dan juga akan bercampur dengan debu.

Jika dia bersalah, air akan menyebabkan perut dan paha sakit dan akan menyebabkan kematian yang menyakitkan (Sota 20a), namun jika dia tidak bersalah, dia akan dapat melahirkan lebih mudah atau jika dia tidak bisa melahirkan, dia sekarang bisa (Sota 26a).

Dari ini, kita belajar bagaimana Hashem menghargai kedamaian antara suami dan istri bahwa ia bahkan bersedia menghapus namanya di dalam air untuk perdamaian (Sota 2a)!

Hashem meletakkan kehadiran ilahi-Nya pada pasangan ketika mereka berdamai satu sama lain.

Selanjutnya, parshah membahas hukum tentang Nazir (Bamidbar 6: 1-21).

Seorang pria atau wanita yang memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang Nazir, harus menahan diri selama minimal 30 hari (Nazir 5a) dari minum anggur dan semua turunan anggur, memotong rambutnya dan menghindari kontak dengan orang mati, misalnya tidak akan pemakaman (Makkot 21b).

Hashem memberikan kekuatan khusus kepada Nazir karena ia memiliki kekuatan untuk menjauhkan diri dari semua ini (Nazir 4).

Kita belajar dalam kitab Hakim bahwa Shimshon (Shoftim 13: 2-25), adalah seorang Nazir sejak lahir, dan ini memberinya kekuatan untuk mengalahkan banyak Pelishtim dan menjadi pemimpin yang sangat sukses dari orang-orang Yahudi, ia berasal dari suku Dan, saat kematiannya dia membunuh ribuan musuh, Pelishtim (Sota 10).

Ketika seorang Nazir mengakhiri masa pemerintahan Nezirut, dia tidak diizinkan untuk minum anggur sebelum menawarkan beberapa pengorbanan.

The Parshah kemudian menghubungkan hukum-hukum berkat Priestly dalam bahasa Ibrani yang dikenal sebagai Birkat Kohanim (Bamidbar 6: 22-27).

Kohanim diperintahkan untuk memberkati orang-orang Yahudi setiap hari selama sholat waktu (Sota 38-39), dan mereka masih melakukannya saat sholat subuh.

Kohanim memberkati orang-orang sambil berdiri, mengangkat tangan mereka, menghadap ke komunitas, mengucapkan berkat-berkat dalam bahasa Ibrani dan mereka harus mengucapkan nama empat huruf Hashem seperti yang tertulis.

Nama Aharon disebutkan dalam berkat karena dialah yang mencintai kedamaian dan membawa kedamaian di mana pun ia memperhatikan pertikaian atau kebencian (Sota 11).

Ada tiga bagian dari berkat keimamatan. Berkat kekayaan, berkah untuk menjadi lebih spiritual dan berkat untuk kedamaian.

Parshah kemudian mendedikasikan banyak ayat yang menggambarkan persembahan dari Pemimpin setiap suku.

Mereka membawa persembahan mereka dalam urutan yang mereka tempuh di padang gurun, pemimpin Yehudah, Nachshon, membawa korban pertama (Bamidbar 7:12).

Persembahan ke dua belas pada hari kedua belas dibawa oleh pemimpin suku Naftali, bernama Achira ben Ainan.

Hari ketujuh persembahan adalah pergantian pemimpin suku Efraim; dia bernama Elishama Ben Amihud (Bamidbar 7: 48 / Yevamot 6a).

Meskipun itu adalah Shabbat; dia diizinkan untuk membawa persembahan ini sebagai hadiah untuk leluhurnya, Joseph.

Kami belajar di Parshat Mikaitz, bahwa ketika Joseph berada di Mesir, dia mengundang saudara-saudaranya untuk makan di tempatnya, memerintahkan putranya, Menashe untuk menyiapkan makanan Shabbat pada Jumat pagi.

Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa Taurat tidak diberikan pada saat itu, dia menghormati Shabbat, dia dihargai dengan kehormatan keturunannya untuk membawa pengorbanan pribadi atas nama suku malam itu (Bamidbar Rabbah 14: 9).

Setiap suku membawa persembahan yang identik tetapi dengan niat baik yang berbeda, misalnya mereka masing-masing membawa mangkuk perak, sendok dengan Ketoret, satu domba jantan, satu domba dan banyak lagi!

Parshah menyimpulkan terkait bagaimana tujuan Tabernakel (Mishkan) tercapai (Bamidbar 7:89).

Haftorah untuk pembacaan minggu ini berasal dari kitab Hakim-Hakim, Bab 13 (Shoftim 13: 2-25).

Haftorah terhubung dengan pembacaan minggu ini karena menggambarkan bagaimana sebelum Shimshon lahir, dia menjadi Nazrite.

Haftorah menjelaskan bahwa pada saat belas kasih ilahi, Hashem memilih pasangan yang adil tetapi sederhana dari suku Dan, pria yang bernama Manoah, adalah ayah dari Shimshon, dalam kebaikan istri yang saleh.

Seorang malaikat memerintahkan istrinya untuk mempersiapkan kelahiran anaknya bahkan sebelum dia hamil.

Dia diperintahkan untuk menjadikannya Nazrite dari tanggal lahirnya.  Amen

Shalom Aleichem

#Biblical Hebrew Institute Cohen Indonesia Kupang
#Aspenas Warkey Cohen

Elul 19, 5778_1

Elul 19, 5778

Today is the 19th day of the 6th month of the Hebrew calendar. And the 6th month is called Elul. The acronym Elul means, "I am my Beloved and my Beloved is mine. " And Elul has 29 days. And counting up to 30 days is the Feast of Trumpets, which falls on the 1st day of the 7th month, called Tishrei or Ethanim.

And counting up to 40 days is the Day of Atonement, which falls on the 10th day of the 7th month of Tishrei.

And counting up to 45 days is the Feast of Tabernacles, which is a 7 days festival from the 15th day of Tishrei up to the 21st day of Tishrei. And the 22nd of Tishrei is also a Shabbat day, the 8th and last day of the festival. This Feast of Tabernacles is the actual celebration of the birth of the Messiah. He was born on the 15th of Tishrei and circumcised on the 8th day, on the 22nd of Tishrei. It fits nicely within this 8 days Feast of Tabernacles.  The Messiah was not born in the cold night of Winter in December. No. Christmas is a pagan celebration. Its high time we stop having anything to do with this pagan fest!

The Feast of Trumpets will be on the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishrei. This will be on Monday, September 10, 2018 of the Gregorian calender. But the Hebrew day is from sundown 9th September to sundown 10th September. This day will also be Rosh Chodesh Tishrei. And it is also the civil New Year in Israel.

The Feast of Trumpets tells us that when the last Trumpet, or rather the last shofar blast, is sounded, Yeshua the Messiah, will descend down from heaven. And the dead who believed and obeyed  the  Messiah will be resurrected, and together with the living, will meet the Messiah Yeshua. The prophet Zechariah tells us that the Messiah will descend on Mount Olive.  The same Mount from which He has ascended, 40 days after His death.

Let us make sure that we won't miss this last shofar blast. The first shofar blast was on Mount Sinai, when Yahweh our Elohim gave the commandments to Mosheh. Now is the time to return to Yahweh our Elohim and obey His commandments. The same commandments that Yeshua obeyed. And Yeshua said that if we love Him, we are to obey His commandments. To say that Yeshua obeyed the commandments so that we need not obey them is a gross deception. All the lawless, the Torahless and the antinomian, will be rejected by Yeshua from His Kingdom at His coming. There is no doubt about that. And He warned  that many will be rejected! Even those who cast devils, those who gave many prophecies and did many great miracles.

These are days of Teshuvah, of Metanoia, and of Repentance. As Rebbe Eliezer taught, "Repent one day before you die." And since no one knows the day he will die, its better to repent every day.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Elul 18, 5778

Elul 18, 5778

Day 18 and counting up to 40, to Yom Kippur, which will be on Tishrei 10th. But before Yom Kippur will be Yom Teruah, which will be on 1st day of the 7th month of Tishrei. After Yom Kippur, will be Sukkot, which is from Tishrei 15th to 21st. And the 8th day, which is Tishrei 22nd will also be a Shabbat day.

Now that can be quite confusing for those who don't follow the Hebrew calendar nor observe Yahweh's appointed times. As my niece told me, "Uncle, i don't understand what you are writing now". I said, " why don't you ask questions?" I guess most will keep quite. Now i don't know if the one who keeps quite or the one who is very argumentative is better. Anyway I'll explain the above in simple terms.

Today is the 18th day of the 6th month of the Hebrew calender. The 6th month is called Elul. On the 1st day of the 7th month, which is called Tishrei, will be the appointed times of the Feast of Trumpets. This will remind us that when the last trumpet, or more accurately, at the last shofar blast, Yahshua will descend from heaven. After the Feast of Trumpets will be the Day of Atonement. This will be on the 10th day of Tishrei. The Day of Atonement tells us about the day that Yahshua will judge the nations from Yerusalem. And on Tishrei 15th to 21st, are the 7days of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is actually the time to celebrate the birth of Yahshua the Mashiach, and not at Christmas which is a pagan celebration. The Feasts of Tabernacles tells us about Yahshua reigning from Yerusalem for a thousand years. So we're not going to heaven, for Yahshua is coming down from heaven to rule the world from Yerusalem for a thousand years. After that will be the new heavens and the new earth, when the New Yerusalem will descend down from heaven.

The appointed times of Yahweh are for us to observe. They are not the feast of the Jews! The word feast or festivals is a poor translation of the Hebrew word "moedim ". The better translation is appointed times. And we are instructed to observe Yahweh's appointed times. To willfully or intentionally refused to observe the appointed times is a transgressions of His commandments. And ignorance of the command is not an excuse. As they says, you are deemed to know the law of the country.  Truly the words of the prophet rings true today, that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. "

These are days of Teshuvah (Hebrew), or Metanoia (Greek) or Repentance. Let us return to Yahweh our Elohim and obey His commandments. Shalom!

Jerusalem Council in 15

The decision made by the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 is one of the most misunderstood chapters in the New Testament today! Taking Acts 15:19-20 out of context, many insist that the Counsel at Jerusalem expected Gentiles to keep only four of the Laws:
Abstain from
1. Pollutions of Idols
2. Fornication
3. Things strangled
4. Blood.

If only we would read the next verse Acts 15:21 a lot would be cleared up: “For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath."

This one forgotten sentence states the new Gentile Believers were expected to go to the Synagogue every Sabbath and hear the Law of Moses preached and expounded upon. In other words, the council is saying they should not expect the new converts to learn everything at once, but to ask them to abstain from four things and they would hear rest of the Commandments which are preached weekly and learned.

No one can keep the Father’s Commandments to earn salvation, but we keep His Commandments because we love our Heavenly Father. Just because “Thou shalt not kill” or “Thou shalt not steal” was not mentioned in the decision of the counsil, does not mean Gentiles were exempt from obeying those Commandments. We cannot pick and choose from God/Yahweh’s Word.

Jesus/Yeshua said, "Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a jot/yud or a stroke/tittle will pass from the Torah, not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvoth/commands and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 5:17-19)

“Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.“ (Romans 3:31)

Apa yang Yeshua tulis di Tanah ?


Apa yg Yeshua tulis ditanah ?

Yohanes 8:6 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Mereka mengatakan hal itu untuk mencobai Dia, supaya mereka memperoleh sesuatu untuk menyalahkan-Nya. Tetapi Yesus membungkuk lalu menulis dengan jari-Nya di tanah.

Apakah yang MESIAS tulis saat itu? Tidak ada seorangpun yang mengetahui apa yang YESHUA tulis pada saat itu.


Ada beberapa PETUNJUK yang dapat kita pelajari, dan memungkinkan kita untuk mengetahui apa yang YESHUA tulis pada saat itu ketika IA diperhadapkan kepada perempuan yang dituduh berzinah.

Beberapa PETUNJUK itu adalah:

Kejadian tersebut terjadi pada HARI RAYA "SUKKOT" (HARI RAYA "PONDOK DAUN").

Yohanes 7:2 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Ketika itu sudah dekat hari raya orang Yahudi, yaitu hari raya PONDOK DAUN.

Yohanes 7:10 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Tetapi sesudah saudara-saudara Yesus berangkat ke pesta itu, IA-pun PERGI JUGA KE SITU, tidak terang-terangan tetapi diam-diam.

Pada HARI RAYA "SUKKOT", YESHUA masuk ke "BEIT HA'MIKDASH" (BAIT SUCI), dan mengajar di situ, memberikan "MIDRASH".

Yohanes 7:14 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Waktu pesta itu sedang berlangsung, Yesus masuk ke Bait Elohim lalu mengajar di situ.

Dari "MIDRASH" yang diberikan oleh YESHUA pada HARI RAYA "SUKKOT", ada beberapa orang yang menjadi percaya, dan ada beberapa orang dari SANHEDRIN yang menjadi iri hati.

Yohanes 7:31 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Tetapi di antara orang banyak itu ada BANYAK YANG PERCAYA kepada-Nya dan mereka berkata: "Apabila Kristus datang, mungkinkah Ia akan mengadakan lebih banyak mujizat dari pada yang telah diadakan oleh Dia ini?"

Yohanes 7:32 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Orang-orang Farisi mendengar orang banyak membisikkan hal-hal itu mengenai Dia, dan karena itu imam-imam kepala dan orang-orang Farisi menyuruh penjaga-penjaga Bait Elohim untuk menangkap-Nya.

Pada puncak HARI RAYA "SUKKOT", yaitu HARI KE-7 dari HARI RAYA "SUKKOT", dikenal dengan nama "HOSHANA RABBAH" pada saat IMAM BESAR BAIT SUCI membawa AIR dari kolam SHILOACH (SILOAM) ke dalam altar BAIT SUCI, YESHUA menjelaskan bahwa ritual itu adalah mengenai DIRI-NYA.

Yohanes 7:37 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Dan pada hari terakhir, yaitu pada puncak perayaan itu, Yesus berdiri dan berseru: "Barangsiapa haus, baiklah ia datang kepada-Ku dan minum!

Yohanes 7:38 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI) 
Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Kitab Suci: Dari dalam hatinya akan mengalir aliran-aliran air hidup."

Yohanes 7:39 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Yang dimaksudkan-Nya ialah Roh yang akan diterima oleh mereka yang percaya kepada-Nya; sebab Roh itu belum datang, karena Yesus belum dimuliakan.

Yohanes 7:40 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI) 
orang di antara orang banyak, yang mendengarkan perkataan-perkataan itu, berkata: "Dia ini benar-benar nabi yang akan datang."

Yohanes 7:41 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI) 
lain berkata: "Ia ini Mesias." Tetapi yang lain lagi berkata: "Bukan, Mesias tidak datang dari Galilea!

Yohanes 7:42 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Karena Kitab Suci mengatakan, bahwa Mesias berasal dari keturunan Daud dan dari kampung Betlehem, tempat Daud dahulu tinggal."

Yohanes 7:43 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Maka timbullah pertentangan di antara orang banyak karena Dia.

Yohanes 7:44 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Beberapa orang di antara mereka mau menangkap Dia, tetapi tidak ada seorangpun yang berani menyentuh-Nya.

Melihat hal itu, para imam kepala dan orang-orang Farisi menjadi marah dan iri hati.

Yohanes 7:45 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Maka penjaga-penjaga itu pergi kepada imam-imam kepala dan orang-orang Farisi, yang berkata kepada mereka: "Mengapa kamu tidak membawa-Nya?"

Yohanes 7:46 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Jawab penjaga-penjaga itu: "Belum pernah seorang manusia berkata seperti orang itu!"

Yohanes 7:47 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Jawab orang-orang Farisi itu kepada mereka: "Adakah kamu juga disesatkan?

Dari poin no.1 - no.5 kita melihat bahwa yang membenci YESHUA adalah bukan keseluruhan orang-orang Yahudi, tetapi hanya orang-orang Yahudi di dalam SANHEDRIN, yaitu para imam kepala dan orang-orang Farisi.

Kemudian kita lihat poin selanjutnya.

"HOSHANA RABBAH" adalah HARI KE-7 dari "SUKKOT". Setelah "HOSHANA RABBAH", maka perayaan selanjutnya adalah "SHEMINI ATZERET", yaitu HARI KE-8 dari "SUKKOT", seperti yang diperintahkan di dalam Bilangan 29:35.

Bilangan 29:35 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Pada hari yang kedelapan haruslah kamu mengadakan perkumpulan raya, maka tidak boleh kamu melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan berat.

Pada saat "SHEMINI ATZERET", YESHUA tetap memberikan pengajaran-Nya, memberikan MIDRASH.

Yohanes 8:1 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
tetapi Yesus pergi ke bukit Zaitun.

Yohanes 8:2 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Pagi-pagi benar Ia berada lagi di Bait Elohim, dan seluruh rakyat datang kepada-Nya. Ia duduk dan mengajar mereka.

Yohanes 8:3 - Terjemahan Baru (TB-LAI)
Maka ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi membawa kepada-Nya seorang

Elul 2

Shalom lekhulam !

Sambungan bulan Elul
Saat ini kita membahas bulan *Elul* ,

Di bulan *Elul* (אלול) ini
kita merenungi
🔯 Hesed (חסד) 🔯
yang merupakan bagian dari Atribut TUHAN ,
Hesed juga sebagai bagian dari *atribut pengampunan*
(midat haslikha).

Dari pengampunan ini kita mengenal
🔯🍁 13 Atribut TUHAN🔯🍁 (midot shel Adonai)
yang perlu kita ketahui.

1.🔯Adonai (יהוה)🔯
2.🔯Adonai (יהוה)🔯
3.🔯 El (אל)🔯
4.🔯 Rakhum (רחום)🔯
5.🔯 Hanun (חנון)🔯
6.🔯 Erekh Apaim(ארך אפים)🔯
7. 🔯Rav Hesed (רב חסד)🔯
8. 🔯Emet (אמת)🔯
9. 🔯 Notser (נצר)🔯
10.🔯 Avon (עון)🔯
11.🔯Pesha (פשע)🔯
12.🔯 Hata'a (חטאה)🔯
13. 🔯Nake (נקה)🔯

Kita melihat
atribut pengampunan
No.1 dan No. 2 adalah sama
ini dikarenakan
🍁 yang pertama
mewakili atribut
🔯🌿 Ha'av* (האב) 🔯🍁
🍁 yang kedua
mewakili atribut
🔯🌿 HaRuakh (הרוח).🔯🍁

Mari kita lihat atribut ini di dalam
Shemot (Keluaran) 34:6-7 >

ו ויעבר יהוה על פניו ויקרא יהוה יהוה אל רחום וחנון--ארך אפים ורב חסד ואמת

ז נצר חסד לאלפים נשא עון ופשע וחטאה ונקה לא ינקה--פקד עון אבות על בנים ועל בני בנים על שלשים ועל רבעים

🔯6🔯vaya`avor Adonai al panav vaikra Adonai Adonai el rakhum vekhanun erekh apaim verav hesed ve'emet

🔯6🔯Berjalanlah YHWH lewat dari depannya dan berseru: "YHWH, YHWH, EL yang penyayang dan pengasih, panjang sabar, berlimpah kasih-Nya dan kebenaran-Nya,

🔯7🔯notser hesed la'alafim nose avon vapesha vekhata'a venake lo yenake poked avon avot al banim ve'al bene vanim al shileshim ve'al ribe'im

🔯7*🔯yang meneguhkan kasih setia-Nya kepada beribu-ribu orang, yang mengampuni kesalahan, pelanggaran dan dosa,
tetapi tidaklah sekali-kali membebaskan orang yang bersalah dari hukuman, yang membalaskan kesalahan bapa kepada anak-anaknya dan cucunya, kepada keturunan yang ketiga dan keempat.

Di bulan *Elul* (אלול) ini
kita harus selalu memandang atau melihat
Adonai (ראה - re'e),
yang disebut juga sebagai
🌿Yirat Adonai🌿
(takut akan Tuhan).

Sebagai manusia kita diminta oleh Adonai YHWH
sebanyak 5 permintaan :

1. Takut akan Tuhan
2. Mendengarkan Tuhan
3. Memelihara Perintah Tuhan
4. Beribadah kepada Tuhan
5. Bergantung kepada Tuhan

Dalam Midrash Rabinika
🍁 Yirat Adonai (יראת יהוה)🍁
- takut akan Tuhan)
di bagi menjadi 3 level yaitu :

1.🌿 Yirat Ha'onesh - יראת העניש : 🌿
(kagum di hadapan keagungan Ilahi yang tak terbatas),
rasa takut kepada Tuhan didasari ketakutan akan konsekwensi
Misal :
Seseorang melanggar Shabat kemudian dia mendapatkan musibah, lalu ia berkata : wah ini karena melanggar Shabat maka saya dapat kesialan ini !.
Jadi kemudian dia mentaati perintah Tuhan karena didasari rasa takut seperti ini.

2.🍁Yirat HaMalkhut- יראת המלכות 🍁:
(kagum di hadapan raja Ilahi),
yaitu rasa takut karena takut masuk neraka atau siksaan kekal dan di hukum saat mati nanti.

3. *Yirat Haromemut* - יראת הרוממות :
( takut akan hukuman).
yaitu rasa takut yang didasari karena respek kepada Tuhan dan menyadari bahwa kita  adalah milik-Nya sehingga kita mentaati perintah Tuhan karena kita mengasihi-Nya.

Ketiga rasa takut kepada Tuhan ini adalah level dimana iman kita telah memahami kehendak Tuhan.

Konklusi :

Di bulan Elul ini
marilah kita mulai menilai diri kita untuk memasuki
tiga moadim (hari raya)
yang di perintahkan Adonai untuk kita rayakan,
Bulan *Elul*
ini di sebut juga sebagai bulan Pertobatan
(teshuva - תשובה dimana kita mulai belajar berpuasa sehingga saat
*Yom Kipur* (יום כפור)
kita mampu melakukan puasa penuh.

Dibulan Elul ini kita memulai menilai diri
(tehilat palel - תהלת פלל) karena bulan Elul ini adalah persiapan kita untuk menjelang tiga hari raya di bulan berikutnya yaitu :
1. *Yom Terua* (יום תרוע)
yaitu *Rosh Hashana* (ראש השנה)

2. *Yom Kipur* (יום כפור)
Puasa Yom Kippur dimulai satu jam sebelum matahari terbenam pada tanggal 9 Tishri, dan berlangsung selama 25 jam,
hingga satu jam sesudah matahari terbenam pada tanggal 10 Tishri
(Imamat 23:32).

3. *Yom Sukot* (יום סכות)

dan di bulan Elul ini kita dapat merenungkan segala Atribut Kasih-Nya
yang telah Dia ijinkan supaya kita dapat mengenal-Nya.

Tanyakan kepada diri anda sudah sesuaikah kita dalam memelihara perintah Tuhan dalam hidup kita?

Sudah benarkah bahwa rasa takut kita hanya di berikan kepada Tuhan dan bukan pada hal-hal yang sia-sia
hantu, nasib jelek, kekhawatiran akan masa depan dsb?.

Apakah motivasi kita memelihara perintah-peritah Tuhan sudah benar?
motivasi atas dasar mengasihi-Nya?

Akhir kata,
teruslah belajar untuk selalu mengenal Sang Pencipta kita, untuk mengenal karakterNya yang prominen.

Hendaklah engkau takut kepada TUHAN seperti nats Amsal 1:7 berkata :

יראת יהוה ראשית דעת  

*yirat Adonai reshit da'at*

_takut akan YHWH adalah permulaan pengetahuan_

*Yirat Adonai*
kita mencapai titik dimana memelihara, mematuhi
atas dasar kita mengasihi-Nya sehingga kita dapat berkata seperti
David Hamelekh (דוד המלך),
di dalam Mazmur 19:9

פקודי יהוה ישרים משמחי-לב מצות יהוה ברה מאירת עינים

pikude Adonai yesharim mesamkhe lev mitsvat Adonai bara me'urat enaim

_ajaran YHWH itu benar; dan perintah YHWH itu murni, membuat mata bersinar._

יעשה שלום וברכה עלינו !
barukh Adonai hamevorakh !

By :   ben-hanesher



Shalom lekhulam !

Saat ini kita membahas bulan *Elul* ,
bulan yang cukup penting
bagi umat Tuhan.

Bulan *Elul* (אלול) adalah bulan terakhir menurut perhitungan tahun sipil Ibrani.

Bangsa Israel mempunyai 2 tahun baru, yaitu *Tahun baru spiritual* dan *Tahun baru sipil* atau yang sering di sebut sebagai *ulang tahun bumi*.

*Perhitungan Tahun Spiritual* :

1. Bulan Aviv/Nisan.               
2. Bulan Iyar                                     
3. Bulan Sivan                       
4. Bulan Tamuz                             
5. Bulan Av                                       
6. Bulan Elul                                     
7. Bulan Tishri                                 
8. Bulan Heshvan                          
9. Bulan Kislev                               
10. Bulan Tevet                             
11. Bulan Shevat                            
12. Bulan Adar                                

*Perhitungan Tahun Sipil* :

1. Bulan Tishri                                 
2. Bulan Heshvan                      
3. Bulan Kislev                               
4. Bulan Tevet                             
5. Bulan Shevat                            
6. Bulan Adar     
7. Bulan Aviv/Nisan              
8. Bulan Iyar                                     
9. Bulan Sivan                       
10. Bulan Tamuz                             
11. Bulan Av                                       
12. Bulan Elul         
Tanggal *1 Elul* 🔯🍁🌿
diperingati sebagai hari naiknya *Moshe Rabenu* ke gunung *Sinai* untuk kedua kalinya.
Yang pertama adalah ketika *Moshe Rabenu* menerima *Torah* (תורה) saat *Shavuot* (שבועות).

Di bulan *Elul* 🔯🍁🌿
inilah *Moshe Rabenu* selama 40 hari berada di atas gunung *Sinai* hingga kembali turun pada tanggal *10 Tishri* (Yom Kipur - יום כפור).

*Yeshua Natsraya* (ישוע נצריא) juga berpuasa di saat bulan Elul hingga tanggal 10 Tishri.🔯🍁🌿

Bulan *Elul*
ini di sebut juga sebagai bulan Pertobatan (teshuva - תשובה dimana kita mulai belajar berpuasa sehingga saat *Yom Kipur* (יום כפור) kita mampu melakukan puasa penuh.

Dibulan Elul ini kita memulai menilai diri (tehilat palel - תהלת פלל) karena bulan Elul ini adalah persiapan kita untuk menjelang tiga hari raya di bulan berikutnya yaitu :
1. *Yom Terua* (יום תרוע)
yaitu *Rosh Hashana* (ראש השנה)
2. *Yom Kipur* (יום כפור)
3. *Yom Sukot* (יום סכות)

Dibulan Elul ini kita diberi kehendak bebas
(bekhirat hofshit - בחירת חופשית)
oleh Adonai untuk menentukan pilihan kita antara mentaati atau kembali kepada Adonai atau
meninggalkan Adonai
( tidak mau mentaati mitsvot-Nya ).

Pengertian kehendak bebas itu dapat kita baca di dalam Ulangan 11:26-28,
dimana kita di perhadapkan dengan Berkat (berakha - ברכה) dan Kutuk (kelala - קללה).

*Teshuva* (תשובה - pertobatan)  diartikan sebagai *kembali kepada Tuhan*.🔯🍁🌿

*Teshuva* adalah menyadari bahwa kita ada di dunia ini untuk melayani Dia, karena kita adalah milikNya,
sehingga saat kita lupa akan tujuan hidup kita maka di bulan Elul ini  mulai kembali melihat kepada Adonai bahwa hanya kepada Dia sajalah arti dan tujuan hidup kita di dunia ini.

Inilah garis perjalanan di bulan Elul yang perlu kita ketahui :

1. Tanggal 1 Elul (Rosh Hodesh - ראש חודש)
memperingati naiknya Moshe Rabenu ke Har Sinai (הר סיני)

2. Tanggal 15 Elul disebut juga sebagai *Hesbon Hanefesh* (pencarian jiwa)

3. Tanggal 25 Elul diperingati awalnya Adonai menciptakan Bumi

4. 1 Tishri sebagai Yom Terua atau Rosh Hashana, yang disebut sebagai ulang tahun bumi.

Bulan Elul (אלול)
ini juga merupakan akronim dari אני לדודי ודודי לי
(ani ledodi vedodi li) 🔯🍁🌿
- Kidung Agung 6:3

By :   ben-hanesher



sab´ath ( שׁבּת , shabbāth , שׁבּתון , shabbāthōn ; σάββατον , sábbaton , τὰ σάββατα , tá sábbata ; the root shābhath in Hebrew means "to desist," "cease," "rest"):


1. The Biblical Account

2. Critical Theories


1. In the Old Testament

2. In the Inter-Testamental Period

3. Jesus and the Sabbath

4. Paul and the Sabbath


The Sabbath was the day on which man was to leave off his secular labors and keep a day holy to Yahweh.

I. Origin of the Sabbath.

1. The Biblical Account:

The sketch of creation in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 closes with an impressive account of the hallowing of the 7th day, because on it God rested from all the work which He had made creatively. The word "Sabbath" does not occur in the story; but it is recognized by critics of every school that the author (P) means to describe the Sabbath as primeval. In Exodus 20:8-11 (ascribed to JE) the reason assigned for keeping the 7th day as a holy Sabbath is the fact that Yahweh rested after the six days of creative activity. Exodus 31:17 employs a bold figure, and describes Yahweh as refreshing Himself ("catching His breath") after six days of work. The statement that God set apart the 7th day for holy purposes in honor of His own rest after six days of creative activity is boldly challenged by many modern scholars as merely the pious figment of a priestly imagination of the exile. There are so few hints of a weekly Sabbath before Moses, who is comparatively a modern character, that argumentation is almost excluded, and each student will approach the question with the bias of his whole intellectual and spiritual history. There is no distinct mention of the Sabbath in Gen, though a 7-day period is referred to several times ( Genesis 7:4 , Genesis 7:10; Genesis 8:10 , Genesis 8:12; Genesis 29:27 f). The first express mention of the Sabbath is found in Exodus 16:21-30 , in connection with the giving of the manna. Yahweh taught the people in the wilderness to observe the 7th day as a Sabbath of rest by sending no manna on that day, a double supply being given on the 6th day of the week. Here we have to do with a weekly Sabbath as a day of rest from ordinary secular labor. A little later the Ten Words (Commands) were spoken by Yahweh from Sinai in the hearing of all the people, and were afterward written on the two tables of stone (Ex 20:1-17; Exodus 34:1-5 , Exodus 34:27 f). The Fourth Commandment enjoins upon Israel the observance of the 7th day of the week as a holy day on which no work shall be done by man or beast. Children and servants are to desist from all work, and even the stranger within the gates is required to keep the day holy. The reason assigned is that Yahweh rested on the 7th day and blessed it and hallowed it. There is no hint that the restrictions were meant to guard against the wrath of a jealous and angry deity. The Sabbath was meant to be a blessing to man and not a burden. After the sin in connection with the golden call Yahweh rehearses the chief duties required of Israel, and again announces the law of the Sabbath ( Exodus 34:21 , ascribed to J). In the Levitical legislation there is frequent mention of the Sabbath (Exodus 31:13-16; Exodus 35:2 f; Leviticus 19:3 , Leviticus 19:10; Leviticus 23:3 , Leviticus 23:18 ). A willful Sabbath-breaker was put to death (Numbers 15:32-36 ). In the Deuteronomic legislation there is equal recognition of the importance and value of the Sabbath (Deuteronomy 5:12-15 ). Here the reason assigned for the observance of the Sabbath philanthropic and humanitarian: "that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou." It is thus manifest that all the Pentateuchal codes, whether proceeding from Moses alone or from many hands in widely different centuries, equally recognize the Sabbath as one of the characteristic institutions of Israel's religious and social life. If we cannot point to any observance of the weekly Sabbath prior to Moses, we can at least be sure that this was one of the institutions which he gave to Israel. From the days of Moses until now the holy Sabbath has been kept by devout Israelites.

2. Critical Theories:

"The older theories of the origin of the Jewish Sabbath (connecting it with Egypt, with the day of Saturn, or in general with the seven planets) have now been almost entirely abandoned (see ASTRONOMY , I, 5). The disposition at present is to regard the day as originally a lunar festival, similar to a Bablonian custom (Schrader, Stud. u. Krit ., 1874), the rather as the cuneiform documents appear to contain a term šabattu or šabattum , identical in form and meaning with the Hebrew word šabbāthōn ." Thus wrote Professor C. H. Toy in 1899 ( JBL , XVIII , 190). In a syllabary (II R, 32,16a, b) šabattum is said to be equivalent to ǔm nǔh̬ libbi , the natural translation of which seemed to be "day of rest of the heart." Schrader, Sayce and others so understood the phrase, and naturally looked upon šabattum as equivalent to the Hebrew Sabbath. But Jensen and others have shown that the phrase should be rendered "day of the appeasement of the mind" (of an offended deity). The reference is to a day of atonement or pacification rather than a day of rest, a day in which one must be careful not to arouse the anger of the god who was supposed to preside over that particular day. Now the term šabattum has been found only 5 or 6 times in the Babylonian inscriptions and in none of them is it connected with the 7th day of a week. There was, however, a sort of institution among the superstitious Babylonians that has been compared with the Hebrew Sabbath. In certain months of the year (Elul, Marcheshvan) the 7th, 14th, 19th, 21st and 28th days were set down as favorable days, or unfavorable days, that is, as days in which the king, the priest and the physician must be careful not to stir up the anger of the deity. On these days the king was not to eat food prepared by fire, not to put on royal dress, not to ride in his chariot, etc. As to the 19th day, it is thought that it was included among the unlucky days because it was the 49th (7 times 7) from the 1st of the preceding month. As there were 30 days in the month, it is evident that we are not dealing with a recurring 7th day in the week, as is the case with the Hebrew Sabbath. Moreover, no proof has been adduced that the term šabattum was ever applied to these dies nefasti or unlucky days. Hence, the assertions of some Assyriologists with regard to the Babylonian origin of the Sabbath must be taken with several grams of salt. Notice must be taken of an ingenious and able paper by Professor M. Jastrow, which was read before the Eleventh International Congress of Orientalists in Paris in 1897, in which the learned author attempts to show that the Hebrew Sabbath was originally a day of propitiation like the Babylonian šabattum ( AJT , II, 312-52). He argues that the restrictive measures in the Hebrew laws for the observance of the Sabbath arose from the original conception of the Sabbath as an unfavorable day, a day in which the anger of Yahweh might flash forth against men. Although Jastrow has supported his thesis with many arguments that are cogent, yet the reverent student of the Scriptures will find it difficult to resist the impression that the Old Testament writers without exception thought of the Sabbath not as an unfavorable or unlucky day but rather as a day set apart for the benefit of man. Whatever may have been the attitude of the early Hebrews toward the day which was to become a characteristic institution of Judaism in all ages and in all lands, the organs of revelation throughout the Old Testament enforce the observance of the Sabbath by arguments which lay emphasis upon its beneficent and humanitarian aspects.

We must call attention to Meinhold's ingenious hypothesis as to the origin of the Sabbath. In 1894 Theophilus G. Pinches discovered a tablet in which the term shapattu is applied to the 15th day of the month. Meinhold argues that shabattu in Babylonian denotes the day of the full moon. Dr. Skinner thus describes Meinhold's theory: "He points to the close association of new-moon and Sabbath in nearly all the pre-exilic references ( Amos 8:5; Hosea 2:11; Isaiah 1:13; 2 Kings 4:23 f); and concludes that in early Israel, as in Babylonia, the Sabbath was the full-moon festival and nothing else. The institution of the weekly Sabbath he traces to a desire to compensate for the loss of the old lunar festivals, when these were abrogated by the Deuteronomic reformation. This innovation he attributes to Ezekiel; but steps toward it are found in the introduction of a weekly day of rest during harvest only (on the ground of Deuteronomy 16:8 f; compare Exodus 34:21 ), and in the establishment of the sabbatical year (Lev 25), which he considers to be older than the weekly Sabbath" (ICC on Gen, p. 39). Dr. Skinner well says that Meinhold's theory involves great improbabilities. It is not certain that the Babylonians applied the term sabattu to the 15th day of the month because it was the day of the full moon; and it is by no means certain that the early prophets in Israel identified Sabbath with the festival of the full moon.

The wealth of learning and ingenuity expended in the search for the origin of the Sabbath has up to the present yielded small returns.

II. History of the Sabbath After Moses.

1. In the Old Testament:

The early prophets and historians occasionally make mention of the Sabbath. It is sometimes named in connection with the festival of the new moon (2 Kings 4:23; Amos 8:5; Hosea 2:11; Isaiah 1:13; Ezekiel 46:3 ). The prophets found fault with the worship on the Sabbath, because it was not spiritual nor prompted by love and gratitude. The Sabbath is exalted by the great prophets who faced the crisis of the Babylonian exile as one of the most valuable institutions in Israel's life. Great promises are attached to faithful observance of the holy day, and confession is made of Israel's unfaithfulness in profaning the Sabbath (Jeremiah 17:21-27; Isaiah 56:2 , Isaiah 56:4; Isaiah 58:13; Ezekiel 20:12-24 ). In the Persian period Nehemiah struggled earnestly to make the people of Jerusalem observe the law of the Sabbath (Nehemiah 10:31; Nehemiah 13:15-22 ).

2. In the Inter-Testamental Period:

With the development of the synagogue the Sabbath became a day of worship and of study of the Law, as well as a day of cessation from all secular employment. That the pious in Israel carefully observed the Sabbath is clear from the conduct of the Maccabees and their followers, who at first declined to resist the onslaught made by their enemies on the Sabbath (1 Maccabees 2:29-38 ); but necessity drove the faithful to defend themselves against hostile attack on the Sabbath (1 Maccabees 2:39-41 ). It was during the period between Ezra and the Christian era that the spirit of Jewish legalism flourished. Innumerable restrictions and rules were formulated for the conduct of life under the Law. Great principles were lost to sight in the mass of petty details. Two entire treatises of the Mishna, Shabbāth and ‛Ērūbhı̄n , are devoted to the details of Sabbath observance. The subject is touched upon in other parts of the Mishna; and in the Gemara there are extended discussions, with citations of the often divergent opinions of the rabbis. In the Mishna ( Shahbāth , vii. 2) there are 39 classes of prohibited actions with regard to the Sabbath, and there is much hair-splitting in working out the details. The beginnings of this elaborate definition of actions permitted and actions forbidden are to be found in the centuries immediately preceding the Christian era. The movement was at flood tide during our Lord's earthly ministry and continued for centuries afterward, in spite of His frequent and vigorous protests.

3. Jesus and the Sabbath:

Apart from His claim to be the Messiah, there is no subject on which our Lord came into such sharp conflict with the religious leaders of the Jews as in the matter of Sabbath observance. He set Himself squarely against the current rabbinic restrictions as contrary to the spirit of the original law of the Sabbath. The rabbis seemed to think that the Sabbath was an end in itself, an institution to which the pious Israelite must subject all his personal interests; in other words, that man was made for the Sabbath: man might suffer hardship, but the institution must be preserved inviolate. Jesus, on the contrary, taught that the Sabbath was made for man's benefit. If there should arise a conflict between man's needs and the letter of the Law, man's higher interests and needs must take precedence over the law of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-14; Mk 2:23 through 3:6; Luke 6:1-11; also Jn 5:1-18; Luke 13:10-17; Luke 14:1-6 ). There is no reason to think that Jesus meant to discredit the Sabbath as an institution. It was His custom to attend worship in the synagogue on the Sabbath (Luke 4:16 ). The humane element in the rest day at the end of every week must have appealed to His sympathetic nature. It was the one precept of the Decalogue that was predominantly ceremonial, though it had distinct sociological and moral value. As an institution for the benefit of toiling men and animals, Jesus held the Sabbath in high regard. As the Messiah, He was not subject to its restrictions; He could at any moment assert His lordship over the Sabbath (Mark 2:28 ). The institution was not on a par with the great moral precepts, which are unchangeable. It is worthy of note that, while Jesus pushed the moral precepts of the Decalogue into the inner realm of thought and desire, thus making the requirement more difficult and the law more exacting, He fought for a more liberal and lenient interpretation of the law of the Sabbath. Rigorous sabbatarians must look elsewhere for a champion of their views.

4. Paul and the Sabbath:

The early Christians kept the 7th day as a Sabbath, much after the fashion of other Jews. Gradually the 1st day of the week came to be recognized as the day on which the followers of Jesus would meet for worship. The resurrection of our Lord on that day made it for Christians the most joyous day of all the week. When Gentiles were admitted into the church, the question at once arose whether they should be required to keep the Law of Moses. It is the glory of Paul that he fought for and won freedom for his Gentile fellow-Christians. It is significant of the attitude of the apostles that the decrees of the Council at Jerusalem made no mention of Sabbath observance in the requirements laid upon Gentile Christians (Acts 15:28 f). Paul boldly contended that believers in Jesus, whether Jew or Gentile, were set free from the burdens of the Mosaic Law. Even circumcision counted for nothing, now that men were saved by believing in Jesus ( Galatians 5:6 ). Christian liberty as proclaimed by Paul included all days and seasons. A man could observe special days or not, just as his own judgment and conscience might dictate (Romans 14:5 f); but in all such matters one ought to be careful not to put a stumblingblock in a brother's way ( Romans 14:13 ff). That Paul contended for personal freedom in respect of the Sabbath is made quite clear in Colossians 2:16 f, where he groups together dietary laws, feast days, new moons and sabbaths. The early Christians brought over into their mode of observing the Lord's Day the best elements of the Jewish Sabbath, without its onerous restrictions.) See further LORD 'S DAY; ETHICS OF JESUS , I., 3., (1).


J. A. Hessey, Sunday, Its Origin, History, and Present Obligation (Bampton Lectures for 1860); Zahn, Geschichte des Sonntags , 1878; Davis, Genesis and Semitic Tradition , 1894,23-35; Jastrow, "The Original Character of the Heb Sabbath," AJT , II, 1898,312-52; Toy, "The Earliest Form of the Sabbath," JBL , XVIII . 1899,190-94; W. Lotz, Questionum de historia Sabbati libri duo , 1883; Nowack, Hebr. Arch ., II, 1894,140 ff; Driver, HDB , IV, 1902,317-23; ICC , on "Gen," 1911,35-39; Dillmann, Ex u. Lev3 , 1897,212-16; Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah , II, 1883,51-62,777-87; Broadus, Commentary on Mt , 256-61; EB , IV, 1903,4173-80; Gunkel, Gen3 , 1910,114-16; Meinhold, Sabbat u. Woche im Altes Testament , 1905; Beer, Schabbath , 1908.

III. Seventh-Day Adventist Position

The views entertained by Seventh-Day Adventists concerning the nature and obligation of the Sabbath may conveniently be presented under three general divisions: (1) what the Bible says concerning the Sabbath; (2) what history says concerning the Sabbath; (3) the significance of the Sabbath.

1. What the Bible Says Concerning the Sabbath:

(1) Old Testament Teaching.

In their views concerning the institution and primal obligation of the Sabbath, Seventh-Day Adventists are in harmony with the views held by the early representatives of nearly all the evangelical denominations. The Sabbath is coeval with the finishing of creation, and the main facts connected with establishing it are recorded in Genesis 2:2 , Genesis 2:3 . The blessing here placed upon the seventh day distinguishes it from the other days of the week, and the day thus blessed was "sanctified" (King James Version, Revised Version "hallowed") and set apart for man.

That the Sabbath thus instituted was well known throughout the Patriarchal age is clearly established both by direct evidence and by necessary inference.

"If we had no other passage than this of Genesis 2:3 , there would be no difficulty in deducing from it a precept for the universal observance of a Sabbath, or seventh day, to be devoted to God as holy time by all of that race for whom the earth and all things therein were specially prepared. The first men must have known it. The words, 'He hallowed it,' can have no meaning otherwise. They would be a blank unless in reference to some who were required to keep it holy" (Lange's Commentary on Genesis 2:3 , I, 197).

"And the day arrived when Moses went to Goshen to see his brethren, that he saw the children of Israel in their burdens and hard labor, and Moses was grieved on their account. And Moses returned to Egypt and came to the house of Pharaoh, and came before the king, and Moses bowed down before the king. And Moses said unto Pharaoh, I pray thee, my lord, I have come to seek a small request from thee, turn not away my face empty; and Pharaoh said unto him, Speak. And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Let there be given unto thy servants the children of Israel who are in Goshen, one day to rest therein from their labor. And the king answered Moses and said, Behold I have lifted up thy face in this thing to grant thy request. And Pharaoh ordered a proclamation to be issued throughout Egypt and Goshen, saying, To you, all the children of Israel, thus says the king, for six days you shall do your work and labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest, and shall not perform any work; thus shall you do in all the days, as the king and Moses the son of Bathia have commanded. And Moses rejoiced at this thing which the king had granted to him, and all the children of Israel did as Moses ordered them. For this thing was from the Lord to the children of Israel, for the Lord had begun to remember the children of Israel to save them for the sake of their fathers. And the Lord was with Moses, and his fame went throughout Egypt. And Moses became great in the eyes of all the Egyptians, and in the eyes of all the children of Israel, seeking good for his people Israel, and speaking words of peace regarding them to the king" ( Book of Jashar 70 41-51, published by Noah and Gould, New York, 1840).

"Hence, you can see that the Sabbath was before the Law of Moses came, and has existed from the beginning of the world. Especially have the devout, who have preserved the true faith, met together and called upon God on this day" (Luther's Works, XXXV , p. 330).

"Why should God begin two thousand years after (the creation of the world) to give men a Sabbath upon the reason of His rest from the creation of it, if He had never called man to that commemoration before? And it is certain that the Sabbath was observed at the falling of the manna before the giving of the Law; and let any considering Christian judge...(1) whether the not falling of manna, or the rest of God after the creation, was like to be the original reason of the Sabbath; (2) and whether, if it had been the first, it would not have been said, Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day; for on six days the manna fell, and not on the seventh; rather than for in six days God created heaven and earth, etc., and rested the seventh day.' And it is casually added, 'Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.' Nay, consider whether this annexed reason intimates not that the day on this ground being hallowed before, therefore it was that God sent not down the manna on that day, and that He prhibited the people from seeking it" (Richard Baxter, Practical Works , III, 774, edition 1707).

That the Sabbath was known to those who came out of Egypt, even before the giving of the Law at Sinai, is shown from the experience with the manna, as recorded in Exodus 16:22-30 . The double portion on the sixth day, and its preservation, was the constantly recurring miracle which reminded the people of their obligation to observe the Sabbath, and that the Sabbath was a definite day, the seventh day. To the people, first wondering at this remarkable occurrence, Moses said, "This is that which the Lord hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the Lord" (Exodus 16:23 , King James Version). And to some who went out to gather manna on the seventh day, the Lord administered this rebuke: "How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?" (Exodus 16:28 ). All this shows that the Sabbath law was well understood, and that the failure to observe it rendered the people justly subject to Divine reproof.

At Sinai, the Sabbath which was instituted at creation, and had been observed during the intervening centuries, was embodied in that formal statement of man's duties usually designated as the "Ten Commandments." It is treated as an institution already well known and the command is, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8 ). In the 4th commandment the basis of the Sabbath is revealed. It is a memorial of the Creator's rest at the close of those six days in which He made "heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." For this reason "Yahweh blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." This blessing was not placed upon the day at Sinai, but in the beginning, when "God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it" (Genesis 2:3 ).

From the very nature of the basis of the Sabbath, as set forth in this commandment, both the institution itself and the definite day of the Sabbath are of a permanent nature. So long as it is true that God created heaven and earth, and all things therein, so long will the Sabbath remain as a memorial of that work; and so long as it is true that this creative work was completed in six days, and that God Himself rested on the seventh day, and was refreshed in the enjoyment of His completed work, so long will it be true that the memorial of that work can properly be celebrated only upon the seventh day of the week.

During all the period from the deliverance out of Egypt to the captivity in Babylon, the people of God were distinguished from the nations about them by the worship of the only true God, and the observance of His holy day. The proper observance of the true Sabbath would preserve them from idolatry, being a constant reminder of the one God, the Creator of all things. Even when Jerusalem was suffering from the attacks of the Babylonians, God assured His people, through the prophet Jeremiah, that if they would hallow the Sabbath day, great should be their prosperity, and the city should remain forever (Jeremiah 17:18 ). This shows that the spiritual observance of the Sabbath was the supreme test of their right relation to God. In those prophecies of Isaiah, which deal primarily with the restoration from Babylon, remarkable promises were made to those who would observe the Sabbath, as recorded in Isaiah 56:1-7 .

(2) New Testament Teaching.

From the record found in the four Gospels, it is plain that the Jews during all the previous centuries had preserved a knowledge both of the Sabbath institution and of the definite day. It is equally plain that they had made the Sabbath burdensome by their own rigorous exactions concerning it. And Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath, both by example and by precept, brushed aside these traditions of men that He might reveal the Sabbath of the commandment as God gave it - a blessing and not a burden. A careful reading of the testimony of the evangelists will show that Christ taught the observance of the commandments of God, rather than the traditions of men, and that the charge of Sabbath-breaking was brought against Him for no other reason than that He refused to allow the requirements of man to change the Sabbath, blessed of God, into a merely human institution, grievous in its nature, and enforced upon the people with many and troublesome restrictions.

All are agreed that Christ and His disciples observed the seventh-day Sabbath previous to the crucifixion. That His followers had received no intimation of any proposed change at His death, is evident from the recorded fact that on the day when He was in the tomb they rested, "on the sabbath ... according to the commandment" (Luke 23:56 ); and that they treated the following day, the first day of the week, the same as of old, is further evident, as upon that day they came unto the sepulcher for the purpose of anointing the body of Jesus. In the Book of Acts, which gives a brief history of the work of the disciples in proclaiming the gospel of a risen Saviour, no other Sabbath is recognized than the seventh day, and this is mentioned in the most natural way as the proper designation of a well-known institution (Acts 13:14 , Acts 13:27 , Acts 13:42; Acts 16:13; Acts 18:4 ).

In our Lord's great prophecy, in which He foretold the experience of the church between the first and the second advent, He recognized the seventh-day Sabbath as an existing institution at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD), when He instructed His disciples, "Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath" (Matthew 24:20 ). Such instruction given in these words, and at that time, would have been confusing in the extreme, had there been any such thing contemplated as the overthrow of the Sabbath law at the crucifixion, and the substitution of another day upon an entirely different basis.

That the original Sabbath is to be observed, not only during the present order of things, but also after the restoration when, according to the vision of the revelator, a new heaven and a new earth will take the place of the heaven and the earth that now are, is clearly intimated in the words of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah: "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith Yahweh, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith Yahweh" (Isaiah 66:22 , Isaiah 66:23 ).

Seventh-Day Adventists regard the effort to establish the observance of another day than the seventh by using such texts as John 20:19 , John 20:26; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1 , 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10 as being merely an afterthought, an effort to find warrant for an observance established upon other than Biblical authority. During the last two or three centuries there has been a movement for the restoration of the original seventh-day Sabbath, not as a Jewish, but as a Christian, institution. This work, commenced and carried forward by the Seventh-Day Baptists, has been taken up and pushed with renewed vigor by the Seventh-Day Adventists during the present generation, and the Bible teaching concerning the true Sabbath is now being presented in nearly every country, both civilized and uncivilized, on the face of the earth.

2. What History Says About the Sabbath:

(1) Josephus.

This summary of history must necessarily be brief, and it will be impossible, for lack of space, to quote authorities. From the testimony of Josephus it is clear that the Jews, as a nation, continued to observe the seventh-day Sabbath until their overthrow, when Jerusalem was captured by Titus, 70 AD. As colonies, and individuals, scattered over the face of the earth, the Jews have preserved a knowledge of the original Sabbath, and the definite day, until the present time. They constitute a living testimony for the benefit of all who desire to know the truth of this matter.

(2) Church History.

According to church history, the seventh-day Sabbath was observed by the early church, and no other day was observed as a Sabbath during the first two or three centuries (see HDB , IV, 322 b).

In the oft-repeated letter of Pliny, the Roman governor of Bithynia, to the emperor Trajan, written about 112 AD, there occurs the expression, "a certain stated day," which is usually assumed to mean Sunday. With reference to this matter W.B. Taylor, in Historical Commentaries , chapter i, section 47, makes the following statement: "As the Sabbath day appears to have been quite as commonly observed at this date as the sun's day (if not even more so), it is just as probable that this 'stated day' referred to by Pliny was the 7th day as that it was the 1st day; though the latter is generally taken for granted." "Sunday was distinguished as a day of joy by the circumstances that men did not fast upon it, and that they prayed standing up and not kneeling, as Christ had now been raised from the dead. The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was always only a human ordinance, and it was far from the intentions of the apostles to establish a divine command in this respect, far from them, and from the early apostolic church, to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday. Perhaps at the end of the 2nd century, a false application of this kind had begun to take place; for men appear by that time to have considered laboring on Sunday as a sin" (Tertullian De Orat ., c. 23). This quotation is taken from Rose's Neander , London, 1831, I, 33 f, and is the correct translation from Neander's first German edition, Hamburg, 1826, I, pt. 2, p. 339. Neander has in his 2nd edition, 1842, omitted the second sentence, in which he expressly stated that Sunday was only a human ordinance, but he has added nothing to the contrary. "The Christians in the ancient church very soon distinguished the first day of the week, Sunday; however, not as a Sabbath, but as an assembly day of the church, to study the Word of God together and to celebrate the ordinances one with another: without a shadow of doubt this took place as early as the first part of the 2nd century" ( Geschichte des Sonntags , 60).

Gradually, however, the first day of the week came into prominence as an added day, but finally by civil and ecclesiastical authority as a required observance. The first legislation on this subject was the famous law of Constantine, enacted 321 AD. The acts of various councils during the 4th and 5th centuries established the observance of the first day of the week by ecclesiastical authority, and in the great apostasy which followed, the rival day obtained the ascendancy. During the centuries which followed, however, there were always witnesses for the true Sabbath, although under great persecution. And thus in various lands, the knowledge of the true Sabbath has been preserved.

3. The Significance of the Sabbath:

In the creation of the heavens and the earth the foundation of the gospel was laid. At the close of His created work, "God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Genesis 1:31 ). The Sabbath was both the sign and the memorial of that creative power which is able to make all things good. But man, made in the image of God, lost that image through sin. In the gospel, provision is made for the restoration of the image of God in the soul of man. The Creator is the Redeemer and redemption is the new creation. Since the Sabbath was the sign of that creative power which worked in Christ, the Word, in the making of the heaven and the earth and all things therein, so it is the sign of that same creative power working through the same eternal Word for the restoration of all things. "Wherefore if any man is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17 margin). "For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation" ( Galatians 6:15 margin). "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them" ( Ephesians 2:10 ).

A concrete illustration of this gospel meaning of the Sabbath is found in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. The same creative power which wrought in the beginning was exercised in the signs and miracles which preceded their deliverance, and in those miracles, such as the opening of the Red Sea, the giving of the manna, and the water from the rock, which attended the journeyings of the Israelites. In consequence of these manifestations of creative power in their behalf, the children of Israel were instructed to remember in their observance of the Sabbath that they were bondsmen in the land of Egypt. Israel's deliverance from Egypt is the type of every man's deliverance from sin; and the instruction to Israel concerning the Sabbath shows its true significance in the gospel of salvation from sin, and the new creation in the image of God.

Furthermore, the seventh-day Sabbath is the sign of both the divinity and the deity of Christ. God only can create. He through whom this work is wrought must be one with God. To this the Scriptures testify: "In the beginning was the Word,... and the Word was God.... All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made." But this same Word which was with God, and was God, "became flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1:1 , John 1:3 , John 1:14 ). This is the eternal Son, "in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace" (Ephesians 1:7 ). To the Christian the Sabbath, which was the sign and memorial of that divine power which wrought through the eternal Word in the creation of the heaven and the earth, becomes the sign of the same power working through the same eternal Son to accomplish the new creation, and is thus the sign of both the divinity and the deity of Christ.

Inasmuch as the redemptive work finds its chiefest expression in the cross of Christ, the Sabbath, which is the sign of that redemptive work, becomes the sign of the cross.

Seventh-Day Adventists teach and practice the observance of the Sabbath, not because they believe in salvation through man's effort to keep the law of God, but because they believe in that salvation which alone can be accomplished by the creative power of God working through the eternal Son to create believers anew in Christ Jesus.

Seventh-Day Adventists believe, and teach, that the observance of any other day than the seventh as the Sabbath is the sign of that predicted apostasy in which the man of sin would be revealed who would exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped.

Seventh-Day Adventists believe, and teach, that the observance of the true Sabbath in this generation is a part of that gospel work which is to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.